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31 Computer-based learning ABS-62

Can Virtual Learning Guide and Train Pre-Service Teachers to Write Lesson Plan?
Novi Yanthi, Yeni Yuniarti, Rendi Restiana Sukardi, Dede Trie Kurniawan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The research aims to investigate the impact of the virtual learning implementation to pre-service primary school teacher capability in writing a learning instruction based on the STEM approach. One-shot case study served as the method of the research. Forty pre-service primary school teachers were chosen as participants by the purposive sampling technique. They were guided and trained to write a lesson plan based on the STEM approach through virtual learning. Content representation (CoRe) questions and lesson plan analysis format were used to identify the lesson plan. The data were analyzed through the triangulation process to gain comprehensive findings. The results showed that pre-service primary school teachers have an understanding of the learning instruction based STEM approach. Unfortunately, they have not been able to show the engineering development process (EDP) optimally in their lesson plan. These findings indicate that the improvement of virtual learning is still needed.

Keywords: pre-service teachers, STEM, CoRe, virtual learning

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32 Computer-based learning ABS-63

Applying Mobile Learning in the Elementary Social Studies Teaching
Muh. Husen Arifin, Tin Rustini, Yona Wahyuningsih

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study describes the application of mobile learning in social studies teaching in elementary schools. The elementary school teacher explained about his experience in social studies teaching with technology. Teaching that is carried out by the teacher uses technology that is close to the students. Many teachers still find it difficult that the demands of online learning make preparation difficult at school. Uniquely, teachers use mobile learning as a teaching strategy that shapes students enthusiastically about social studies learning in the classroom. The research method uses a qualitative approach through observation, interviews, and validating well. The use of technology integration in social studies teaching in elementary schools provides a perspective that can improve teaching skills to increase effectiveness for teachers as part of the technological era, and motivate teachers to teach social studies education in the classroom. The results of this study are that applying mobile learning in social studies teaching in elementary schools will provide many variations for teachers to produce creative social studies learning for students. It is clear, that the use of technology is the foundation for the development of electronic pedagogical content knowledge and skills.

Keywords: elementary social studies, mobile learning

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33 Computer-based learning ABS-64

How to Strengthen Local Wisdom of Ethno-Science through Eco-Citizenship?
Solihin Ichas Hamid

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Post-modernization era brings fundamental instrumental changes to the weakening of local wisdom values such as ethno-science concepts. The purpose of this study was exploring how to strengthen local wisdom through the concept of ethno-science with academic collaboration on school curricular activities and participation of young citizens in social society. This research method was ethnographic-semiotic and historical-sociological analysis. The findings of this study were described critically-analytically. The results showed that the principle of eco-citizenship can be used as an approach to reinforce local wisdom related to ethno-science concepts among young citizens through virtual platform. The implication is that the strengthen local wisdom of ethno-science through eco-citizenship is expected to raise awareness of young citizens as the heirs of the rich diversity of traditions to recognize, promote, and maintain ethno-science culture in the context of citizenship both nationally and globally.

Keywords: Post-modernization, instrumental, ethno-science, eco-citizenship

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34 Computer-based learning ABS-66

The Potential of Digital Children Storybook Platforms in Developing Literacy Competence of Elementary School Students during and after CoVid 19 Outbreak
Nadia Tiara Antik Sari (a*), Gilang Rajasa (b), Neneng Sri Wulan (c), Syifaul Fuada (d), Choiry Nurul As Tarte (e), Bella Shabrina Priyadi (f), Ghea Sandra Pratiwi (g)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


During the CoVid 19 pandemic situation, technology gains even more central and pivotal role in evey aspects of life including education. The present study focuses on the use of digital children story book platform i.e. Let’s Read app and web which are developed by The Asia Foundation. We investigated the traffic data in both of the platforms before and after the CoVid-19 outbreak. In addition, we interviewed one of GLS SD members (Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Sekolah Dasar) of Kemendikbud, who is also involved in contributing the platforms, Ibu Sofie Dewayani Ph.D. It is found that there is a very significant increase of visits in both of the platforms during the pandemic in which has been requiring students to do BDR (Belajar dari Rumah/ Study from Home program). Confirmed to the GLS SD member, Kemendikbud is acknowledging the potential of the digital children story book platforms and is developing programs to incorporate them in the BDR program.

