Analysis and reconstruction: the concept of sports peace
Yuan Yuchuang

Henan University


Research purposes: the vitality of the concept is not only highlighted in the depth of thought, but also in the strength of accepting the test of practice- It can not only highlight the characteristics of the times, but also contain the tension of the historical dimension. ^Sports peace^ is such a concept. As Engels said, ^every era has its own theoretical thinking, so the theoretical thinking of our era is a product of history. It has completely different forms and contents in different times.^ Sports peace is not only an analysis and experience summary of the past issues of sports promoting peace, but also an in-depth analysis and Reflection on the current mechanism of sports promoting peace.
Research methods: literature method and interview method
Research results:
1. The research process of sports promoting peace needs the theoretical support of social change, while the practical mechanism and concept of sports peace theory have a great gap, and the theoretical research is too single.
2. Sports have both internal and external foundations. The peaceful nature of sports and the involvement of actors can promote peace on a large scale. For example, the ^alliance^ with the International Olympic Committee as the main body has established an exchange channel connecting countries through sports, and has formed two-way interaction through promoting the peace actions of the two countries to achieve the establishment and maintenance of peace- For example, mass movement is not only a way for individuals to understand the world, but also a means to change the world and expand communication, which reflects the coexistence of instrumental rationality and value rationality.
3. The occurrence of sports bears the ^mission^ of historical development, shoulders the ^mission^ of world peace, and has a legitimate purpose and interest. The appearance of sports peace theory has continued the development of human spiritual civilization, and it is also the value purpose of building a community with a shared future for mankind from the symbolic representation of sports itself to the practice of sports promoting peace.
Research conclusion: the concept of sports peace is defined as: through contact, communication and identification, sports awakens the inner peace consciousness of human beings, promotes individual participation in peace construction, and then realizes the prevention and rational transformation of conflicts, so as to gradually achieve harmonious coexistence, peace and stability between people and the world. The concept symbolizes the precipitation of the historical development stage. The interpretation of the concept is the basic element of judgment and reasoning, and is the mode of thinking that reflects the essential attribute of the object. Under the grand narrative of the community with a shared future for mankind, exploring the mechanism of sports peace is not only the cognition and understanding of modern peace, but also the touchstone of the bright future of human development. Following the laws of human historical development, giving full play to the strength of Chinese theory and the international concept of uniting global consensus are the needs of China^s sustainable development and the driving force of international sustainable development- It is a feasible example for developing countries to develop and advance peacefully, and it is also a parallel practice of building a community with a shared future for mankind with developed countries.
Keywords: analysis- Remodeling- Sports peace

Keywords: analysis- Remodeling- Sports peace

Topic: Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions

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