Desa Digital: Menuju Masyarakat Cerdas Mitigasi Tsunami Menggunakan Arduino Berbasis Internet of Things
Indra Kristian , K Tasdik, Dina, Tom Finaldin, Asep Dadang, Ria Nirwana, M. Daud Yusuf, Ade Burhanudin, Asep Komarudin,Rima Komariah

Program Studi Administrasi Negara Universitas Al Ghifari, Kota Bandung, Indonesia
2Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen dan Informatika (STMIK) Jabar, Kota Bandung, Indonesia,
Program Studi Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Al-Ghifari, Bandung, Indonesia, Program studi sastra inggris, Universitas Al-Ghifari, Jl. Cisarenaten Kulon No 140 Kota Bandung 40293, Indonesia
,Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Samudera Indonesia Selatan (STSIP SAINS), Jl. Mekarmukti, Cijayana, Kabupaten Garut 44155, Indonesia


Abstract. The research that will be carried out is to improve the current system used for tsunami disaster mitigation where the working system is an offshore detection tool that will trigger the SMS Gateway system at BMKG and simultaneously the people around the affected area will receive a warning through SMS earlier. When there is an earthquake or other causes that may have an impact on a Tsunami, officers convey information using the manual method, namely hitting a gong to warn the surrounding community to be alert because the water level has the potential to cause a Tsunami. This article presents the results of research that aims to mitigate the Tsunami disaster by building a flood early warning system using an Arduino microcontroller based on the Internet of Things. This study uses the Zachman Framework and the AIC model with an e-government approach. The result is a model of an intelligent village information system and a fast response to the Tsunami disaster digitally. The information system developed is in the form of a mobile friendly website that can display measurement results from sensors, display water levels, store measurement results from sensors in a database, online forums as a trigger for tsunami-aware public participation, and an expert system for tsunami response rapid socialization. The website is integrated with Arduino. The water level sensor is installed on the river water gate connected to the Arduino Uno device which is equipped with an SMS Gateway SIM900A. Automatically, this system monitors the potential for a Tsunami tirelessly and sends information to the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum Team in villages located on the outskirts of South Garut Beach which are in the administrative area of Caringin District, Mekarmukti District, Cikelet District, Keamatan. Pameungpeuk, and Cibalong District and the Head of RT in the neighborhood around the South Sea Coast. The IoT technology in this study is used to store Earthquake data and turn on the sir

Keywords: IoT, Tsunami warning, Arduino, website, Zachman Framework, AIC Model

Topic: Computer and Communication Engineering

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