Keywords: digital children story book platform, let’s read app, web

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35 Computer-based learning ABS-67

Data Infrastructure and Information Design of E-Learning in Primary School
Hendriyana (a*) and M. Ridwan Sutisna (b)

a) Program Studi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


The Industrial Revolution 4.0 presents technologies that make it easier for humans to help fulfill their daily activities, one of them is exchange of information through the internet. Information accessed using internet makes easy because can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and there are no limited on the device used. The software that is often used to access this information is a browser which is a website-based tool. It can also be used as a learning media by academics and students are called electronic learning or e-learning. Academics and students can easily get the information they need.
Information on e-learning creates new sources of wealth. However, large data have problems is information overload that results in information that is related or not related to needs. Therefore, it is necessary to call information according to either the provider or recipient of information in an e-learning container stored in a database based on the information content using the Data Manipulation Language (DML) in the Structure Query Language (SQL). This research boundary to the database design for the development of e-learning for elementary school environments, starting from analysis, designing relationships between data using Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Context Diagrams and Data Flow Diagram (DFD).

Keywords: E-Learning, Primary School, Information System, Query Language, Data Flow Diagram.

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36 Computer-based learning ABS-73

Amanda Puspanditaning Sejati, Deddy Suryana, Sifa Rini Handayani, Dedah Ningrum, Emi Lindayani

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The digitization of learning is one way to keep education going in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic crisis. This disaster is a new phenomenon that has hit most countries including Indonesia, so the studies of the popular content of learning used, especially in elementary schools during the pandemic have not been studied much. Therefore, this study aims to describe popular digital learning content at the basic education level during the pandemic crisis. Qualitative descriptive research method was the approach used in this study. The data analyzed were learning videos that popular at the beginning of the 2020/2021 school year which were displayed on the Rumah Belajar application. The data were collected using document study techniques. Some conclusions that can be drawn from this study include popular digital content for elementary schools which is dominated by science (46.67%) and mathematics (40%) learning, and the learning content accessed widely is learning materials for grade VI (53.33%). The results of this study are expected to be an input for education activists to develop learning media, especially in digital form.

Keywords: Digital Learning, Covid19 Pandemic, Digital Content, Popular Content

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37 Computer-based learning ABS-78

Technology Literacy for Prospective Physical Education Teachers
Entan Saptani, Anin Rukmana, Tedi Supriyadi, N N Afidah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung-Indonesia


To improve academic writing skills, prospective Physical Education teachers need to be equipped with technology literacy to use literature from reliable and credible sources. Therefore, this study aims at improving the technology literacy of prospective Physical Education teachers in finding literature from reputable journals by utilizing the Publish or Perish (POP) application. The study was carried out in five stages, namely 1). Searching and downloading POP 2). Installing POP 3). Learning the Features of POP 4). Browsing the Literature 5). Evaluating the Learning Process. The participants include 15 students consisting of 8 male and 7 female participants coming from various regions in West Java. From the study, it was found that 1). By using POP, students could search literature from various reliable data sources. 2). By using POP, students could browse literatures within a certain time span 3). POP made it easy to browse reputable literature sources. 4). 83% of the references used by students in academic writing came from reputable journals. Thus, it can be concluded that the POP application provides easy access for students in browsing reputable literature sources, especially journal literatures from reputable publishers.

Keywords: academic writing, technology literacy,

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38 Computer-based learning ABS-80

Technology Integration in Hadith Learning
Tedi Supriyadi, J Julia, Wawan Hermawan, Agus Fakhruddin. M I Firmansyah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung-Indonesia


