Improving Teacher Competence Through Industrial Experience Practice on the Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) to Support Industry-Based Learning in Vocational High Schools
Johar Maknun, Yulia Rahmawati, and Sahroni

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to describe the benefits of industrial experience practices for improving the competence of vocational high school teachers. To achieve these objectives used descriptive research methods. The research subjects are students of the Teacher Professional Education Program in 2021. The development of learning praxis in Vocational High Schools is carried out in classrooms, workshops, laboratories, studios, teaching factories, and industry. In order for industry-based learning to be carried out properly, teachers must have experience in the industry that is relevant to their professional competence. Industry-based learning can be implemented by bringing in teachers from industry and/or providing opportunities for teachers to do internships in industry. The results show that the implementation of industrial internships for teachers will provide benefits, namely having work experience in the industry, competency certification recognized by the industry, having industrial standard vocational competencies, having an industrial work ethic/culture, learning based on real work, authentic, and cultivation of work culture through industrial learning.

Keywords: industrial experience practice, teacher professional education program

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

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