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61 Computer-based learning ABS-130

Teaching Students to Write Research Reports Through Writing Class Collaboration Model
Dian Indihadi

PGSD Tasikmalaya, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Research report writing skill needs to be taught to students because it is needed in 21st century education. One of learning models to write research reports for primary school students has been successfully to be developed by elementary school teachers who became partner of Indonesia University of Education Tasikmalaya Campus. The learning model implemented how to write research report through a series of minilessons and experiences writing collaborations approach. In this learning, a teacher explained how to: choosing a topic, designing research questions, and implementing the process of writing a report and a biblioghrapy. Five students in every group were choosen to produce a research report. By collaboration; all of group members formulated research plannings, did researches and wrote it all in a research report. All of these learning activities were based on TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge) learning strategy. In the fact; Ninety percent of elementary school teachers have successfully developed this learning model and have been ready to implement it during the facilities and infrastructure supported.

Keywords: Writing Research Reports, Writing Class Collaboration Model

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62 Computer-based learning ABS-132


a) lecture elementary school at UPI Cibiru, Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, dinieanggraenidewi[at]


This study aims to determine the effect of computer-based civic literacy and civic literacy education on improving digital literacy in class VIII IPS at SMPN 1 Tanggeung. This experimental research, using a treatment design by level 2x2. The study population was all students of class VIII IPS with a sample of 113 students. Data collection techniques were given by giving assignments and questionnaires to determine the learning outcomes of students after using computer-based learning in civic education subjects. According to the results of the data processed using SPSS, the requirements test shows that the data is normally distributed and homogeneous. Data were tested using ANOVA analysis at a significance level of a = 0.05 with the help of the SPSS 21 program. Based on the calculation results obtained 1) µА1: 73.97> µА2: 56.46 2) Sig between computer-based civic education learning and digital literacy 0.022 <0.05 3 ) µA1 B1 = 74.23> µA2 B1 = 72.50 4) µA1 B2 = 71.67> µA2B2 = 55.00. From these data, it can be concluded that there is an effect of learning computer-based citizenship education and digital literacy on the learning outcomes of students in class VIII IPS SMPN 1 Tanggeung Cianjur.

Keywords: Computer Based Learning, Digital Literacy, Civic Education

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63 Computer-based learning ABS-139

Application of Youtube Social Media as Audio Visual During Covid-19 Pandemic Period in IPI Garut Information System Study Program
Y Nugraha (a*), N N Muslihah (a), D D Bhakti (a), N A Hamdani (b), Z N Ainina (a).

a. Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Garut, Indonesia
b. Universitas Garut, Garut, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to have an impact on the education sector by Covid-19, one of which is Garut IPI information system study program, so that the learning process for students is hampered. This research was conducted to determine how the influence of YouTube social media as audio-visuals on online learning. In addition, this study also finds out how to improve the processing skills of students in IPI Garut Information System during the Covid-19 pandemic by using social media YouTube as distance learning. In addition, the results of research that have been conducted show that the process skills of students in learning have increased, and based on the overall indicators seen through tests and questionnaires, the scale of attitudes towards students shows that they are in a good category. So it can be concluded that learning process skills through social media YouTube as audio-visual during the Covid-19 pandemic are doing well.

Keywords: Process Skills, Youtube Audio Visual Media, Information Systems Students

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64 Computer-based learning ABS-143

Synchronous or asynchronous? Various online learning platforms studied in Indonesia 2015-2020
Pidi Mohamad Setiadi (a*), Dwi Alia (b), Sumardi (c), Resa Respati (d), Lutfi Nur (e)

a) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Kampus Tasikmalaya, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Kampus Tasikmalaya, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
c) Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Kampus Tasikmalaya, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
d) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Kampus Tasikmalaya, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
e) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Kampus Tasikmalaya, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Online learning occupies an important position as an indicator of improving the quality of learning in Indonesia. This paper aims to identify the online learning platform studied and developed in Indonesia in 2015-2020. This is to determine the potential for improving and developing the quality of online learning in Indonesia. Literature reviews are used to list, filter, classify, and identify learning approaches that used in each particular platform. This study used secondary data from the IOP database, especially for research articles conducted in Indonesia in 2015-2020. It was found that asynchronous online learning is more widely used. However, there is some potential for improving the quality of Indonesian online learning through an increase in the number of studies conducted each year.