In studying Islamic teachings, referring to authentic and reliable sources is a requirement. For some Muslims in Indonesia, especially students, referencing these primary sources is hindered by several difficulties. Apart from the language barrier in understanding references in Arabic, the cost of getting access to these sources is also high. Along with technological developments, efforts to digitize the works of scholars have been carried out, one of which is in the Encyclopedia of Hadith: Book of 9 Imams (EHK9I – Ensiklopedi Hadits Kitab 9 Imam) application. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing the hadith learning process by utilizing this application. The method used in this study consists of several steps, including: Searching and downloading the EHK9I application, analyzing the features of the application, carrying out the Takhrij Hadith learning process, and evaluating learning using the EHK9I application. The participants of the study include 35 students of a university in Sumedang regency. The study resulted in the following findings: 1) The EHK9I application made it easier for students to access, search for, and understand hadith from primary sources. 2). The EHK9I application made it easy to search for biographies of Hadith narrators and the opinions of scholars about the narrators. 3). Students are able to identify the quality of a hadith to be declared accepted or rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that learning hadith through the EHK9I application is very effective and efficient.

Keywords: Hadith, Technology, Learning

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39 Computer-based learning ABS-83

The Use of Interactive Multimedia Based on The Science-Technology-Society (STS) Approach on The Pedagogy Ability of Elementary School Teacher Education Students
Mareyke Jessy Tanod, Reza Rachmadtullah

STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung
Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya


This study aims to determine whether there is effectiveness in the use of multimedia based on the Science-Technology-Society (STS) approach to the pedagogical abilities of elementary school teacher education students. This study used a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design using a one-group pretest-posttest design with a control group design. The research data was tested using the Paired Samples Test t-test, which compares the mean between pretest and posttest. The results of this study showed that the use of multimedia based on the Science-Technology-Society (STS) approach obtained a significant value so that it was effectively used in understanding pedagogy skills. This study contributes theoretically that interactive multimedia has a positive impact because the learning process is more interesting, more interactive, the amount of teaching time can be reduced, the quality of learning can be improved, and the teaching and learning process can be done anywhere and anytime, and student learning attitudes can be improved.

Keywords: Interactive Multimedia, Community Science Technology, Pedagogy Ability

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40 Computer-based learning ABS-85

Development of Electronic Teaching Materials Based Flip Book Makers for Language Skills in Elementary Schools
Andri Wicaksono (a*), (b) Supriyono, (c) Fitria Akhyar

a), b) Teacher Training and Education College of the Indonesian Teachers Association in Bandar Lampung, Jalan Khairil Anwar 79, Lampung, Indonesia
c) Lampung University, Jalan Sumantri Brojonegoro, Lampung, Indonesia


This study aims to develop electronic learning materials for Indonesian language skills based Flip Book Makers. The design used is research and development with the following procedures: (1) needs analysis, (2) developing electronic teaching materials based Flip Book Makers, and (3) validating the electronic teaching materials based Flip Book Makers that have been developed. The legibility test results of the teaching materials showed that the readability criteria could be understood with an average score of 86%. From the results of the research conducted, the development of performance-based teaching materials for Indonesian language skills was deemed feasible.

Keywords: Flip Book Makers, electronic teaching materials, Indonesia language skills, elementary schools

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41 Computer-based learning ABS-86

Technology in learning dance education to preparing prospective elementary school teacher for the future
Non Dwihiera C.A, Sendi Fauzi Giwangsa

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world has also had an impact on Indonesias education sector. The government policy to carry out physical distancing makes the process of dance learning activities which are usually carried out face-to-face, changing to an online learning system. The use of technology in learning dance for prospective elementary school teachers attracted the attention of researchers to be studied. This study discusses how technology can be used in the implementation of dance education for prospective elementary school teachers. This study used a qualitative approach using literatures study, interviews, and observations as data collection methods. The descriptive method is used to describe the process and results of implementing dance education online. The results showed that technology can be used as a means to assist the practice of teaching dance education for prospective elementary school teacher. However, in some aspects there are still difficulties in teaching dance education practices using technology media, especially in the process of group dance composition.

