Lesson Study Scientific Articles: Exploration of Learning Information Experiences as Best Practice
Eny Winaryati1*, Iwan Junaedi2*Dodi Mulyadi3*, Safuan4*, Eko Andi Purnomo5*, Madya Giri Aditama6*

1Chemistry Education Departement. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
2Mathematic Education Departement. Universitas Negeri Semarang
3English Language Education. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
4informatics department. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
5Mathematic Education Departement. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
6English Language Education. Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendal Batang, Indonesia


Teachers have a strategic role in learning, because teachers have a lot of time to meet with students. Teachers strive for knowledge and skills that are transferred to students always increase. Without realizing it, teachers often change their learning strategies, with the hope that there will be improvements. This indicates that teacher has research skills. This skill is the teacher^s feedback on the responses that emerge from the students. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of information on the implementation of lesson study as best practice. The phenomenographic method was adopted to explore the experience of information obtained from the implementation of lesson study at Muhammadiyah schools in Central Java. Lesson study provides opportunities for teachers to always make continuous learning improvements, with the aim of improving the quality of graduates. Research activities have been initiated during the PLAN activity, because at this time discussions are being held to find learning problems. The more complex learning problem presented, the higher the way to solve it. DO activity is an opportunity to obtain many findings, as important notes for solving learning problems, which will be reflected in SEE activities. Recommendations for learning improvement are feedback from REFLECTION activities on the implementation of learning for the improvement of the next learning. This research skill has become a character when lesson study activities are carried out. The result of this lesson study activity is a best practice that is very feasible to be disseminated, through a form of scientific writing. It is hoped that other teachers will benefit from this good practice. Information experience When carrying out lesson study is a very meaningful insight, and becomes a valuable experience for researchers and others.

Keywords: scientific articles, lesson study, learning information experience, best practice

Topic: Lesson Study and Learning Community

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