Keywords: Online learning; Online learning platform; Indonesia; Synchronous learning; Asynchronous learning

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65 Computer-based learning ABS-144

The Use of Digital Children’s Literature in Family Literacy Program: How to Improve Children’s Reading Literacy
Neneng Sri Wulan, Endang Hidayat, Nadia Tiara Antik Sari, Indah Nurmaharani

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Purwakarta Campus


Reading literacy is one of the essential competencies that children must master because children can learn and develop various knowledge with this competency. Using digital childrens literature is an alternative way to improve reading literacy. Digital childrens literature hopefully can be more useful to improve reading literacy skill because children of Z generation are closer to the use of ICT in their daily lives. This study aimed to determine the usage of digital childrens literature in the family literacy program and the improvement of childrens reading literacy. The method used in this study is action research with Kemmis and Taggart design. The data source of this research were nine families who have fifth-grade children in Cigelam Purwakarta, West Java, Indonesia, and nine children from these families. The research technique used was observation and tests. Digital childrens literature used are stories from national library application and Lets read application. The results showed that digital childrens literature were used in independent reading activity and read-aloud activity. After three cycles, the students reading literacy skills increased. In the first cycle, the average score was 59, the second cycle was 65, and the third cycle was 71. Even though this score is still not good enough, it is proven that digital childrens literature in the family literacy program can improve childrens reading literacy.

Keywords: digital children’s literature, family literacy, reading literacy

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66 Computer-based learning ABS-148

An Electronic Rubric for Collaboration Skill Assessment in Outbound Activities
L Nur (a)*, B Agustan (b), E Kastrena (c), Y Akin (a), I Nurzaman (a), A Hamidi (a), P M Setiadi (a), E Solihati (a), A Yulianto, (a), , A A Malik (d)

(a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi, Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia

(b) STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan, Jl. Syeh Maulana Akbar, Kuningan 45511, West Java, Indonesia

(c) Universitas Suryakancana, Jl. Pasirgede Raya, Cianjur 43216, West Java, Indonesia

(d) Universitas Siliwangi, Jl. Siliwangi 24, Tasikmalaya 46115, West Java, Indonesia


Collaboration is one of fundamental aspects of skill that should be acquired by students from an early age to support their quality of life. This study was attempted to discover the collaboration performance of 20 students in low-grade primary school (from 7 to 9 years old). The data were collected through an electronic rubric of collaboration covering three aspects, namely communication, responsibility and cooperation. The data gathered were analysed using descriptive statistic to picture the level of students’ collaboration skill in outbound activities. This study revealed that the level of students’ collaboration skill was relatively low, it was proven by the scores gained, namely, communication aspect 44%, responsibility 29% and cooperation 33%. This finding should be used as a reflection by primary school teachers to find alternative solutions. In addition, the utilization of technology in form of electronic rubric could facilitate teachers to do observation in order to evaluate students’ learning development in primary school.

Keywords: electronic rubric; collaboration; outbound activities; primary school students

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67 Computer-based learning ABS-149

Development of Interactive Learning Multimedia for Mathematics Subjects for Grade 5 Elementary Schools
Feri Hidayatullah Firmansyah (a*), Intan Purnama Sari (a), Fahmi Candra Permana (a), Dian Rinjani (a)

Program Studi Pendidikan Multimedia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl Raya Cibiru KM 15, 40393 Bandung,


The learning process during a pandemic requires teachers to be more interactive in making online learning media. The government has designed the Covid Emergency Curriculum, which is that educational units in their current condition can choose one of the several components needed in the learning process, namely still referring to the national curriculum, using the emergency curriculum, or making curriculum simplification independently. For curriculum simplification, only the main material in learning activities needs to be conveyed, while for practice it can be independently or through an application media. This study aims to create an augmented reality-based learning media on geometry in mathematics subjects for grade 5 elementary school. This media can make it easier for students to understand the shapes with augmented reality and there is a learning video feature that also explains the material presented by the teacher. With the black box white box method, the application is developed by adjusting the curriculum simplification planned by the government. Features in the application include objectives and materials, learning videos, augmented reality simulations and integrated with Google Classroom as a learning evaluation platform. The results of this research are digital applications that can be accessed from the web or android applications.

