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1 Nursing and Public Health ABS-3

Upik Rahmi, Septian Andriyani



Nurses^ knowledge about dementia is very important in order to provide better care to dementia patients. It will improve the quality of care services so that the patient^s quality of life improves. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of nurses about dementia care at the Bandung City Health Center, Indonesia. The research design was cross-sectional, total sampling was 34 nurses from 3 health centers who had a high incidence of dementia. The results showed that the nurses^ knowledge about dementia care was sufficient, namely- causes or etiologic dementia in 6 people (17.7%), knowledge of prevention and treatment of 11 people (32.4%), knowledge of signs and symptoms of 7 people (20.5%) and knowledge of dementia treatment 10 people (29.4%). The correlation between knowledge and general characteristics was the most significant in the correlation between knowledge and dementia education Pv (0.01). Nurses at Puskesmas Kota Bandung have sufficient knowledge about dementia. This is influenced by factors of age, education, length of work and health education about dementia care. In conclusion, the knowledge of nurses about dementia is still not good and there is a significant relationship between knowledge and formal dementia education.

Keywords: Dementia, Knowledge, Nurses

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2 Nursing and Public Health ABS-5

Clinical Instructor Perceptions of Educational Preparation and Organizational Support for Their Role
Suci Tuty Putri(a*), Lisna Anisa Fitriana(a), Sehabudin Salasa(a)

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
* suci.putri[at]upi.edu


The aims of this study was to determine the perceptions of clinical instructors(CIs) towards Educational Preparation and Organizational Support for Their Role. The study design was a observational analytic. Convenience sampling was used in this study. Which is 104 respondents were recruited within 2 weeks. Descriptive and correlative analysis using Chi-square shows that Most CIs have positive perceptions of their role. The results showed that most CIs had a positive perception of their role. Furthermore,it was known that the length of experience working as CI was associated with pedagogical competence (p = 0.047), support and educational resources (0.046), and teaching service integration (0.013). Meanwhile, preceptor training was associated with educational program planning (0.037). It can be concluded that although nurses have a positive perception of their role as CI, several demographic factors influence their competence in teaching. It is important for academic education to facilitate each CI hospital in gaining teaching competence abilities.

Keywords: clinical education- Clinical instructor - nursing education- preceptor-

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3 Nursing and Public Health ABS-9

Adissa Dayinta*, Suci Tuty Putri, Sehabudin Salasa

Nursing Program, Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229i, Kota Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Background: Sports injuries are problems that happen cause dysfunctional musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it must be handled with a right technique to get the effective healing process of the injury. This study aims to know the result of the application of protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation (PRICE) techniques in handling sports injuries. Methods: This used the study literature by analyzing various full articles text in English by range years 2007-2020. The articles were selected by systematic PRISMA and there were found 5 articles. Results: This study discovered three important aspects of the application of PRICE technique in handling sports injuries especially sprain grade I, II. Those aspects are (1) increasing the effectiveness when the PRICE technique combined with exercise mobilization- (2) beneficial to reduce pain complaints- (3) the use of appropriate PRICE technique is important during the first week of injury. Conclusion: This discussion relates to the effective PRICE technique used in handling sports injuries and the role of the nurse in performing the PRICE technique as an intervention.

Keywords: Protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation (PRICE), Sports Injuries.

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4 Nursing and Public Health ABS-11

The Role of Parental Intervention in Toddler Toilet Training Implementation
1st Septian Andriyani1, 2nd Upik Rahmi2, 3Afianti Sulastri3, 4Dadang Darmawan4

Indonesia University of Education Bandung, Indonesia 1,2,3

Akademi Keperawatan Dustira, Cimahi, Indonesia 4


Toilet training is a developmental task for toddlers. In practice, children need their parents as the first educators in the family in carrying out toilet training. Parents play a role in helping children control the habit of defecating and urinating independently. This study aims to determine the role of parents in implementing toilet training for toddlers. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using purposive sampling technique involving 57 parents of toddlers through filling out a questionnaire. Parents^ responses were recorded and categorized into two categories, good and bad. The results showed that more than half of the parents were in a good category to implement toilet training (52.6%), and the rest were still in the bad category (47.4%). Several factors can affect the role of parents in carrying out toilet training, i.e. the readiness of parents and children, toilet training teaching techniques, and the stages of toilet training itself. Nurses as health workers are expected to become educators for the parents about knowing the importance of implementing toilet training for children. Physical and psychological environmental aspects must be considered in supporting the toilet training process.

