The quiziz media analysis eliminates student boredom learning in a new normal era
Hana zhafirah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang


The pandemic period, which has lasted from 2019 until the present, has caused numerous challenges in a variety of industries, including education. One of the most common issues is a lack of excitement and motivation in studying. This is felt since the learning carried out during the epidemic is uninteresting because it is solely done through learning platforms such as Whatsapp, google meet, and so on, causing boredom in children. As a result, the government chose to transition from online to offline learning. As a result, it is vital to reinvent learning through the use of learning material based on quiz games. The utilization of instructional material is critical in combating student boredom. Quiziz is one of the quiziz used. The goal of this study is to see if Quiziz can help students overcome boredom while learning in the modern day. While conducting this research at State Elementary School X, descriptive qualitative methodologies and data collection via interviews and student perceptions were used. Based on the findings of this study, it is possible to conclude that quiziz can help students overcome boredom, as indicated by the fact that as many as 22 students believe quiziz are enjoyable and can help them re-energize their interest in learning.

Keywords: quizizz, instructional Media, boredom  

Topic: Classroom Based Learning Improvement Practices

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