Keywords: Interactive Learning Multimedia; Multimedia; Mathematic

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68 Computer-based learning ABS-150

Learning Dance In The Digital Era: The Integration Of Technology In Learning Dance In Elementary School
Mela Darmayanti, Non Dwishiera C.A

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


In learning dance in the 4.0 era, teachers need to equip themselves with skills to use technology and knowledge of various dance learning methods in order to carry out dance teaching optimally. Based on observations, teachers who do not have good dancing skills tend to use imitation methods in the classroom. Even though the imitation method is more effective if it is used by teachers who have dancing skills. In addition, teachers have not integrated technology in teaching dance in elementary schools. This study aims to improve the practice of elementary school teachers in teaching dance in their class by using a dance education learning model and integrating technology. This study provides an example of the work of a collaborative team to provide teachers with an understanding of the practice of educational dance models and utilizing technology in learning dance. The results of this study indicate that by providing this training, it adds to the teachers insight into the educational dance learning model as a solution for teachers who do not have dance skills. In addition, teachers have skills in utilizing technology in learning dance in elementary schools.

Keywords: Technology; Learning Dance; Dance Education

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69 Computer-based learning ABS-152

Developing Civic Education E-Module Based on Project Based Learning to Improve Students civic Literacy
Dinie Anggraeni Dewi, M.Pd (a*), Prof. Dr. Dasim Budimansyah, M.Si. (b), Prof. Dr. Ace Suryadi, M.Sc., Ph.D. (c), Dr. Dadang Sundawa, M.Pd. (d)

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
c) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
d) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The selection of the right media is certainly very influential on the success or failure of a teaching and learning process. Modules as one of the learning media must also adjust, one of the ways is by using electronic modules (e-modules). The limitations of print media such as student books in the effectiveness of their use open opportunities for the integration of supplementary teaching material with the latest information technology to support the achievement of 21st-century skills, one of which is civic literacy through an E-module.This study aims to develop Project-based learning-based civic education and e-modules to improve students civic literacy skills. E-module can be used as an alternative source of practical and contextual learning because it can be used anywhere and the material presented is relevant to real life. This research is research and development, adapting the ADDIE (analyze, design, development, implement, and evaluate). Based on experts judgments and limited testing, of Project-based learning civic education e-module and instrument civic literacy are feasible

Keywords: Keywords : E-Module, Project Based Learning, civic literacy

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70 Computer-based learning ABS-153

Riska alfiawati (a), Dian Permanasari (a), Sri Wahyuningsih (a), Dudu suhandi saputra (b)

Jl. Chairil Anwar, Durian Payung, Kec. Tj. Karang Pusat, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35214, INDONESIA

Jl. Raya K H Abdul Halim No.103, Majalengka Kulon, Kec. Majalengka, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat 45418, INDONESIA


This research is motivated by the number of teachers who have not optimized learning such as developing the teaching materials needed. One of the technology-based teaching materials is Indonesian language teaching materials based on mobile learning, teaching materials that have an important role in improving the quality of education. This research method uses research and development methods with research procedures, namely (1) needs analysis, (2) development of teaching materials (3) validation of teaching materials that have been developed. The readability test results of this teaching material also showed readability criteria that were easy to understand with an average student score of 86.5%. Based on the explanation of the research that has been done, the development of Indonesian language teaching materials based on mobile learning for elementary school students is declared valid.

Keywords: teaching materials; android; development

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71 Computer-based learning ABS-156

Comic Maker App for Enjoyable Learning
Fully Rakhmayanti, M.Pd.



Learning in the current era also demands mastery of technology (technological literacy). Students and teachers need to take advantage of technology with various application in it to increase their creativity and quality of learning. Applications that can be used by students and teachers in learning, namely Comic Life and the Make Beliefs Comix application that free to use and to accessed. This study applies by using the comic maker application. Furthermore, observation were made during the learning activity of students and teachers who used the app. The results are described in qualitative descriptive based on the observation. Comic maker app was able to elaborate and collaborate on some of the student’s abilities and knowledge at the same time. Than, this activity can be present into a work: visualizatin of images along with the story. In additional to attracting student’s interest and giving new enthusiasm for learning, students are also increasing skilled at operating device. Their language skill about selecting words and making sentences also can be trained. For the teachers, by using this application they can perform with more innovative and contemporary learning, not meneotonous.

