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1 Adult Education ABS-21

Eka Suhardi(a*), Soewarto Hardhienata (b), Ika Yanti Sholihah (c)

a)Doctoral Program of Education management, Pakuan University, Jl. Pakuan Bogor
b)Doctoral Program of Education management, Pakuan University, Jl. Pakuan Bogor
c) SMA N Citeureup, Bogor


Teachers innovation as a process related to new knowledge, both methods, strategies and learning services is very important related to the achievement of national education. This study aims to find ways and strategies to increase teacher innovation through strengthening information literacy and self-efficacy. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach using correlation analysis and SITOREM analysis. This research was carried out in 7 public high schools throughout Cibinong, Bogor Regency. The population of the study was 178 civil servant teachers. The results of the study yield the following conclusions: 1) there is a positive and significant relationship between information literacy and teacher^s innovation (ry1 = 0.662), 2) there is a positive and significant relationship between self-efficacy and teacher^s innovation (ry2 = 0.643), 3) there is a positive relationship between information literacy and self-efficacy together with teacher^s innovation (ry12 = 0.801). Efforts that need to be improved to increase teacher^s innovation are 1). utilization of information to solve problems, 2) introduction of required information, 3) commitment to goals, 4) Creating new ideas in learning, 5) optimizing learning services, 6) developing ICT, 7) improving/renewing ideas in learning.

Keywords: Teachers Innovation, Information Literacy, Self-Efficacy

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2 Adult Education ABS-53

Dr. Ahmad Zainuri, M.Pd.I, Drs. Aquami, M.Pd.I, Dr. Yusron Masduki, M.Pd.I

UIN Raden Fatah Palembang


Abstract: This paper aims to explain the innovation of learning media in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The current outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has changed the learning paradigm at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang by implementing an online (online) learning system. In this online learning, there needs to be a collaborative and cross-disciplinary learning media innovation so that learning can be more effective.
This research is field research that produces descriptive data, so the source of data used in this research is the primary data source which is collected through interview techniques obtained from sources, while secondary data is complementary data obtained from scientific journals, research results, and so on. To check the validity of the data, the source triangulation technique was used.
This study found that at the UIN Raden Fatah campus, three learning approaches have been applied, namely the limited conventional approach, asynchronous, and synchronous. This approach needs to have collaborated so that learning media can run optimally by choosing one or two existing learning media platforms. The purpose of choosing this platform is based on the consideration that not all lecturers or students have an application platform and most students come from areas that are not all covered by the internet network. In addition, not all students can afford to buy internet quotas in large capacities.

Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic,Innovation, Learning Media

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3 Adult Education ABS-56

LOST CHARACTER LEARNING IN SCHOOLING SYSTEM IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC (Phenomenological Studies at Elementary Schools in the city of Palembang-Indonesia)

UIN Raden Fatah Palembang


This research article aims to explain the phenomenon of the failure of the implementation of the character education curriculum for elementary school students in Indonesia as a negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. An important issue in research is how the character learning model is applied by schools during the COVID-19 pandemic through the implementation of learning from home. What are the factors that hinder the implementation of character learning in schools during the pandemic. Methodologically, this research is a qualitative research using a phenomenological approach. Data were collected through observation and interviews with teachers, school leaders, students, and parents. Through the triangulation method, the findings of this study can be clarified because they have gone through a comprehensive and in-depth cross-checking and data analysis process. Based on the data analysis, it can be explained that the education authorities in the regions and schools are not ready to conduct online learning with the LFH pattern. The learning model for character education in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic does not have an effective model. Symptoms of the failure of character learning can be seen from complaints from teachers and parents regarding the low attitude and weakening of student behavior effectively. It is important for education authorities and schools to prepare more effective character learning models through the development of network and technology-based learning models.

Keywords: loss of learning, character, covid-19 pandemic

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4 Adult Education ABS-93

Dian Wulandari, Asep Mulyana (Co-Author), Soewarto Hardhienata

Universitas Pakuan


To effectively carry out their role as educators, teachers need to have a high professional commitment. They feel proud of their job to strive to maintain their reputation and the school, uphold professional ethics, and become more proficient in their work to contribute significantly to achieving school goals. But, unfortunately, based on a preliminary survey, it is found that professional commitment among teachers is not as expected. Therefore, this study aims to recommend strategic ways to increase professional commitment to all stakeholders. The research was carried out on permanent teachers of private vocational schools in Bogor City, using a correlational approach with SITOREM analysis. The population size is 518, with a sample of 226. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between transformational Leadership (X1) and professional commitment (ry1= 0.437, ρ<0.01) and organizational citizenship behavior (X2) with professional commitment (ry2 = 0.362, ρ <0.01). Professional commitment can increase by strengthening transformational Leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. The results of the SITOREM analysis shows that the indicators that need to be improved are: inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, conscientiousness, boosterism, altruism, belief that there is no substitute job, identification of the profession, participation in professional activities, professional development, and financial risk. A strategic way to implement these findings has been addressed and implemented in an educational webinar to provide insight and skills regarding enhancing the application of transformational leadership indicators and citizenship behavior in the school environment.

