Eka Suhardi(a*), Soewarto Hardhienata (b), Ika Yanti Sholihah (c)

a)Doctoral Program of Education management, Pakuan University, Jl. Pakuan Bogor
b)Doctoral Program of Education management, Pakuan University, Jl. Pakuan Bogor
c) SMA N Citeureup, Bogor


Teachers innovation as a process related to new knowledge, both methods, strategies and learning services is very important related to the achievement of national education. This study aims to find ways and strategies to increase teacher innovation through strengthening information literacy and self-efficacy. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach using correlation analysis and SITOREM analysis. This research was carried out in 7 public high schools throughout Cibinong, Bogor Regency. The population of the study was 178 civil servant teachers. The results of the study yield the following conclusions: 1) there is a positive and significant relationship between information literacy and teacher^s innovation (ry1 = 0.662), 2) there is a positive and significant relationship between self-efficacy and teacher^s innovation (ry2 = 0.643), 3) there is a positive relationship between information literacy and self-efficacy together with teacher^s innovation (ry12 = 0.801). Efforts that need to be improved to increase teacher^s innovation are 1). utilization of information to solve problems, 2) introduction of required information, 3) commitment to goals, 4) Creating new ideas in learning, 5) optimizing learning services, 6) developing ICT, 7) improving/renewing ideas in learning.

Keywords: Teachers Innovation, Information Literacy, Self-Efficacy

Topic: Adult Education

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