Conceptual Mass Modeling of Low-Cost Apartment Building in Responding to Tropical Climate using Simulation: Shape, Form, Size, and Relation
Aisyah Nabilah (a*), Try Ramadhan (a), Rr. Tjahyani Busono (a)

a) Department of Archictecture Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The hot-humid climate in Indonesia have a direct influence on occupants perception of thermal sensations. Thus, Building housing in a hot-humid climate is need to be adequately designed. This paper aims to find the most optimal mass model of low-cost apartment buildings responding to the tropical climate in the conceptual design phase. The method used is exploratory research using SunHour and CFD (Computational Fluid Design) simulation to assess the duration of solar radiation and wind velocity. PET (Physicological Equivalent Temperature) analysis was performed to assess the thermal quality of several mass models through RayMan Tools. The site, which located in Bekasi city, and environmental context data were used to interpret the findings. This study indicates several options for the mass models of apartment building that can be obtained from the simulation iteration process. The most optimal mass models has variations in the height and width of the building that responds to west and north sun radiation over year. In addition, the area of wind entry should not be covered by mass to optimize wind distribution on the site. In the conceptual study of mass, the placement of vegetation and building facade elements must be considered to cover the masses weaknesses.

Keywords: Mass modelling- Low-cost apartment- Tropical climate- Simulation

Topic: Architecture

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