Keywords: comic, application, learning, and technology

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72 Computer-based learning ABS-160

Self-efficacy and perspective of parents in elementary school of online learning during COVID-19
Aan Yuliyanto(a*), Idat Muqodas (b*), Yani Fitriyani (c), Nuur Wachid Abdul Majid (d)

a) Primary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Purwakarta, 41115 Indonesia
c) Primary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
d) Study Program of System and Information Technology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Purwakarta, 41115 Indonesia


This study intends to investigate the self-efficacy and perspectives of primary school parents in online learning during COVID-19. The survey method was applied in this study with a random sampling technique for parents in West Java. Participants included in this study were 95 parents of elementary school students. The instruments applied were open and closed questionnaires. Overall, parental self-efficacy was moderate, namely 45.98. Parents self-efficacy in public primary schools was higher than from private primary schools. However, in inferential, there was no significant difference between the self-efficacy of parents in public and private primary schools. 55% of parents rated online learning as effective. For students, 44% of parents felt that students had difficulties understanding online learning materials at home. On the other hand, 82% of parents felt student assessments assisted in learning from home. 93% of parents found it easy to access online learning. 68% of parents were satisfied with online learning during COVID-19. Thus, online learning is a breakthrough in learning activities with the use of future technology during COVID-19. Educators are also required to create interactive learning through an online learning platform and with the cooperation from parents at home

Keywords: Self-efficacy; Perspective; Parents; COVID-19

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73 Computer-based learning ABS-165

Pedagogical Potentials of Mobile Augmented Reality for Early Literacy Introduction
Finita Dewi, Suci Utami Putri, Fisca Azhar Silfanny

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Augmented Reality (AR) has drawn much attention from educators if various different level of education, be it in primary or secondary level, up to the higher level of education. Numbers of studies have been conducted to look at the benefit of bringing AR into classrooms. However, little has been done explore the potentials of AR in the early childhood education sectors. This study aims at exploring the pedagogical potentials of mobile AR for developing early literacy of young learners. Utilizing the content analysis framework, this qualitative study investigated three different mobile AR application from the perspectives of early learners’ education. The data analysis process was conducted for two rounds. The first round was conducted to investigate the suitability of the AR apps as teaching media for early learners. The second round was conducted to investigate the possible potentials of the AR apps to be utilized for introducing early literacy. The result of the study shows that the three apps could expose learners to a new dimension of learning environment which are safe, motivating, multidimensional, and integrate the physical and virtual environment. In addition, this study also shows that the three AR apps can be utilized in introducing early literacy through different ways, such as introducing symbols of letters, pronouncing the sounds of letters, and associating letters with real objects.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Early Childhood Education

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74 Computer-based learning ABS-176

TeachersAcceptance of Google Forms as a Media for Online Learning Evaluation
Novi Sofia Fitriasari, Dhea Rahma Azhari, M.Saleh

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The Apademi Covid 19 period required distance learning to be carried out, technology was very instrumental in carrying out these activities. Therefore, teachers are required to be able to use learning media based on information and communication technology. Online learning evaluation is a process to determine student learning values which is carried out by utilizing information and communication technology. One of the Web 2.0 applications that is used is google form. This study is an attempt to examine the factors that influence teacher acceptance of Google Forms at SD LAbschool, UPI Campus, Serang. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is used to measure teacher acceptance perceptions. Data collection was carried out online by distributing questionnaires to teachers at SD Labschool. The results of this research help decision makers at LabScholl Elementary School to have a better understanding of the effectiveness of using Google Forms according to teachers.

Keywords: Acceptance Perception, Google Form, TAM

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75 Computer-based learning ABS-179

Digital Phonemic Awareness; Disseminate an Interactive Learning via Compact Disc on Deaf Student
Wagino, Wulan Patria Saroinsong, Yatim Riyanto, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study aimed to develop the appropriate CDPI (Interactive Learning through Compact Disc) teaching materials to increase the phonemic awareness of deaf students in inclusive schools. CDPI is the latest system as a distance learning method for facilitator and learner, both of them had learn digitally and absorbed an understand in phonemic. The research subject included 14 deaf students conducted with Research and Development design. Three stages implemented such as the initial stage, the development stage, and the testing phase. Regarding the data collecting, three method used to explored it which are observation, questionnaires and phonemic awareness tests conducted with wilcoxon rank test. This study confirmed that CDPI teaching materials were suitable for use as a medium for PKPBI learning in increasing phonemic awareness of deaf students. Moreover the dissemination has significant impact while conducted in the large group, either the test being adequate. In the meantime, the CPDI had significant differences in the pretest and posttest groups. Therefore, the CDPI-based teaching material had been developed was effectively used in phonemic awareness learning. It has implication in the use of CDPI teaching materials for phonemic awareness should be an integral part of language learning in schools.

