Nurwidodo, Trisakti Handayani, Iin Hindunis Sample Abstract

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang


STEM learning is expected to be the foundation in meeting the demands of scientific, technological, engineering, mathematical literacy as required in 21st century learning. To meet these expectations, teachers are needed who master and are ready to realize STEM learning. This study aims to examine the readiness of PPG FKIP UMM students in STEM learning. The research was carried out in March, 2001 to February 2022. The sample used was PPG students in positions and pre-service classes of 2001 and 2022. The total sample was 43 PPG prajab students and 45 PPG daljab students. Sampling was carried out saturated (PPG Prajab) and randomly (PPG Daljab).
The results showed that there was a change in students^ understanding of STEM as content and STEM as a process where content consisted of an integrated quadro, while as a STEM process based on process design engineering (EDP), EDP is a cyclic process that applies in problem solving in the engineering world. . The position of the problem in STEM can be positioned as the beginning of learning, it can also be positioned after the analysis of the integration of STEM content from relevant curriculum documents. All STEM components have valuable educational meaning for the development of students personality. The importance of STEM learning in the framework of fulfilling 21st century life skills and future careers has been understood by students so that STEM learning becomes necessary. STEM learning is understood as learning that is characterized by active student involvement, processes in discovery or inquiry, collaborating with students in groups, solving real problems around the environment, through project-based learning or the 5E cycle. How to design learning is done by instructional analysis, applying EDP, designing scenarios using PBL, PjBL or Cycle 5E, implementing, reflecting on the process and results of implementation and redesign. The main obstacles encountered in STEM learning are the lack of understanding of STEM, exp

Keywords: PPG Students, STEM Learning, Readiness

Topic: Learning Improvement in STEM Education

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