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UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


There was a fairly heated debate among socio-cultural observers of Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) about their education efforts in Jambi. In another case, there was an effort to modernize SAD which considered backward, left behind, and isolated from the pace of global progress. SAD education needs to be carried out carefully while maintaining the original cultural roots, so that the government should do conservation effort. This paper attempts to conduct a philosophical critical research and examination of the two efforts above in the philosophical discourse of transmodernism by raising the debate at a theoretical level which was expected to be useful as a rational academic and scientific consideration in responding to SAD education. This research was qualitative in the form of a literature study which was approached in a philosophical discourse, using documentation data collection techniques. The results of this study provided an awareness that SAD education needs to be carried out specifically while maintaining the beauty of the local culture and local wisdom, opportunities for cultural enrichment, and insight (acculturation) based on ^non-coercive^ contact with modernity. This educational trend would be theorized as cross-cultural-based education (transcultural education).

Keywords: Suku Anak Dalam, Trans modernity, Tradition, Inclusivity.

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Mohd Arifullah)

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