Improvement of Shariah Accounting Reconstruction for Learning in Raden fatah University post Covid-19
Zainal Berlian, Peny Cahaya Azwari, Sri Eva Mislawaty

UIN Raden Fatah Palembang


Abstracts: Pandemics covid_19 impacts on changes in educational learning. The use of learning technology is evolving adopting online learning models. This research attempts to explore and reconstruct the application of online learning in Sharia Accounting courses at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang and is analyzed through a qualitative approach from secondary data. Learning theory puts forward on the use of teaching materials. Teaching materials can use technology and media so that teaching materials later become a tool to evaluate the achievement of learning outcomes. The results showed the development of reconstruction of teaching materials learning using information technology in combination of e-learning applications and social media in Sharia Accounting courses through the application in the e-learning, zoom, YouTube, and WhatsApp.

Keywords: Management, teaching material, shariah accounting, pandemic covid-19

Topic: Adult Education

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