Alvina Fadila Maulida(a*), Ida Hamidah (b)

a) Postgraduate School, UPI Bandung
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Postgraduate School, UPI Bandung
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The industrial revolution led to changes, including food production. There are several industries that use tools in the manufacturing process, in recent years there is one tool that is still in the test phase, but is now becoming increasingly popular and becoming a new breakthrough that 3D because food printers can show the potential for precision, customization, and innovation in the structure (shape) and texture of varied and interesting foods. This method used in the writing of this article is systematic literature review. Conducted through 3 stages consisting of searching and retrieving articles, filtering and sorting and analysis. In the early stages of searching for journal articles related to ^3D^ ^food^,^printing^ obtained 38 articles from January 2015 to 2021. Articles included in the realm of 3D Food Printing technology, the last article was released in 2015 (n=5), 2016(n=3), 2017 (n=5), 2018(n=12), 2019 (n=6), 2020(n=5), 2021(n=2). Include with the application of raw materials used in 3D food printer technology include: sugar, chocolate (the most perfect ingredient), cheese, cereals, fruits, cookie dough, and meat. Some examples of foodstuffs that have been successfully printed using this method are fruit and vegetables as well as dough-based food formula pectin and meat and gel-based ingredients Selective Laser Sintering/Hot Air. 3D food printing technology was created to introduce artistic capabilities as a way to consume food in luxury as well as expand mass customization capabilities to the idustrial culinary sector. The technology is still in the development stage. Implications for its use such as improved food design and nutrition can be adjusted to consumer order.

Keywords: 3D Food Printing, Food Printer Technology

Topic: New Technologies in Education

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