Keywords: Parents^Role, Toddler, Toilet training

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5 Nursing and Public Health ABS-31

Sedentary Behavior and Sleeping Time in Adolescents in Indonesia: Objective Measurement with Accelerometer (ActivPAL)
Jajat, Kuston Sultoni, Risma, Adang Sudrazat

1. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
3. Universitas Galuh Ciamis
4. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Sedentary behavior is closely related to health problems, especially non-communicable disease (NCD). However, in Indonesia the total amount of time spent in sedentary behavior has not been quantitatively measured. This study aims to measure objectively the amount of sleep and sedentary behavior in adolescence. The sample in this study were 47 Indonesian high school students aged between 16-18 years old consisting of 24 male and 23 female. Data on sedentary behavior and sleep time were even-day ActivPAL data. Recording is carried out for 24 hours, starting at 00.01 up to 00.00 every day. The results showed that there were significant differences in the amount of sleep between boys and girls (8.3 + 1.44 vs. 9.3 + 1.41, P <.05). The behavior between female adolescent and male adolescent in Indonesia is also significantly difference (10.3 + 1.24 vs. 9.3 + 1.37, P <.05). Girls spend an average of more sleep per day compared to boys and boys^ sedentary behavior time is higher than girls^. These findings indicate the need for promotion of appropriate physical activity based on gender and age

Keywords: NCD, Physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleeping behavior

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6 Nursing and Public Health ABS-34

Damayanti, Imas- Nurjanah, Fitriyana- Ruhayati, Yati- Rahayu, Nur Indri

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The COVID-19 pandemic pushed people, including university students to stay at home. Transform all their once very active daily live into sedentary lifestyle. This is leading to potentially backfire to their immune system, and furthermore becoming susceptible to the covid-19 infection. This study aims to create a cardio-training instructional video that can be used as a sports training media for students in the virtual community for Physical Activity in the Covid-19 era. This study uses Design and Development (D&D) research with 6 stages of research procedures, namely: (1) problem identification (2) describing objectives (3) product design and development (4) product testing (5) evaluation after testing (6) Conclusion.

Keywords: covid-19, physical activity, cardio training video development, virtual community

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7 Nursing and Public Health ABS-35

Therapeutic effect of role playing (Dramatic Play) on the Level Cooperative preschooler (3-6 Years) When Dispensing oral in Room Otje Rajawali HospitaL Bandung.
Somantri, B.,Rohaedi, S

Diploma in Nursing, Faculty of Education and Sports Health, University of Pendidikan Indonesia


Background. Hospitalized is an experience full of stress experienced by the child. Currently, drug delivery, the child will think that drugs should be drink it bitter or bad, so it is not uncommon drug that was rejected by the child, and the child does not want to take medication. Research purpose. Knowing the influence of role-playing therapy (Dramatic play) on the level of cooperative preschool children (3-6 years old) when the oral drug delivery in the room Otje rajwali hospital bndung. Research metode. This study uses quasy-experiment. The sample in this study amounted to 44 people and techniques with accidental sampling. Result. There are significant differences in the level of cooperation between cooperative before and after therapy play a role (dramatic play) with value of 0.000. Conclusion there is a significant influence on the therapeutic role playing (dramatic play0 on the level of cooperative preschool children while oral drug delivery.
Suggestion. Hospital room Rajawali especially children continually provide therapeutic methods play a role (dramatic play) to improve the cooperative attitude of the child during the child was teated at hospital.

Keywords: Therapeutic role playing (dramatic play), the level of cooperation, oral drug delivery

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8 Nursing and Public Health ABS-38

A Qualitative Exploration of Mother^s experience in Caring Children With Autism
1st Septian Andriyani1, 2nd Irma Darmawati,3 Upik Rahmi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Background:Being a mother of autistic children is a difficult task. In infancy and early adolescence, autism spectrum disorder exists, causing delays in many fundamental areas of development, such as learning to speak, play, and connect with others. Aims:This study aims to describe the experience of mothers in caring children with autism. Settings and Design:This study was narrative qualitative research. Methods and Material:Data were collected using semi-structured interviews conducted with five mothers who have an autism child in Bandung ages 6-14 years. Statistical analysis used:Data were analyzed by the content analysis approach Results:3 themes were identified : First time catching their children have autism, Autism parenting, Speech development before therapy. Conclusions:Mothers tried their best effort in caring children with autism. Mothers play important roles in parenting and the development of their children. Another family member needs to support physically and psychologically for a mother who raises a child with autism

