The Retrofit Method of Reinforced Concrete Beams to Bending Behavior with Overlapping on Half and Third of Beams
Sumarni Kala (a*), Herman Parung (b), A. Arwin Amiruddin (b)

(a) Structure Program of Graduate School of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
* sumarnikala[at]
(b) Civil Department of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia


In each building or construction, the length of reinforced concrete will vary while generally the length of reinforcement produced in Indonesia is 12 m. A connection is made to resolve the use of long bars. On the beam, a connection should be placed on experiences low tensile stress so that the tensile force can be well distributed. If the length of the joint is smaller or the location of the joint is not right then it causes the flexural behavior of a beam to cause damage to the concrete. For damage that occurs in concrete, the retrofit method using wiremesh and self-compacting concrete (SCC) can be a solution. The purpose of this study was to analyze the comparison of the effect of joints on half and a third of the stretch on reinforced concrete beams reinforced with wiremesh and SCC

Keywords: reinforced concrete, overlapping

Topic: Civil Engineering

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