Keywords: Deaf Student, Phoenemic Awareness, Intructional Material, CDPI

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76 Computer-based learning ABS-183

Improving the listening and speaking abilities of students with hearing impairments in inclusive primary schools through the computer-based learning
Endang Pudjiastuti Sartinah, Eryana Fatimasari Retno Budiati, Muhammad Nurul Ashar

Special Education Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya


There is a need for students with hearing impairments learn specifically on developing their language abilities particularly in speaking and listening. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of computer-based learning to enhance the listening and speaking abilities of students with hearing impairments in an inclusive primary school. This study applied the pre-experimental research design. Data were collected from seven students with hearing impairments from one inclusive school. Participants were going through the several stages including pre-test, treatments, and post-test. During treatments, students developed their ability in listening and speaking through the computer-based learning with a guidance from the teacher. Data from the pre-test and post-test then were analyzed with non-parametric statistic. Results show that there is an increase in the average of post-test compared to the average of the pre-test. Then it can be concluded that the computer-based learning is recommended to be used to enhance the listening and speaking abilities among students with hearing impairments.

Keywords: Listening, Speaking, Students with Hearing Impairments, Computer-based Learning

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77 Computer-based learning ABS-193

Exploring Digital Storytelling Potentials in Primary Classrooms
Irena Y. Maureen, Khusnul Khotimah, Utari Dewi, Citra Fitri

Educational Technology Department
Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The pandemic has accelerated the application of online learning mode in all levels of education including in the primary classroom. This sudden change, however, needs to be accompanied by various strategies in integrating digital technology into the pedagogy. The methods suitable for online learning could also be the ones which are already applied by the teachers but with appropriate adjustment related to the digital technology. Storytelling, for example, has always been at the core of human educational activity especially with children. Integrating digital technology into this ancient method yielding a form of digital storytelling. A systematic analysis of the literature was used to explores the potentials of using digital storytelling as an instructional strategy that is considered appropriate for children, teachers, and technological tool supports. It will also discuss the possible syntaxes based on best practices of digital storytelling studies in primary classrooms across subjects to provide suggestions for the application.

Keywords: digital storytelling, digital literacy, instructional strategy

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78 Computer-based learning ABS-194

Computer Network Data Flows Analysis in State University Jakarta With Packet Tracer
Muhammad F Duskarnaen (a*), Tuti Auliyani (b)

(a*) Computer and Informatics Engineering Education study program, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

(b) Graduate Student, IT Developer in Information and Communication Technology, State University of Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia


With Internet wide spectrum applications gives the University and all its member, i.e. lecturers, students, and administrations huge potential utilities. The Internet access in the University is quite big, around 2000 Mbps, however with around 900 lecturers, 35000 students, and 3000 administration staffs, we have to be careful and efficient to use and manage the Internet access.

Since the initial installation, about 2 years ago, the university did not have data on the use of the Internet on campus, in this case the distribution and amount of data used and / or needed, including data on usage and needs in each building, especially the main building devoted to student learning.

To find out data on Internet usage in universities, it can be done by analyzing the Internet data traffic within the University. Utilizing Switched Port Analyzer or SPAN and Wireshark Analyzer for sniffing the Internet data packet flow, we have determined the total Internet bandwidth. Furthermore, we will make cross reference the total Bandwidth corresponding with student activities during the office hour weekdays.

The result from this research, can be very useful for knowing requirement Internet data for every student and it gives projection how much the Internet needed in the near future.

From the research, we found that the average usage of Bandwidth was 144 Mbps. It is also known that the highest usage pattern of users occurs from 09.00 to 10.00, with an average data packet usage of 106.522.310 per hour. Judging from the destination and port number used, the highest usage was 68.57% in the use of web or web-based applications.

Keywords: Packet Traffic; Traffic Monitoring; Sniffing Packet; Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN); Packet Classification

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79 Computer-based learning ABS-201

Batik AR ver.1.0: Augmented Reality Application as Gamification of Batik Design Using Waterfall Method
B Sobandi1, SC Wibawa2, Triyanto3, Syakir4, A Pandanwangi5, Suryadi6, A Nursalim7, H Santosa8

1 Department of Visual Arts Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia, 40154
2 Informatics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia, 60231
3, 4 Department of Fine Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, 50229
5 Departement of Fine Arts, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Indonesia, 40164
6, 7, 8 Department of Visual Arts Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia, 40154


During the Covid-19 pandemic, its time to implement asynchronous learning. The problem is, elementary school students have difficulty learning cultural arts, especially batik design. This study aims to create an application base on augmented reality (AR) with batik design content that can be used to introduce batik design as cultural art to elementary school students. The method used in developing this application is a waterfall which consists of (1) feasibility study, (2) requirements, (3) System design, (4) Encoding, (5) Testing system, (6) Acceptance Test. The results of this study were the validators rated more than 85% of media validation consisting of the quality of visual and auditory perceptions, ease of interaction, ease of interaction, and ease of use, while user responses consisted of 80% efficiency, 85% usability, 78% cognitive absorption, and enjoyment. 87%. This implies that the AR application can provide benefits for students who learn cultural sessions, especially batik design.