Keywords: dance education, technology

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42 Computer-based learning ABS-87

Developing of EDGIV Web Application to Support Voluntary Teaching Program
Raditya Muhammad (a*), Mochamad Iqbal Ardimansyah (a), Hendriyana (a), Yayang Furi Furnamasari (b)

a) Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


The problem of equitable access to quality education in Indonesia is increase seen during the Covid-19 pandemic in which poor students do not have facilities as rich students. Solving the problem is our responsibility, not only the government. As a real action of the younger generation, now many social communities are working in the field of education, such as Indonesia Mengajar, Mataharikecil Indonesia, and many more. However, not all volunteers know how to teach students. It seems that the quality provided by the volunteer teachers does not meet the qualifications set by the government. This research developed a web application called Edgiv as a supporting tool for volunteers teacher to teach students from preparation, execution, up to learning evaluation. Edgiv is built using the Framework for Application of System Thinking (FAST) method with the stages consisting of Scope Definition, Problem Analysis, Requirements Analysis, Logic Design, Decision Analysis, Physical Design and Integration, Construction, and Testing, Installation & Delivery. Edgiv uses a web application so that it can be accessed from any device, any operating system, anytime, and anywhere. Making it easier for teacher volunteers to use Edgiv and helping teacher volunteers provide quality teaching

Keywords: Edgiv; FAST Method; Voluntary Teaching; Web Application

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43 Computer-based learning ABS-90

Ayung Candra Padmasari, Asep Herry Hernawan, Deti Rostika, Yona Wahyuningtyas

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The need for digital learning media is currently starting to increase, the use of conventional learning media has become less attractive to students of the current generation. This problem poses its own challenges in creating innovative and modern designs and media as one of the solutions to complement the needs of the 21st century. Especially now, the need for digital learning media is starting to increase because the current generation of elementary school students is a generation that easily adapts to technology. Researchers have designed a digital map with a hand gesture recognition as a navigation control instead of a keyboard and mouse. The purpose of this research is to create a more interesting historical learning media by combining interactive multimedia concepts. After the application is made, the next step is validating User Experience (UX) in the form of usability testing to see user responses. The questionnaire was distributed consisting of 17 questions which were grouped into 4 usability variables. This study involved 50 respondents of grade 4 elementary school students in 5 schools in the Cibiru hilir area of Bandung. The results of usability testing are processed using a linkert scale and get 4 usability variables with a percentage result 80.5% learnability with very good category, 75.2% system performance with good category, 80.5% memorability, very good category. 83.3% satisfaction with very good category.

Keywords: Usability, Digital Map, Hand Gesture, History, Media

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44 Computer-based learning ABS-94

H Hernawan1, W Rifqiana2, DBI Taofik3, and LS Mulyani4

1,3,4 Prodi Pendidikan Biologi Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. Pahlawan no 32 Sukagalih Garut 44151

2Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (PPPPTK IPA) Bandung

corresponding author: hudianahernawan[at]


This paper discusses the results of an experimental study on the implementation of computer-assisted science teaching in an elementary school in Indonesia. With a goal to enhance student learning interests and outcomes, we experimented a science teaching practice using a computer adventure game. To this end, we involved as many as 31 students in our study. Student learning interests were measured using questionnaires. After conducting three experiments, we found that the use of a computer game effectively improved their interests in learning science. In addition, the improvement was made in their learning outcomes.

Keywords: computer-assisted instruction, computer game-based science teaching, science teaching in elementary school

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45 Computer-based learning ABS-96

Video Project Assessment as a Way of Promoting Students’ Speaking Skill during Emergency Remote Teaching
Erwin Rahayu Saputra

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Emergency remote teaching during pandemic Covid-19 focuses on not only how the teachers teach the students well but also how the students are assessed appropriately. This becomes one of the concern of the development of digital learning which puts forward the use of the authentic learning and assessment. As one of authentic assessment, video project can, of course, serve several interests for teacher and students. This issue is discussed through the study documented in this paper which employs case study qualitative design. The data coming from one class of university students conducting video project were obtained by using observation and interview and later were analyzed using thematic analysis model in relation to the concerns of the study. The findings demonstrate that several benefits, mainly they that deal with students’ speaking skill, were promoted by the implementation of video project assessment in the ELT classroom. Although some issues remained in the implementation, both teacher and students were benefited from the use of this kind of assessment. It, therefore, can suggest the use of this kind of assessment as an alternative way of promoting and assessing students’ speaking skill during online learning.