Keywords: Autism, Experience, Mother

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9 Nursing and Public Health ABS-39

Linda Amalia, Lina Anisa Nasution, Ina Nur^aini Hidayah

Nursing Study Program Education University of Indonesia


Premarital sex behavior among teenagers tends to increase. This study aims to determine the description of adolescent perceptions of premarital sex behavior. This research uses a quantitative design with a descriptive approach. This study used a total sampling technique and a questionnaire instrument with a population of 72 adolescents aged 10-24 years and unmarried. The results showed that 40 people (55.6%) had negative perceptions and 32 people (44.4%) had positive perceptions of premarital sex behavior. These various perceptions raise the urgency of nurses to be able to play an active role in providing reproductive health education and the impact of premarital sex behavior for adolescents in Indonesia.
Keywords: adolescents- perception- premarital sex behavior

Keywords: adolescents- perception- premarital sex behavior

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10 Nursing and Public Health ABS-45

Healthy Living Behavior of Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic : The Role of Parenting Types Authoritative
Muhamad Hanif Ramadhan (a*), Mustika Fitri (b), Saepul Anwar (a)

a) Sports Education Study Program, School of Post Graduates, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of authoritative parenting styles on children^s healthy behavior in the Covid-19 pandemic era. The research method used is a descriptive method with a research instrument in a closed questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is the t-test. Based on data processing and analysis, the t-test calculations obtained t count for the authoritative parenting style of 23.590, which means that the data is significant. The authoritative parenting style has a substantial role in the child^s healthy lifestyle, with a 95.5% contribution. The implication of the research result shows that the parenting style contributes to the child^s healthy behavior- therefore, parents should apply good parenting to impact their child^s health positively.

Keywords: Parenting, healthy behavior of children, parental behavior

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11 Nursing and Public Health ABS-64

Protective effect of Quercetin Administration in Bacterial-induced Periodontitis on Rats
Afianti Sulastri (a,b*), Indra Mustika SP (c), Amaliya Amaliya (c), Sukrasno Sukrasno (d), Andreanus A. Soemardji (a)

a) Pharmacology-Clinical Pharmacy Research Group, School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
b)Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 40154, Bandung, Indonesia
c)Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran, 40132, Bandung, Indonesia
d)Pharmaceutical Biology-Research Group, School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Previous studies had shown that quercetin pharmacological activity is beneficial for health. This study aims to investigate the effect of quercetin on bacterial-adhered ligature-induced periodontitis. The animals were divided into three experimental groups using two types of treatment, preventive (Qp, n=6), which is given a week before induction, and curative (Qc, n=6), which is given a week after induction. Periodontitis state was gained through placing a 3/0 non-resorbable sterile silk thread around the mandibular incisor teeth of eighteen male adult Sprague Dawley rats under general anaesthesia. Two weeks of post-induction treatment, the animals were euthanized, and samples representing the mandibular part were stored in formalin and prepared for histological processing to assess the grade of inflammation (GI). The clinical parameter was evaluated by measuring the periodontal pocket depth (PPD) using the Michigan-O probe. Qp showed the best improvement, in both parameter, clinically (PPD score, p=0,0018 at the lingual site, and p=0,0264 at the mesial site) and histologically (GI, p=0,0002). We found significant differences in preventing clinical attachment-loss statistically (p<0,05) on Qp, better than the Qc at an equal dose (p<0,05). This finding suggests that quercetin administered as a preventive measure may enhance the healing process of gingiva in periodontitis condition, better than other groups.

Keywords: Periodontitis- Protective effect- Quercetin- wound healing

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12 Nursing and Public Health ABS-71

Relationship between Students^ Perceived Exercise Benefit and Physical Activity Level During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Ruhayati, Yati- Hadi, Asep- Damayanti, Imas- Rahayu, Nur Indri

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between physical activity and perceived exercise benefit Indonesian university of education students in the era corona virus pandemic in Indonesia. The method used is a quantitative research method with a correlation research approach. The population in this study were active students of the Indonesian University of Education, amounting to 34,612 people. The total of 389 samples with the sampling technique using cluster random sampling. The instruments used were Global physical activity questionnaire and an Exsercise Benefit Barriers Scale. The global physical activity questionnaire was used to measure the level of physical activity with the results of UPI students having high physical activity. The Exsercise Benefit Barriers Scale was used to measure the perceived benefits of exercise with the results that UPI students agreed with the benefits of exercise as a physical appearance. The data were analyzed using the Spearman Correlation Test. The results of data analysis showed there is a correlation between physical activity and perceived exercise benefit Indonesian university of education students in the era corona virus pandemic in Indonesia. (p=0,000<0,05) which meant there is a significant correlation.

