The Use of SIMCA Method and NIR Spectroscopy with Two Different Hand Held and Portable Spectrometers Equipped with Integrating Sphere for Classification of Three Different Indonesian Specialty Coffees
Diding Suhandy (a*), Meinilwita Yulia (b), Shinichiro Kuroki (c), Kohei Nakano (d)

a)Spectroscopy Research Group (SRG), Laboratory of Bioprocess and Postharvest Engineering, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Lampung, Jl. Prof. Dr. Soemantri Brojonegoro No.1, Bandar Lampung, 35145, IndonesiaThe University of Lampung
b) Department of Agricultural Technology, Lampung State Polytechnic, Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 10, Rajabasa Bandar Lampung, 35141, Indonesia
c) Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
d) The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University, Gifu Prefecture 501-1193, Japan


The objective of this study is to evaluate the use of SIMCA method and NIR spectroscopy with two different hand held and portable spectrometers equipped with integrating sphere for classification of three different Indonesian specialty coffees. Three specialty coffees from three different origins were used: Gayo coffee from Aceh 10 samples, Kintamani from Bali 10 samples and Wamena from Papua 10 samples. All samples were roasted at same condition (medium roasting at temperature of 200°C for 10 minutes). Samples were grinded using a home coffee grinder and sieved using 50 mesh to obtain homogenous particle size of 297 micrometer. Spectral data in the visible and near infrared range was measured in a diffuse reflectance mode using two hand held and portable spectrometers equipped with an integrating sphere (ISP-REF, Ocean Optics, USA). The integrating sphere is coated with Spectralon® and installed a built-in tungsten-halogen light source. The supervised classification method based on SIMCA method was applied for original and preprocessed spectral data. The result demonstrated that the classification was satisfied with 100% of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity.

Keywords: SIMCA, NIR spectroscopy, Specialty coffee, Portable spectrometer, Integrating sphere

Topic: Chemical Engineering

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