Keywords: authentic assessment, emergency remote teaching, project assessment, speaking skill, video project

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46 Computer-based learning ABS-97

Students’ experience of online game-based assessment tool during emergency remote teaching
Erwin Rahayu Saputra; Nandang Rusmana

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Emergency remote teaching makes teachers should review the appropriate way of assessing students appropriately. Various programs and applications have been developed to assess students online. However, as learners do not always perceive learning tool effectiveness in the same way as educators, this study tries to investigate the perspectives of learners regarding the use of game-based assessment tool, namely Quizizz. The perceptions of sixty freshmen college students regarding the use of this tool are documented using questionnaires. The main findings of the study show that the students demonstrated positive attitudes towards the use of Quizlet during emergency remote teaching. They perceived it as a useful program that was easy to use, and they reported the intention to use it in the future in the post-pandemic era. Besides, this program could enhance students’ learning engagement in terms of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional engagement. It, therefore, can be concluded that Quizizz becomes an alternative way of assessing the students online, while at the same time promoting their learning engagement

Keywords: emergency remote teaching; game-based assessment; students learning engagement

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47 Computer-based learning ABS-98

Creating Songs Using Online Software
J. Julia, Prana Dwija Iswara, Tedi Supriyadi

Elementary Teacher Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


In an era of social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a method is needed for music educators to remain productive in creating and fulfilling music teaching materials without involving other parties. One feasible solution is to use online software to compose music or songs. This article elaborates a method to easily compose musical accompaniments and melodies using an online software, Hookpad. There are six steps in composing a song melody and its accompaniment: (1) preparing a music sheet online via a browser, (2) setting meters, keys, and tempo, (3) selecting musical instruments or sound patches, (4) selecting the chords pattern, (5) filling in the melody, and (6) exporting to a WAVE/MP3/MIDI file. Creating songs using online software is very effective in terms of processing time and can minimize the number of people involved in the work and can produce good quality sounds. In conclusion, Hookpad online music software can be a solution for working in solitary with satisfying music sound quality.

Keywords: creating songs, online music software, Hookpad, Hooktheory

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48 Computer-based learning ABS-99

Making Media for Learning Musical Instruments Using the Scratch Application
J. Julia (a*), Sandie Gunara (b), Prana Dwija Iswara (a)

a) Elementary Teacher Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Music Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


The challenge for music educators in distance learning is the inability to practice teaching musical instruments directly to students. This article aims to bridge music educators so that they can still teach musical instruments to students and the students can continue to learn music even though they are learning from home. The solution offered is learning music using the Scratch application on a laptop or desktop computer as the controller. There are five steps to make music learning media using the Scratch application: (1) downloading and installing the Scratch Desktop application, (2) making designs or icons for each music scale, (3) recording or inputting sound musical instruments, (4) setting the buttons for each musical scale, and (5) playing the musical compositions. The Scratch application was effective in making learning media for learning musical instruments, learning to recognize the sounds of musical instruments, and learning to memorize song melodies. In conclusion, the Scratch application can be a solution for creating computer-based learning media for musical instruments.

Keywords: music learning media, Scratch application, distance learning of music

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49 Computer-based learning ABS-100

The Use of Google Classroom for Teaching Elementary School Students
Tommy Hastomo*, Febriyantina Istiara, Eva Nurchurifiani

English Education Study Program, STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia


In the development of the internet era, classroom learning changes from traditional teaching to online learning. The purpose of this research is to report action research which was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of google classroom on students’ learning performance in one of the elementary schools in Bandar Lampung. The participants were 30 students who studying English. The researchers conducted some exercises, discussions, quizzes, and activities on Google Classroom based on three lessons plans that were applied to teach the students in the writing course. Analysis of students’ second writing shows a significant improvement in students’ writing. The students have positive perceptions towards using Google Classroom in language learning based on a post-treatment questionnaire result.