Keywords: Physical Activity, Benefits of Exercise, Corona Virus, GPAQ, EBBS

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13 Nursing and Public Health ABS-72

The Relation between Sex, Age, Body Mass Index, and Physical Fitness with Elderly Participation in Development
Nurlan Kusmaedi (a*), Sumardiyanto (b), Septian Williyanto (c),Wildan Alfia Nugroho (d)

Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Active participation in development requires several pre-requirements, including sex, age, body mass index, and physical fitness. This study aimed to reveal the relationship between sex, age, body mass index, and physical fitness with the level of active participation of the elderly in development. The research method used is descriptive correlational. Samples were taken from the sports association of the elderly who live in the Pasir Layung Village of Bandung City as many as 30 people. The results showed a sex relationship to TPA with a percentage of 58.5% for men and 41.5% for women, the relationship between age and TPA with a Sig. 0.000 <Sig α with r = -0.637- the relationship between BMI and TPA is the Sig. 0,000 <Sig. α with a value of r = -0.826, and the relationship between physical fitness and TPA with the Sig. 0,000 <Sig. α with a value of r = 0.857. This study concludes that there is a relationship between sex, age, body mass index, and physical fitness with the level of active participation of the elderly in development.

Keywords: elderly physical fitness, participation in development.

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14 Nursing and Public Health ABS-73

Tirta Adikusuma Suparto (a*), Bella Aulia Alfatihah (b), Asih Purwandari Wahyoe Puspita (c), Imam Tri Sutrisno (d), Dhika Darmansyah (e), Yanti Hermayanti (f)

a,b,c,d,e) Program Studi DIII Keperawatan, Fakultas Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
f) Departemen Keperawatan Maternitas, Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia


Pos Kesehatan Pesantren (Poskestren) is one of the Community Resource Health Efforts in Islamic boarding schools, with the principle of, by and for the residents of Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools in Bandung number 97 Islamic boarding schools and there is only one post office in Bandung. From the preliminary study, there were still obstacles to the Poskestren in Bandung. The purpose of this study was to explore the obstacles to the program of the Poskestren in Bandung. The design of this study is a qualitative descriptive study with a sampling technique that is snowball sampling to all components involved in the Poskestren. The data analyzed were the results of interviews with the Poskestren program manager, direct observation of this program activities, as well as Darutt Tauhiid post-test documents. The results of this study indicate that there are still obstacles the Poskestren in the city of Bandung in the indicators of input, process, and output, namely: 1) The establishment of the boarding school health post program not yet in every boarding school in Bandung, 2) Facilities and infrastructure of Darutt Tauhiid post office that are not yet maximal, 3) The policy of implementing the Darut Tauhiid post office program that is not appropriate, 4) Lack of quantity and quality towards the guidance of health workers to the Darutt tauhiid post office, 5) Not carried out by the Darutt tauhiid health post program of self-observation (SMD) activities, 6) Health education for Darutt tauhiid post office is not optimal, 7) Documentation of Darutt tauhiid health post program activities is not maximal, 8) Lack of student visits to Darutt tauhiid health post program- and 9) The low level of knowledge of PHBS students. Recommendations from researchers are the need for the establishment of the Poskestren and the revitalization of the program in all Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, especially in Bandung.