Keywords: Batik; Augmented Reality; Waterfall Method

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80 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-2

The mathematical self-efficacy instruments for elementary school students
Aan Yuliyanto (a), Turmudi (b*), Hafiziani Eka Putri (c), Idat Muqodas (d), and Puji Rahayu (e)

a) Primary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Primary Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
c) Elementary Teacher Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia, Jl. Veteran No. 8 Purwakarta, 41115 Indonesia
d) Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia, Jl. Veteran No. 8 Purwakarta, 41115 Indonesia
e) Elementary Teacher Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia, Jl. Veteran No. 8 Purwakarta, 41115 Indonesia


Mathematical self-efficacy is a persons belief in his ability to solve mathematical problems who received. The output of this study is to produce an instrument that can measure MSE comprehensive and accountable. Research and Development (R&D) was chosen as the research methods. The sample selection was done by purposive sampling involving 20 students of 6th grade elementary school in Karawang. Based on the development and analysis of aspects and indicators showing aspects of MSE including personal experiences in learning mathematics, the experiences of the others about learning mathematics, verbal persuasion after doing mathematics, and psychological indexes when doing mathematics problem. Each of these four aspects consist of three indicators namely confidence can complete difficult, varied, and challenging tasks. Based on the results of testing, the validity and reliability obtained all items have sufficient validity (rxy = 0.54) and fixed reliability (r11 = 0.70). Based on these findings, 24 items can be further researched on mathematics learning in elementary school concerning 3D geometry

Keywords: Mathemaical Self-Efficacy; Instrument; Validity; Reliability

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81 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-7

A Study of Mathematical Understanding in Fraction by Applying Gamification
S Widodo, P Rahayu, S Sidiq

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research background is the importance of the ability of mathematical understanding for elementary school students. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of gamification to students achievement and its improvement in learning fractions. The game called “bingo math F” is given to the experiment class of 52 students grade V at Cikampek Karawang. The method used is a quasi-experimental design with The Non Equivalent Control Group pretest-posttest Design. The results of this research show that the results of the descriptive statistics analysis of score average pre test da pos test experiment class of 57 and a 98.18, whereas the average score pretes and postes of the control class of 51 and 65.79. Based on the results of a statistical analysis of infferensial with two different test average show that achievement of mathematical comprehension grade experiment higher than on grade control and increased the ability of mathematical understanding class experiment higher than on grade control. As well as the results of a regression test indicates that model influences the presence of Funtastic "Matika Bingo" toward a mathematical understanding of the capabilities of the students. so this game can be a scientific reference material in compiling and choosing effective learning models in mathematics learning to improve students mathematical understanding abilities

Keywords: fraction, gamification, mathematical understanding

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82 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-8

Integrating The Concept of Plane in The Grand Mosque of Old Banten Using The ADDIE Model As an Alternative Media of Mathematics Learning
Andika Arisetyawan (a*), Erlangga Kusuma Yuda (b), Indra Permana(c)

Indonesia University of Education.


Media and teaching materials are inseparable components in the classroom learning activities. Mathematics is one of the knowledge in primary school that requires a lot of innovative and creative media to be able to attract students interest, especially when learning the concept of plane . This study aimed to make a product of mathematics teaching materials and media that contain local wisdom of the grand mosque of old Banten. The approach used in this research is qualitative with two stages of research. The first step is to use the ethnographic method. The second stage, then continued with descriptive qualitative methods in the ADDIE model which contained five stages, namely, analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The results of this study are teaching materials and geomath cards ( geometry and mathematics cards ) to attract students to learn mathematics in the concept of plane in elementary schools.

