Immersive intelligent Tutoring system: A Systematic Literature Review
Rasim (a)(b)*, Armein Z.R. Langi (b), Yusep Rosmansyah (b), Munir (a)

(a) School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, ITB
(b) Department of Computer Science, FPMIPA, UPI


ITS is a personal learning that provides feedback according to the characteristics of students. ITS has 4 components, namely: domain module, pedagogy module, student module, and interface. Each component can be increased its effectiveness by using technology. The use of ITS can improve learning outcomes. However, ITS often forgets about immersion so that students^ attention may be lost. Immersion is a concept based on the concept of psychological flow so that students engage in learning. The four components of flow are: control, attention, motivation, and curiosity. The integration of ITS and immersion is not yet clear. This study will present the SLR immersive intelligent tutoring system related to technology for the effectiveness of each component of ITS, strategies to achieve immersion, the level of education that uses IITS, and implementation of IITS in learning. The results of this study indicate that AI and machine learning dominate the technology to increase the effectiveness of ITS. Furthermore, the use of games and virtual environments increases immersion in learning. IITS is used at various levels of education, from primary, secondary and higher education. The application of its and immersion is carried out on each component.

Keywords: Immersion, intelligent tutoring, smart learning, personal learning, virtual learning environment

Topic: Computer Science Education

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