Keywords: Professional Commitment, Transformational Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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5 Adult Education ABS-118

Improvement of Shariah Accounting Reconstruction for Learning in Raden fatah University post Covid-19
Zainal Berlian, Peny Cahaya Azwari, Sri Eva Mislawaty

UIN Raden Fatah Palembang


Abstracts: Pandemics covid_19 impacts on changes in educational learning. The use of learning technology is evolving adopting online learning models. This research attempts to explore and reconstruct the application of online learning in Sharia Accounting courses at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang and is analyzed through a qualitative approach from secondary data. Learning theory puts forward on the use of teaching materials. Teaching materials can use technology and media so that teaching materials later become a tool to evaluate the achievement of learning outcomes. The results showed the development of reconstruction of teaching materials learning using information technology in combination of e-learning applications and social media in Sharia Accounting courses through the application in the e-learning, zoom, YouTube, and WhatsApp.

Keywords: Management, teaching material, shariah accounting, pandemic covid-19

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6 Art Education ABS-33

Bridging Boundaries of Science and Art for Biology Students: Effects of Integrating Botany and Artistic Perspectives to the Motivation of Students in Learning
John Oliver P. Distor and Jovita A. Anit

Department of Biology
College of Arts and Sciences
Research and Development Center
Rizal Technological University


Engaging biology majors and non-majors in learning botanical concepts, observing and recognizing plants around them, and shifting their attitudes and behavior toward botany can be challenging and often requires a multi-perspective approach. Botany provides the opportunity to teach important scientific concepts, address environmental and social issues, while increasing the visibility and awareness of the natural world. STEAM is a growing movement to integrate the arts into science, technology, engineering and math education, and it is currently applied to some schools in the Philippines. During a time when science educators are seeking new and more effective ways to convey complex scientific issues, the field of art education offers innovative and alternative ways to reach students. In this study, plant art was integrated in botany classes of undergraduate Biology students with a unique virtual class workshop and written reflection exercise that was developed to seek the interests of students in learning botanical concepts, engagement in careful observation and visualization of nature, and increase the sensitivity by connecting science and nature-based art. Students were also asked to view, create (herbarium) and conceptualize works of botanical art as a multi-perspectival process of engaging with relevant scientific processes and sustainability concerns connected to botany.

Keywords: Plant art, Botany, Biology Education, STEAM

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7 Art Education ABS-44

^Teaching is an Art^: Skilled and Successful Methods of Educating in the Perspective of Hadith
Dr. Hj. Uswatun Hasanah. M.Ag Dr. H. Ahmad Zainuri, M.Pd.I

UIN Raden Fatah Palembang


Skilled and successful in educating is not only caused by a lot of knowledge and knowledge. Because educating is a work of art related to learning activities. The art of teaching or art of education is a factor that determines the success of learning activities. Among the educators who are successful and influential at the international level is Muhammad. The lessons he conveyed were not only limited to the friends who lived with him, but all Muslims until the end of time were obedient and carried out what the Prophet had taught even though the educator had long died. This paper aims to examine in more depth the methods used by the Prophet so that they can be skilled and successful in educating. The method used in this research is thematic hadith. Inventory of authentic hadiths that talk about educational methods, select hadiths that focus on the main idea of research, then examine the meaning of hadith and analyze. Hadith narrated by Muslim number 4830 explains that as a religion, Islam wants its people to be role models. Because exemplary is a learning method that has a big influence. In the aspect of education that aims to form attitudes and skills such as doing an action or reciting certain words, the example of educators is increasingly prioritized.

Keywords: Art of Education, Method, Skilled, Success, Educate, Hadith Perspective

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8 Art Education ABS-57

Adopting Music Composition through Hookpad App
J. Julia, Prana Dwija Iswara, Tedi Supriyadi

Elementary Teacher Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi no 229, Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


Creating a musical composition with interesting chords is not easy to do. It requires adequate knowledge and skills in the basic theory of music. This article aims to show one way to compose music by adopting established chords. A qualitative approach is used to explain each stage. There are four stages of the process, consisting of (1) selecting an established chord, (2) inputting a chord into the Hookpad application, (3) selecting a music style, and (4) creating a new melody. The results showed that adopting chords through the Hookpad application to create new musical compositions was quite effective. Chords adopted can be an inspiration to create new melodies. Thus, the Hookpad application can be chosen as an alternative music application that creates moderately new musical compositions.