Keywords: google classroom; writing; action research

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50 Computer-based learning ABS-102

Application of Youtube-Based Virtual Blended Learning as a Learning Media for Basic Movement Skills in Elementary Schools
L Nur (a)*, M S Taufik (b), A Rahadian (b), A H Kosasih (c), H Y Muslihin (a), Y Akin (a), A A Malik (d)

(a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40145, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

(b) Universitas Suryakancana, Jl. Pasirgede Raya , Cianjur 43216, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
(c) STKIP Subang, Jl. Marsinu 5, Subang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
(d)Universitas Siliwangi, Jl. Siliwangi 24, Tasikmalaya 46115, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of "learning corner using a virtual youtube-based application strives as a medium for learning basic movement skills at the Sindang Sari 1 Elementary School, Bogor City, Indonesia." The method used in this research is classroom action research. The system to be created and the implementation of a youtube-based virtual learning system. The design used is a cycle model which includes the steps of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The population used was a purposive sample of 32 students in class V. The instrument used was in the form of field notes (Duration Recording), namely the use of virtual blended learning based on YouTube physical education for basic movement skills through observation with an average of 55% so that the target achievement was determined. with an average of 80%. Based on research in cycle I (Actions I, II, and III) 80.43%, because it has exceeded the research target, it is sufficient in cycle II. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded that the learning corner using a virtual youtube-based application is quite meaningful in increasing the learning media for basic movement skills.

Keywords: Blended Learning; Movement Skills; Learning Media; Elementary School

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51 Computer-based learning ABS-103

Noviana Diswantika, Risna Rogamelia, Mareyke Jessy Tanod



This research is motivated by the fact that there are still many counselors who have not optimized the media in carrying out counseling guidance such as developing the required media. One of the technology-based counseling guidance media is a medium that has an important role in improving the quality of education. This research method uses research and development methods with research procedures, namely (1) needs analysis, (2) media development (3) validation of the media that has been developed. The readability test results of this media also showed readability criteria that were easy to understand with an average student score of 87.5%. Based on the explanation of the research that has been done, the development of android-based counseling guidance media for elementary school students is declared valid.

Keywords: android, counseling guidance, learning media

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52 Computer-based learning ABS-108

The Development of Interactive Learning Multimedia in Teaching Mathematics (Integer Number) to Junior High School Students
K A N Imania(*), Y Purwanti, S H Bariah, I Nasrulloh, N Nurazizah

Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut, Jl. Terusan Pahlawan 32, Garut 44151, Jawa Barat Indonesia.


An abstract is this study aims to create an Interactive Learning Multimedia Product Development. This development research aims to facilitate student learning activities that are in accordance with learning principles and are goal-oriented to be achieved in the learning. This interactive learning multimedia aims to be accessible by students in a more flexible manner without limited space and time, more effectively and it is also hoped that it can be more efficient in its implementation. The research method used is R & D, this development method uses the learning development model proposed by Borg and Gall, Dick & Carrey and J. Moonen. This is done because what will be developed in this research is an interactive learning multimedia development product. The stages in developing interactive learning multimedia designs include 5 stages, namely: (1) preliminary research, (2) initial product development, (3) expert validation and revision, (4) small-scale field trials and product revisions, (5) testing large-scale field and final products.

Keywords: Development, Multimedia Learning, Interactive

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53 Computer-based learning ABS-109

Learning Device in the "STEMpedia" Mobile Learning Application
G Hamdu (a*), A Mulyadiprana (a), H Mukti (a), A Yulianto (a), Karlimah (a)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Tasikmalaya, Jl. Dadaha 18, Tasikmalaya, 46115, Indonesia


Access to the results of the audience and the use of innovative mobile learning with the aim of innovation, skills in technology, and media information are indispensable. The implementation of STEM learning as innovative learning in elementary school must be accessible to the teacher in real life. STEMpedias mobile learning application was developed using Design-Based Research model Reeves, which consists of four stages: 2) identification and analysis of the problem; 2) Development of solutions based on information obtained; 3) Perform repeated processes to test and repair; 4) Reflections. The results of this research in the form of mobile learning application in STEM learning in elementary school that contains learning device and video of STEM learning implementation, this mobile learning application can be accessed on Android smartphone version. The product is accessed by the teacher as a medium to learn STEM learning so that the real picture of the condition in its implementation.