Keywords: Poskestren, Islamic Boarding Schools

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15 Nursing and Public Health ABS-75

A Comparative Study Of Quality Of Nursing Work Life In Indonesia
Asih Purwandari Wahyoe Puspita(a*), Tirta Adikusuma Suparto (b), Yanti Hermayanti(c)

a,b)Nursing Diploma Study Program,Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
c)Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang KM.21, Kabupaten Sumedang 45363, Indonesia


Background The quality of work life of nurses is a function of nursing management to manage superior human resources and have maximum work productivity. Purpose This study aims to compare the Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) in Indonesia. Design: The research design used in this research is quantitative with a comparative approach. Methods There were 286 nurses taken by stratified random sampling in Indonesia, consisting of 94 private hospital nurses, 111 state hospital nurses and 81 public health center nurses. The questionnaire was filled in by the respondents themselves and consisted of two questionnaires from the Indonesian version, namely the Quality of Work Life of Nurses questionnaire and a demographic questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Result Nurses in Indonesia have an overall QNWL score and the QNWL dimensions are in a good category . The rank of QNWL Health Facilities in Indonesia from the highest is : 1) Public Health Center, 2) Public Hospital and 3) Private Hospital. Conclusion The results of this study indicate that Indonesian nurses have QNWL values and the QNWL dimensions are in good category. Clinical Relevance This study shows the need for efforts to improve the components and factors of QNWL which are still problematic, especially in private hospitals.

Keywords: Quality Of Nursing Work Life ,QNWL,Components QNWL.

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16 Nursing and Public Health ABS-76

The Influence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on the Eye Health of Elementary School Students
Ferry Doringin, Nensi Mesrani Tarigan, Ignatia Doringin

Akademi Refraksi Optisi dan Optometri Gapopin


The Industrial revolution 4.0 and efforts to master 21st century competencies, encourage students to use technology and gadgets in their teaching-learning activities. In the long-distance learning, technology becomes a necessity. This paper aims to see how gestures and knowledge of eye health affect students^ health eye. Using a qualitative case study with interview and observation methods, the author conducted a study at an elementary school in North Jakarta and focused on grade 6 students (4 classes). In addition to observing students through zoom meetings, the author interviewed 8 students and four homeroom teachers. This study concludes that the use of glasses at the elementary school age is getting bigger. This correlates with the industrial revolution 4.0 and 21st century competence which encourages the use of very intense gadgets. However, this intensity is not followed by an understanding of eye health and how to treat it during this pandemic. Also, students do not get an understanding of good posture that can take care of the eyes. This research needs to be complemented by research on parents^ perceptions of eye health and how to care for it.

Keywords: Eye health, gadget, gesture, Industrial Revolution 4.0, technology

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17 Nursing and Public Health ABS-78

Differences of Electroenchepalography Wave in Women Elderly with and without Dementia
Lisna Anisa Fitriana (a), Andria Pragholapati (a), Slamet Rohaedi (a), Setiawan (b), Kusnandar Anggadiredja (c), I Ketut Adnyana (c*)

a) Department of Nursing, Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
c) Department of Pharmacology and Cinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


Dementia is a syndrome of a serious decline in brain function with an increasing incidence worldwide. EEG is a tool that functions to determine the electrical activity in the brain that can be using as a dementia detection tool, but the research is still limited. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in EEG waves in women elderly with dementia and non-dementia. The research design was cross-sectional. Examination of dementia using MMSE (Mini-Mental State Exam) with a cut off value of 23 and examination of brain waves using the InteraXon Muse Headband EEG (InteraXon, Canada) for 10 minutes in a resting state. The research sample consisted of 54 women elderly aged> 60 years who lived in PSTW Senjarawi, PSTW Budi Pertiwi, and Bandung Community Health Center. Data analysis used independent sample t-test and Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that there were significant differences in the Delta AF7 waves (p = 0.007), Delta TP9 (p = 0.039), Delta TP10 (p = 0.024), and Theta AF7 (p = 0.017). In conclusion, women elderly with dementia have lower slow waves (delta and theta waves) than without dementia.

Keywords: Dementia- EEG- Elderly

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18 Nursing and Public Health ABS-82

Upik Rahmi, Sehabudin Salasa, Septian Andriyani

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Cases of tuberculosis (TB) in West Java Indonesia is characterized by high cases of TB / HIV infection and resistant TB disease and the role of health care facilities in managing TB. This research is about the experience of nurses at public health centers for the factors that influence the prevention and control of TB infection and to identify the risk of transmission of emerging nosocomial infections.
Methodology: Study design Qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach, with structured interviews. Sample of 4 nurses at the West Java Community Health Center in Indonesia in 4 community health centers, the sampling technique was with a total sampling method. The number of participants is considered sufficient if it has reached redundancy, meaning that the data obtained is saturated. Nurses (n = 4) were selected to work in the outpatient TB section because in the community health center there were no inpatient TB patients with the criteria of a nurse who had received TB training, with a minimum Diploma education. Data collection-The interviews were conducted in a tightly guarded meeting room with confidentiality, conducted in Indonesian by researchers, each lasting about 30 minutes. Participant responses were recorded during the interview. After the interview, the researcher immediately typed and checked the code script to ensure complete and accurate data retrieval. The interviews were also recorded using a tape recorder after asking the nurse for permission and the nurse giving permission.
Results: Factors that influence the prevention and control of TB infection, as well as the potential risk of transmission of nosocomial infections, emerging themes are the Effect of health care systems, sociocultural factors, patient behavior towards health services,
Conclusions: Lack of health care facilities is a major influence on infection prevention and control. The provisions and practices of infection prevention and control, TB training for staff

