Sysytematic Literature Review on The Use of English in the Workplace
Tri Mandala Putra (a*), Dr. Cica Yulia, M.Si (b), Dr. Ana, M.Pd (b)

Education University of Indonesia (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)


The use of English in terms of communication greatly contributes to building professional roles, building synergy with colleagues, and solving problems in the workplace. English also certainly has a role for career development in the workplace. The purpose of this article is to conduct a systematic literature review on the use of English in the workplace. The main contribution of this article is to systematically collect, analyze and discuss the knowledge disseminated in this field, support future research and strengthen the literature related to English in the world of work. The data search process in this article uses Denyer and Tranfield models whose 5 systematic steps. In the end, this article produced 12 articles in 4 international journals. An important finding in this article is that the use of English in the workplace is emphasized in communication skills (speaking) rathen than the other skills. English language skills are also considered an opportunity to develop a career globally. The results of this study also provide recommendations to needs analysis experts related to the design and development of learning modules in schools that must consider the incorporation of workplace scenarios.

Keywords: English, Workplace, Communication

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

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