Keywords: grand mosque; old banten; plane geometry

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83 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-9

Creating Mathematical Situation using Ethnomathematics
I. Isrokatun (a*), Budi Sigit Purwono (b)

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
b) SMP Negeri 2 Brebes, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia


Ethnomathematics can be interpreted as mathematics in culture. The purpose of this study is how to creating mathematical situation using ethnomathematics in situations as products. Creating mathematical situation is part of the Situation-Based Learning (SBL) stage. Creating mathematical situation is a prerequisite for processing into SBL. This research uses ADDI (Analyzing, Designing, Developing, and Implementing) methods to design the situation as a product of the stage of creating mathematical situations using ethnomathematics. The product of the creating mathematical situation are applied to the next SBL learning stage. The results of this study is that the ethnomathematics can be used as a basic to developing situations in SBL. Thus the situation presented to students becomes more real and familiar in their daily lives. And brought the students to recognize their local culture toward the mathematical content learning process.

Keywords: creating mathematical situation; ethnomathematics; situation-based learning; learning mathematics; elementary schools student

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84 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-10

Development of spatial sense abilities of elementary school students in geometry class
P Rahayu, S Widodo, W S Nurlaeni

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to describe the spatial sense ability of elementary school students in learning geometry. This action research, collect data of the spatial ability of 41 students grade 4 elementary schools. Five questions were given to students, then analyzed quantitatively after being given a learning treatment with a contextual approach in each cycle. Based on the test results, obtained encouraging results. students sense of spatial ability has increased from the first cycle to the second cycle. This can be seen from the percentage of classical learning completeness in the first cycle that is equal to 81% and has increased in the second cycle to 91%. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of contextual approaches can develop students spatial sense abilities and elementary school student learning activities.

Keywords: elementary school, geometry class, spatial sense ability

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85 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-20

The instrument for measuring logical-mathematical intelligence of low-grade elementary school students
Idat Muqodas; Aan Yuliyanto

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The limited measurement of students multiple intelligence, especially students logical-mathematical intelligence, is the main reason for this research. The purpose of this study is to produce instruments to measure the logical-mathematical intelligence of low-grade elementary school students. Research and Development are used in this research. The study population was all students in Purwakarta. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The sample was 27 students of the second-grade elementary school in Purwakarta. Validity testing produces nine indicators that are represented by five activity items that are observed through an observation sheet having high validity. The reliability test results through the Cronbach’s Alpha calculation produce a stable instrument with a value of 0.81 > 0.60 for all items. Thus, logical-mathematical intelligence instruments can be utilized in learning in low-grade elementary schools.

Keywords: Mathematics, Multiple Intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Elementary School

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86 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-21

Correlation of mathematics learning outcomes and self-regulated learning of elementary school students during the Covid-19 pandemic
1H E Putri, 1A S Sasqia, 1A Abdulloh, 2S Fuada, 3I Muqodas,4N W A Majid

1Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Purwakarta, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Purwakarta 41115, Indonesia
2 Program Studi Sistem Telekomunikasi, , Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Purwakarta, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Purwakarta 41115, Indonesia
3Program Studi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Purwakarta, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Purwakarta 41115, Indonesia
4Program Studi Pendidikan Sistem Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Purwakarta, Jl. Veteran No. 8, Purwakarta 41115, Indonesia


The COVID-19 pandemic brought major changes in the education field in Indonesia. The face-to-face learning system that usually dominates the school learning system has changed to an online learning system. The purpose of this study is to reveal how much the correlation between mathematics learning outcomes and students self-regulated learning in elementary schools when online-based learning systems were applied during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is a quasi-experiment of the fractions topic which applied to 54 students from one of the elementary schools in central Jakarta, Indonesia. Mathematics learning outcomes test and self-regulated learning questionnaires are given before and after online learning is conducted. Online learning is done with a group of the WhatsApp application and learning videos that are broadcasted through the Youtube channel. The results of the study show that the correlation between mathematics learning outcomes and self-regulated learning of elementary school students is 0.424. Based on the criteria from Guilford, the magnitude of the correlation value is in the medium criteria. The results of the study concluded that there is a correlation between mathematics learning outcomes and students self-regulated learning. The higher the student mathematics learning outcomes, the higher the self-regulated student circulation, and vice versa.