Keywords: Tuberculosis, infection prevention and control, nurses, Fenomenology approach

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19 Nursing and Public Health ABS-83

Upik Rahmi, Septian Andriyani, Afianti Sulastri

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Nursing students who have taken education will carry out a final exam which is limited to determining student graduation and entering the world of work in nursing. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of students at the final year of the nursing diploma level in facing the national final exam in Indonesia. The research methodology is descriptive quantitative, taking sample accidental sampling as many as 117 people, the research instrument is a modified Self-Direct Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) score. The results of the study, most of the respondents who had a perception about the final exam at the moderate stage (73.5%) were 86 people, high (25.6%) were 30 people and low (0.9%) was 1 person. Conclusion: Nursing diploma level students in Indonesia have sufficient knowledge and skills in facing the final nursing examination.

Keywords: Student, perception, final exam, nursing, diploma

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20 Nursing and Public Health ABS-91

Coronovirus Disease: Physical Activity in New Normal
Raka Muhamad Dimas, Dimyati

Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta State University


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a global health emergency, and seens to be having a huge impact on physical activity behaviour globally. Physical activity are key factor to help the population to mitigate the effects that the current pandemic is causing on physical health of citizens in the world. Physical Activity recommends 60 minute/day for 6-17 years old, and 75 minute/weak or 150 minute/weak for adults and elderly. This research was aimed at finding out the level of physical activity in new normal. The method used was quantitative descriptive, using a questionnaire distributed to the respondents, with random sampling, and spread in 2 provinces (West Java and D.I. Yogyakarta). The data of the questionnaire showed that the average level of physical activity is high category, with average 160 minute/week to 300 minute/week. However, it should be noted is they also have a high duration of sitting, lay down, and playing mobile phone or game.

Keywords: Physical Distancing, Public Health, Activity, Pandemic

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21 Nursing and Public Health ABS-97

Stress Level of University Students in West Java During Early Covid-19 Pandemic
Isti Kumalasari, Syifa F. Syihab, Mesa Rahmi, Muchamad Rizki Sentani

Faculty of Sport Education and Health Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred in early 2020 forced every country to implement social restrictions. Social restrictions by government with the jargon ^Stay at Home^ affect the stress level of society including the students. This condition has an impact on the learning process thus students have to study through online or virtual method. This study aims to analyze the stress levels of students in West Java during the early pandemic.
Methods: This study used quantitative with cross-sectional design. The study took place in March 2020, 1 to 2 months after the first case of Covid-19 in Indonesia. A total of 330 students were taken as subjects in this study purposively. The instrument used was the google form through social media. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test.
Results: Most of the students had moderate stress level (78.8%) and there were 16.7% had severe stress. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the stress level was related to gender (p = 0.046) and the type of study program (p = 0.007), but it was not related to student age (p = 0.219, p> 0.05).
Conclusion: Gender and study program related to stress levels.

Keywords: Covid-19, stress level, university students

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22 Nursing and Public Health ABS-108

Physical Activity and Psychosocial of Adolescents With Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Qualitative Study
Sri Sumartini1, Suci Tuty Putri2

Program Study DIII Keperawatan FPOK UPI


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 2 can also occur in children and adolescents because they cannot control the food and drink they consume and do very little physical activity. DM is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. DM type 2 in adolescents can occur due to two factors, namely genetic factors and lifestyle factors. Complications that occur in sufferers of type 2 diabetes which interfere with the psychosocial condition of fear, sadness, and disappointment, causing social disturbances so that embarrassment to socialize and meet other people affects physical activity. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the physical activities and psychosocial of adolescents with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in the Subang Regency. the number of participants 3 people, the research method used a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews. Data analysis used in this research is thematic analysis. The results of this study show that the physical activities and psychosocial of adolescents with DM type 2 are described in 5 themes, namely feelings of excessive worry, stress that arises from negative thoughts, lack of confidence in socializing, being less active in physical activity.

Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Physical Activity, Psychosocial, Adolescent

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23 Nursing and Public Health ABS-113

Health Gate Sterilizer made from Herbal Disinfectant with Ultraviolet Lamp
Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Komarudin, Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The covid-19 pandemic is a global virus outbreak which is a problem that must be addressed as soon as possible. This study aims to develop a sterilization booth that functions as an effort to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This tool has a way of working by spraying disinfectant made from herbs, and the advantage of using ultraviolet light to increase immune function. This tool will also convert the disinfectant liquid into the mist (vapor) so that it will be more hygienic and efficient, and safe when exposed directly to the human body. Research and development methods are research methods used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. The manufacture of this sterilization booth is divided into two stages during the research and development process, namely, we have to make a modular specification for the room and make a modular specification for the sterilization system. Then during the two-stage process, three processes must be passed, namely gathering information and product concepts, developing product prototypes, and implementing the product. The result of the development of this research was the creation of a sterilization booth made from herbal disinfectants with ultraviolet light. Based on the results of the implementation of the study, the sterilization room developed as a whole was feasible and effective to be used as an effort to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The novelty of research from this sterilization booth is the development of steam technology, herbal-based disinfectants, and the use of ultraviolet lamps.

Keywords: Covid-19, Disinfectant, Sterilizer, Ultraviolet

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24 Nursing and Public Health ABS-130

Counselor^s Knowledge and Practice of Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling
Syifa F. Syihab, Delita Septia Rosdiana, Ayu Mutiara Santanu, Isti Kumalasari

Faculty of Sports Education and Health, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The ability of Posyandu counselors to provide adequate knowledge and practice of Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) IYCF can reduce the number of undernutrition cases in several countries. This study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of IYCF which was carried out by Posyandu counselors in the Parongpong District of West Bandung Regency. The analytical observational method through a cross-sectional approach was used as the method in this research. Analysis of various variables was carried out using multiple linear regression including multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, and normality test. The results showed that all variables had a significant effect on the IYCF counseling practice with a value of p = 0.010 (p <0.05). The partial test shows that only the counselor educational background affects the practice of PMBA counseling with a value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05).

Keywords: IYCF- Posyandu Counselor

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25 Nursing and Public Health ABS-133

Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in University Student During Online Learning: The Effect of Pandemic Covid-19
Adang Suherman, Jajat

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


One of the effects of Covid-19 pandemic is that lectures must be conducted online. This condition changes the physical activities (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) in university students. The research reports about PA and SB in university students during online learning. The data were collected from 377 students of the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) through an online survey using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Version (IPAQ-SF) which has been translated into Bahasa. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and crosstab to describe the level of PA, and t-test to see differences in PA & SB based on gender. Of the 377 respondents, 38 people or 10.1% belonged to the low PA level, 191 people or 50.7% moderate PA level, and 148 people or 39.3% vigorous level. The average student spends 5.5 hours a day on SB. MET PA between male and female students differed significantly (p = 0.018), while sedentary behavior was not different (p = 0.458). This study implies that the level of physical activity during the Covid-19 pandemic is at a moderate to vigorous level. Gender affects PA but not SB.

Keywords: Covid-19- Physical activity- Physical inactivity- Sedentary behavior

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26 Nursing and Public Health ABS-136

The measurement of Physical Activity and sedentary behavior using ActivPalTM in High School Student
Adang Sudrazat, Jajat

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Keywords: Accelerometer, Objective measurement, Physical activity, Sedentary behavior

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27 Nursing and Public Health ABS-149

Exposure Level Risk in COVID-19 Among Elementary School Students During The Pandemic in East Java Based on New Normal Activity
Fajar Hidayatullah, Khoirul Anwar, Septyaningrum Putri Purwoto, Heni Yuli Handayani, Agus Himawan, Herlambang Fajar Wibowo



