Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya (a*), Amsor (a)

a) Physics Education Department, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40134, Indonesia


The aim of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is to integrate the values of sustainable development in all aspects of learning to promote behavioral change towards a more sustainable and equitable society for all (UNESCO, 2006). Making a decision made by a person is determined by the rationality, perception, and cognition of the literature. ESD-oriented learning directs students to familiarize their way of thinking, acting, and behaving comprehensively based on the pillars of sustainable development. The excavation of skills obtained by students after learning is more dominated by the cognitive aspect which is more oriented in the way of thinking and tends to override their perspective of acting and behaving. This article aims to develop an integrated ESD Awareness and Cognitive evaluation instrument based on science learning for high school students. using the development research method through the ADDIE stages (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate), research samples of high school students in several regions in Indonesia will be selected by simple random sampling to meet the required data. The instrument in the form of a questionnaire that has been designed by Hassan, Noordin, & Sulaiman (2010) and Arba^at (2006- 2009) has been developed into a network-based instrument (online) and its quality characteristics are assessed through an online evaluation application. The application of evaluation using the online application of the instrument can be a quality, reliable instrument in terms of appearance, presentation, use, and quality of measurement using Item Response Theory of the 2PL model through eIRT in the data processing process. An integrated science learning-based ESD Awareness and cognitive assessment instrument for high school students has been developed, directed to be accessible and presented in a more attractive and targeted manner using an online evaluation application. The item parameters obtained indicate that the quality of the

Keywords: Online Based Evaluation: ESD, Sustainability Awareness

Topic: Learning Improvement in Subject Matters

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