Keywords: online learning covid-19, mathematics learning outcomes, self-regulated learning

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87 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-32

Elementary School Students: Didactical Design Analysis of Ethnomathematics Learning
S. Supriadi, M. Adha, and E. Mahpudin,

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The obstacle to learning mathematics occurs because it does not have a didactic design that connects mathematics with culture, Sundanese ethnomatematics learning combines traditional games from West Java, Indonesia..This article aims to analyze the design of Sundanese ethno-mathematics learning in developing mathematical modeling skills. This quantitative study applied the Rasch Wins Step Model to survey 111 elementary school students as the respondents in which they were grouped 65 grade 4 and 46 grade 5. The data used were learning obstacle, initial didactic design and didactic design revision. The consequences exposed that most students decided to increase mathematics modeling with ethnomathematics learning because student curiosity increases the understanding of Sundanese culture in learning mathematics. Mathematical modeling activities will be more meaningful for students if they use culture.

Keywords: ethnomathematics,didactic,modelling

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88 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-33

Karlimah (1), Ghullam Hamdu(2), Vira Pratiwi(3), Helmi Herdiansah(4), Dedi Kurniawan(5).

(1) PGSD,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Tasikmlaya
(2) PGSD, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Tasikmlaya
(3) PGSD, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
(4) SDN 3 Maroko
(5) SDN Madusari 02


Nowdays, demand to understand in learning in a pandemic COVID 19 among others preparing median brave learning in accordance with the purpose of learning and digital based. One of the digital media that is appropriate for alpha generation students is movement comics. Because motion comics are funny digital comics in which characters perform movements on each page. Character movement makes motion comics more interesting than conventional comics. Therefore the RnD research is carried out in order to obtain a representative motion comic learning media. One of the stages in the development of a motion comic is the stage of creating a story board. This article will discuss more in the stage of making motion comic story board about the material fractions on the principle of learning educational media and adapted to the characteristics of elementary school-age students. Making the storyboard includes research, manufacture story, script, screenplay, character design and storyboard environment. The storyboard will be determined through the camera angle, the weight of mathematics content, duration and number of support roles involved in a scene. The research involved teachers, elementary school mathematicians, IT experts and elementary school students. The Storyboard will be used as reference in the development of prototype motion comic about fractions to improve math skills of elementary school students.

Keywords: story board, motion comics, digital literacy, elementary mathematics

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89 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-44

Sainsmatika Story Book: Connecting Open-Ended Problems to Stories As a Tool to Develop Students’ Mathematical Creativity
Agnestasia Ramadhanni Putri, M.Pd, Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd, Dr. Muhammad Nur Wangid, M.PSi

Indonesia University of Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta State University


Abstract. Stimulating mathematical creativity is very important for students’cognitive development. Unfortunately, conventional classroom approaches to stimulate students’ mathematical creativity have not been satisfactorily effective. However, a prospective approach to stimulate mathematical creativity can be applied through a teaching tool that integrates open-ended problems with interesting things, such as engaging students in the atmosphere of reading stories. A pretest-posttest control-group experimental design was used to investigate the effectiveness of SSB (Sainsmatika-based Story Book) to develop fourth-grade students’ mathematical creativity. The participants consisted of eighty fourth-grade students in one of the districts in Indonesia. Characteristically, this study employed quantitative data that were collected from observing students’ activities. Based on the one-way ANOVA statistical analysis, it was found that the comparison of mathematical creativity scores between µ1 and µ2 = 0.961 > 0.05, µ2 and µ3 = 0.011 < 0.05, and µ1 and µ3 = 0.024 < 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of SSB is significantly effective to enhance students’ mathematical creativity.

Keywords: mathematical creativity, open-ended, sainsmatika, story

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90 Educational studies in Mathematics ABS-55

Bibliometric analysis of situation-based learning model publication trends (2010-2019)
I Isrokatun, C S Haryani* and N I Rahmi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


Writing journal is needed to understand things which are related with quality and reputation of scientific publication. In scientific publication, it is needed a standardization like index which uses in beginning scientific data, for examples scopus or google scholar, they become beginning scientific data and focus on scientific point of view in Indonesia. Based on the problem, it is needed a bibliometric research to analyze scientific journal datas from research field. The research aims to give descriptive ecplanation toward research journal publication trend about model of situation-based learning which is publicated in periode 2010-2019. Structurally, this analysis has four steps: (1) searching for journal through scopus database by using Publish or Perish (PoP) software; (2) filtrate the journals and then analyze it bu using bibliometric way; (3) check first and finish journal atribute; (4) doing analysis of bibliometric by using Microsoft Excel application. The result of this bibliometric analysis is fluktuative set with the highest publication has amount 32 in 2018 and the lowest publication has amount 9 in 2010.

Keywords: Bibliometric, MODEL, Situation-Based Learning.

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