The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic since the end of 2019 until now has presented various new perspectives in society that affect various existing sectors from health, education to the economy. Even though currently school-age children in a pandemic era are undergoing educational activities with full online learning, it is important for students to have the knowledge to maintain the health protocols they must run. According to instructions from the government of the republic of Indonesia regarding the implementation of health protocols in dealing with the new normal, people have to adjust to their daily activities. This research is a research with a quantitative approach that utilizes descriptive analysis and tests of differences between several question indicators in the questionnaire, including: age, class, gender, district / city, level of risk, score. It was noted that a number of 585 elementary school students were approved by the related teachers and principals who were willing to become respondents in this study. where 301 of them were boys and 284 of them were girls. Mann-Whitney t-tesr are carried out to conclude the research data that has been collected. As many as 86.8% of respondent students were included in the low risk category based on the independent assessment they filled in as research data which showed that the student response was quite high in adjusting to the health protocol. Furthermore, it is also known that there are 8.9% of respondents in the moderate risk category based on the independent assessment they previously filled and a number of 4.3% or 25 students turned out to be in the high risk category which means they stated that they still had difficulty adjusting in maintaining health protocol.

Keywords: Exposure Level Risk, Student, Elementary School, COVID-19, Pandemic, Helath Protocol

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28 Nursing and Public Health ABS-170

Management of Healthy Lifestyle Education and Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus: Health Measurement and Sports Activity
Yudy Hendrayana(a), Jajat Darajat KN(a), Lilis Komariyah(a), Agus Gumilar(a), Burhan Hambali(a), Tri Martini(a)

a* Physical Education Program, Department Sport Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Abstract-- Community Service Activities aims to determine the level of community participation on the importance of checking fasting blood glucose levels and blood glucose levels when, as well as providing education about diabetes and its prevention through exercise, and education about healthy lifestyles. Through examining fasting blood glucose levels and blood levels as well as sports education fit and run we can see a picture of the condition of public health. This program was held in Bandung, West Java for two months. The program is expected to provide education to them on the importance of health checks and health sports to prevent de generative diseases such as diabetes mellitus

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, physical activity

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29 Nursing and Public Health ABS-177

Rohaedi S, Somantri B.

Faculty of sports and health education


Background. The elderly experience various decreases in body functions, including the cardiovascular system of the elderly, an increase in blood pressure can occur. Untreated increase in blood pressure can lead to complications such as stroke, kidney failure and heart failure. One of the complementary therapies that can be used to lower blood pressure is hydrotherapy.
Research purposes. This study aims to determine the effect of blood pressure before and after warm water hydrotherapy in elderly people with hypertension at the Tresna Werdha Senjarawi Social Home, Bandung.
Method. The design in this study used a pre-experimental research method (one group pre-post test design) with a total sample of 35 respondents. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling and the analysis used was the Wilcoxon test. Measurement of blood pressure using a mercury spigmomanometer and a stethoscope.
Result. There is an effect of warm water hydrotherapy on reducing blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension with a significance value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05).
Conclusion. Warm water hydrotherapy can reduce blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension, this method can be used as a complementary alternative therapy in lowering blood pressure.

Keywords: elderly. hypertension, warm water hydrotherapy

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30 Nursing and Public Health ABS-181

Implementing Benson^s Relaxation Therapy to Decrease Depression in Elderly
Irma Darmawati (a)*- Dhika Dharmansyah (a)- Rofi Noviyanti (b) - Slamet Rohaedi (a)

a) Nursing Study Programs, Faculty of Sports and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b) RS Paru Dr.H.A Rotinsulu


Depression in the elderly is caused by a lack of ability to adapt psychologically to problems and aging process changes. Depression is a feeling of sadness, feeling useless, and pessimistic about the future. Depression can reduce the quality of life in the elderly. Benson^s relaxation are considered appropriate in decreasing depression. Aim of this study is to determine the effect of Benson^s relaxation on the level of depression in elderly. This study was a quasi-experimental research conducted in a nursing home. 14 elderly aged over 60 years partisipated in this study. Benson^s relaxation intervention was performed every day for 20 minutes in 3 weeks. This technique performed by deep breath relaxation combined with religious beliefs espoused. Level of depression measured by the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Independent t test was used as a comparative test to assess the mean difference between groups of benson^s therapy research. There were a significant effect (p value = 0.046 <0.05). The level of depression has decreased after the intervention for 3 weeks in the elderly. There was a change in the level of depression from moderate depression to mild depression in 85.7% of respondents. Benson^s relaxation therapy could be an alternative to reduce depression in the elderly, especially for those who have religious beliefs because the focus of this relaxation is deep breathing and praise religious sentences.

Keywords: Benson^s Relaxation Therapy, Depression, Elderly

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