The Analysis of Workplace Adaptation Factors for Women in the Construction Industry
Ummu Salamah, Lilis Widaningsih, Ade Gafar Abdullah

Education University of Indonesia (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)


Construction is a dynamic industry and continues to grow rapidly, thus requiring an increase in the workforce regardless of gender. However, women in the construction industry face barriers such as: discrimination, sexual harassment, wage disparities- and challenges such as: work pressure, working hours, and masculine culture. Therefore, an appropriate workplace adaptation strategy is needed. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that make it easier and more difficult for women to adapt in the construction industry. This study uses a qualitative approach with a systematic literature review method. Searching for articles through the ^Publish or Perish^ software on the Scopus platform, there are 30 articles from 9 international journals that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The result is that there are 3 factors with details of 24 indicators that make it easier and more difficult for women to adapt in the workplace, namely 8 indicators of individual adaptation factors, 11 indicators of interpersonal skills factors, and 5 indicators of organizational support factors. Therefore, to successfully adapt in the workplace, it requires not only the adaptability and interpersonal skills of women, but also the importance of organizational support, both by related companies and government policies.

Keywords: Workplace adaptation, women in industry construction, women in workplace

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

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