Selection of Proper Well Candidates for Well Intervention Job Using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) Method
Ali Mashar (a), Pri Hermawan (b)

(a) Student at Institute Technology Bandung, School of Business and Management, Indonesia
(b) Lecturer as thesis supervisor at Institute Technology Bandung, School of Business and Management, Indonesia


Oil and gas wells are one of the most important assets for oil and gas companies. Oil and gas production from these wells is one of the performance indicators of oil and gas companies. However, this oil and gas production will naturally decline, especially if it has passed the peak stages of production. The decline that occurs will be faster. In addition to natural factors from the condition of oil and gas reserves that exist in the earth, external factors also influence this decline, including well profile, location & flowline, and lifting. To maintain production figures, new wells are drilled or maintenance of existing wells is carried out through well intervention job. This study was conducted in an oil and gas company field in Indonesia. In this field, oil production in 2019-2021 did not reach the predetermined target, only around 92-96% of the target. The reason is natural decline and the less successful well intervention work. In 2019-2021 there were 53 wells that experienced delays in completing their well intervention work. This resulted in an additional cost of -1,578.864.63. To avoid this, it is necessary to select the right candidate wells for well intervention work. The author uses a fishbone chart to find the root cause of the delay in the completion of the well intervention work. Furthermore, the author uses the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method to select candidate wells. The criteria used in the AHP method were obtained from the fishbone chart evaluation results. The result of the analysis of the AHP method is a sequence of well candidates for well intervention work. The results of this analysis will be submitted to officials in the oil and gas company field as an alternative solution to solve problems that occur in the field.

Keywords: oil production, decline, well intervention job, fishbone chart, AHP

Topic: Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues

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