Keywords: Learning Device, Mobile Learning App, STEMpedia

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54 Computer-based learning ABS-110

Social Studies Pre-service Teachers Perceptions about Designing Learning Games: Impact of Creativity and Technology Literacy
Muh. Husen Arifin, Nana Supriatna, Tin Rustini, Yona Wahyuningsih

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study explores the perception of social studies pre-service teachers about designing learning games, and the impact of the creativity and technological literacy of social studies pre-service teachers. Therefore creativity and technology have become a key educational objective, especially for social studies. The research was conducted at UPI Campus Cibiru. The method is to assign social studies pre-service teachers in elementary schools. The main data through interviews and in-depth observation. The results of this study found that social studies pre-service teachers designed learning games as a development of the impact of creativity and the use of technology in the 21st century which is very important for social studies pre-service teachers for social studies learning to produce creative social studies learning and increase the enthusiasm for social studies learning for students in elementary schools.

Keywords: creativity, learning game, social studies pre-service teachers, technology literacy

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55 Computer-based learning ABS-115

Wayan Satria Jaya (a*), Nurdin Hidayat (b), Siswo Edi Wibowo (c), Nur Fitria (d)

a) College of Teacher Training and Education PGRI Bandar Lampung, wayansatriajaya[at]
b) College of Teacher Training and Education PGRI Bandar Lampung, nurdinstkippgribl[at]
c) College of Teacher Training and Education PGRI Bandar Lampung, siswoediwibowo[at]
d) College of Teacher Training and Education PGRI Bandar Lampung, nurfitriasyukri[at]


The development of today’s education is influenced by the rapid progress of information and communication technology. One of the information technologies plays a role of online learning in the education. Online learning is currently effectively used in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia and even the world as a liaison between educators and students. The online media used by research subjects is Google Classroom. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of online learning in increasing student interest in learning. The method used in data collection was questions and answers to sources, namely the Principal, Curriculum Waka, teachers, and elementary students via telephone and WhatsApp. The results of this study can be concluded that the management of online learning based on Google Classroom during the pandemic in elementary schools can increasing interest in learning.

Keywords: Online Learning Management, Google Classrom, Learning Interest

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56 Computer-based learning ABS-118

Development of traditional wayang arts using recycled waste material and new information technology as a creative learning media
Rival Ramadhan(a*), Cahya Karisma Pertiwi (b*), Deden Eka Purwanto (a), Fadel Daulatullail (b), Rifa Nurhanifa (b), Hafiziani Eka Putri (b*), Hayani Wulandari (c)

a) Program Studi Pendidikan Sistem Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Purwakarta, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Purwakarta 41115, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Purwakarta, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Purwakarta 41115, Indonesia
*cahyakarisma[at]; *hafizianiekaputri[at]
c) Program Studi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Purwakarta, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Purwakarta 41115, Indonesia


Nowadays, a crisis of local cultural knowledge, especially wayang (traditional puppet art), is one of many problems for Indonesian people. This is certainly a task for the younger generation to continue trying to preserve it. The purpose of this research is to introduce a wayang performance using new information-based technology to the elementary school students as the next generation of Indonesian people, thus, the puppet culture will be sustainable. The wayangs in this research were made by using recycled waste. Then, the wayangs were used as learning materials to solve the waste environmental pollution problem. The subject of this research is elementary school students in Purwakarta, West Java, Indonesia, which are most of their parents work as scavengers. This research is adopting descriptive methods, while the data collection technic by using interviews, observation, and documentation methods. The results of this research show that the development of wayang from recycled waste materials and equipped with new information technology might help elementary school students to learn, understand, and concerve traditional wayang performance. Finally, wayang arts education using information technology can provide an understanding of the creativity of waste recycle knowledge for elementary school students from scavenger families.

Keywords: wayang arts; recycled waste material; scavengers families; creative learning media; elementary school

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57 Computer-based learning ABS-119

A Comparative Study of CTL Approach Using Interactive Multimedia and Cooperative Approaches in Improving Mathematical Understanding
I Nasrulloh (a*), D Rahadian (a), N A Hamdani (a), Y Purwanti (a), F B R Rikaldi (a)

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness the CTL method using interactive multimedia and cooperative method in improving students mathematical understanding elementary school. Quasi experimental study was chosen to compare the level of students mathematical understanding with CTL method using interactive multimedia and cooperative method. The sample consisted of 30 grade VI elementary school students in each group were selected using a random sample. Collected data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The finding of the study revealed that there was a improvement in the Mathematical Understanding students gained in both groups however difference between the two groups were statistically insignificant.

