Dumbbell Swing Exercise Effect Toward Result of 9 Meters Shooting Distance Mia Kusumawati, Dindin Abidin, Arief Darmawan, Elly Diana Mamesah, Andre Anggita
Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi
The research aims to know result of Dumbell Swing Exercise effect toward shooting result of Male Petanque of Unisma Bekasi. It used one group pre-test post-test design method with sample consisting of 15 athletes of Male Petanque of Unisma Bekasi. The treatment used is Dumbbell Swing Training Method. Data analysis procedure calculated an average score, searched Standard Deviation, normality test result, homogeneity test result, and examined the hypothesis. Based on processing and data analysis, the research concluded that there is a significant correlation between dumbbell swing exercise method before and after treatment toward shooting result within Petanque Sport in Unisma Bekasi. Tcount value as 17,19 is greater than ttable as much 2,13 with alpha 5% or () = 0,05, so that H0 was rejected with conclussion that the sample experienced a significant improving of shooting result on Petanque by Dumbbell Swing Exercise Method.