Keywords: Contextual Teaching Learning, Interactive Multimedia, Cooperative, Mathematical Understanding

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58 Computer-based learning ABS-121

Enhancing Cultural Awareness using ICT in ELT: Indonesian Elementary School Teachers Perspective
Aksendro Maximilian (a*), Galuh Dwi Ajeng (a), Hajjah Zulianti (a)

(a) STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Jalan Khairil Anwar No 79, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia


This study aims to investigate the perception of Indonesian English teachers of the elementary school on the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for developing cultural awareness of students as well as improving their English literacy and communication. Even though English is not a compulsory subject in elementary school, the fact is that English is still taught either as a local content subject or as a language-medium of instruction. This study employs qualitative research by administering a questionnaire for elementary school English teachers in Indonesia who have been ever implementing online learning during COVID 19 pandemic. The result shows that most teachers respond positively to the use of ICT in English language teaching (ELT) practice in elementary school. Regarding the cultural content, the participants agree that ICT can be helpful for them to provide interactive digital teaching material, including cultural material for the students. The existence of ICT is helpful for both students and teachers to provide real and authentic teaching materials. Therefore, the use of ICT needs to be promoted to provide cultural awareness in ELT practice to equip young learners to do intercultural communication in the global world.

Keywords: Cultural Awareness; Elementary School; English; Information and Communications Technology; ICT; Computer Assisted Language Learning

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59 Computer-based learning ABS-128

Y Akin (a*), M R Sentani (a), L Nur (a), A R Kurniawan (b)

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
b) Universitas Galuh, Jl. R. E. Martadinata No. 150, Ciamis 46274, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


This study aims to see how the students interest in participating in physical education learning at the time of distance learning using google form-based applications on gadgets. Nowadays everyone already has an Android-based smartphone, of course, they are familiar and used to using a google account. Google provides free applications that can help us find our needs in various areas of life. Google form is a free google application whose main function is to get information or data and online quizzes in the form of forms. Student interest in physical education learning is the desire of students towards physical education learning, these students will have a sense of interest or pleasure in physical education learning and will pay more attention to knowing more deeply about the learning being carried out and trying to get involved or have student activities towards learning physical education so that the learning material can be conveyed and received well by students. This research is quantitative descriptive. The method used is a survey method. The population and sample of this study were elementary school students. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The analysis technique is done by pouring the frequency into a percentage. The results of this study want to see student interest in participating in physical education learning by using the google form application on gadgets.

Keywords: Interest in Learning, Google Form, Physical Education

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60 Computer-based learning ABS-129

Y Akin (a*), A R Kurniawan (b), M R Sentani (a)

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
b) Universitas Galuh, Jl. R. E. Martadinata No. 150, Ciamis 46274, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


The success rate of the learning process is not only assessed from the final result that students are able to practice what is assigned but the extent to which students are able to apply any material obtained in their daily life. If you look at the current situation with problems or face-to-face conditions it is impossible to do because of the Covid-19 pandemic, changes in the flow of delivery of subject matter inevitably have to use tools in the form of platforms that present various features, both in the form of still images or moving images. Therefore, educators are competing to be creative in presenting material with the aim of students being able to understand and understand the material conveyed through messages on the platform. But the problem with this research is the effectiveness of learning media through animated videos in physical education learning. This needs to be known so that every material that will be delivered to students is not a burden just to follow the instructions in the video but students are able and understand what the work assignments are conveyed in the video. This research is quantitative descriptive. The method used is a survey method. The subjects of this study were elementary school students in grades 1 and 2. The instrument used was a learning effectiveness questionnaire. The analysis technique used is a percentage of alternative answers. Based on this research, it can be seen that learning media through animated videos has a level of effectiveness on the physical education learning process.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Video Animation, Physical Education.

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