Keywords: Adopting Techniques, Music Composition, Hookpad Application, Music Chords

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9 Business Education ABS-38

CSR and Its Impacts on Society during Pandemic COVID-19: Evidence from Bali as a Tourist Destination.
Putu Indah Rahmawati, Wayan Bagia, Putu Nata Kusuma, Kadek Sri Handayani

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The emerging body of literature has indicated the positive impact of CSR on society and the environment, yet our understanding on how CSR can play role in supporting society resilience in facing crises during pandemic COVID-19 remains limited. This research was focus on answering the following questions about corporate social responsibility: (1) to what extends corporate social responsibility contribute to society in Bali? (2) how does CSR implement in Bali? This research takes a qualitative case study approach. Data were analysed by content analysis to the official websites of the top 50 companies in Indonesia in 2020. The findings indicate that pandemic COVID-19 heavily impacted the Balinese community which 80% rely on the tourism industry. Those 50 biggest companies in Indonesia have shown efforts to help the Balinese community deal with the economic crisis during the pandemic. The majority of CSR was given in the form of giving free groceries and masks for the poor, personal safety equipment for health workers, and sinks for washing hands in public spaces such as markets, temples, and shops.

Keywords: Bali- CSR- pandemic- tourist destination- impact- society.

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10 Business Education ABS-41

Extending the Technology Acceptance Model to Understand Learning Management Systems Adoption by Student^s in an Era of COVID-19 in Indonesia Higher Education Institution
Sufrin Hannan

Pakuan University


A Learning Management System is currently the primary system applied by higher education institutions. Therefore, the acceptance of students to this technology is essential to increase the effectiveness of asynchronous learning systems. The purpose of this review is to provide constructive literature about technology acceptance by the user of Learning Management Systems from the theoretical background and empirical studies. Data is collected from journals and academic papers, then analysed from a different point of view to support future studies. The first section of the report discusses Learning Management System, Technological Acceptance Models, and frameworks used by previous researchers. The second section explains the empirical findings of earlier studies in the actual context.

Keywords: Learning Management System, Technology Acceptance Model, User Acceptance, Higher Education Institution.

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11 Business Education ABS-112

Implementation of Behavior and Business Actors in Learning Methods
Herlina, Muyasaroh, Dwi Noviani

Al-Ittifaqiah Institute of Islamic Religion
Palembang, Indonesia
Sharia Economics Study Program, Islamic Education Study Program
Al-Ittifaqiah Institute of Islamic Religion


Abstract--The purpose of this study was to optimize student activities in helping and rebuilding businesses that had collapsed or went bankrupt through the implementation of online entrepreneurship learning. This study applies 2 (two) concepts of theory and practice learning methods. Concept A uses a comparison of 20% theory and 80% practice of selling products. Meanwhile, concept B uses 20% theory and 80% practice (the division of product sales and trading with a ratio of 60:40). This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological type and strategy of discovery, with a descriptive level of explanation. Excavation and data analysis using respondent data, structured interviews and non-participant observers. The results showed that concept B was more effective and positively correlated than concept A. Concept B triggered students to behave and become business people in a short time. Business activities and obstacles in the field are important lessons for students. The conclusion of the study is that the Al-Qur^an Al-Ittifaqiah Islamic Institute must strive and be able to collaborate and cooperate with business actors. Increased behavior and business people in students has a positive correlation with more students interacting with various business activities.

Keywords: Keywords--Behavior. Perpetrator. Business. Learning

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12 Course Management ABS-98

Teacher Self-Efficacy And Classroom Management Style In Elementary School
Elly Sukmanasa, Lina Novita

Pakuan University


This study has two objectives, first to identify the extent to which elementary school teachers practice classroom management styles in their classrooms and the level of teacher self-efficacy. The second objective was to explore the relationship between classroom management style and teacher self-efficacy. This research is quantitative and conducted with a survey design. Various statistical techniques were used in this study. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r), mean and standard deviation were used as the main statistical technique. The findings of this study reveal that elementary school teachers in Cluster 1 of Bogor city practice an instructional classroom management style more than any other management style: behavioral management and human resource management. Furthermore, elementary school teachers in cluster 1 of Bogor city who participated in this study considered themselves to have a higher level of teacher personality than general teacher self-efficacy. Finally, teacher self-efficacy has the highest and most significant relationship with each classroom management style and overall classroom management style. However, general teacher self-efficacy was found not to be significantly correlated with each class management style and overall classroom management style.

Keywords: classroom management, self-efficacy, teacher

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13 Course Management ABS-108

Henny Suharyati (a)*, Aprilia Madyaratri (b)

a)* Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pakuan
Jalan Pakuan No. 1 PO BOX 452 Bogor 16143
b) Guru SDN Ciluar 3 Kota Bogor
Corresponding author: henny.suharyati[at]


This study aims to determine: (1) examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) (2) examine the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) (3) examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). This research was conducted at a public elementary school in Cibinong district, Bogor regency. This research is a correlational study using a quantitative approach. The population in this study were civil servant teachers from public elementary schools in Cibinong District as many as 190 people and the research sample was 127 people obtained by simple random sampling. The results of the study at a significant level of 5% show that: (1) emotional intelligence has a positive effect on teachers^ organizational citizenship with a correlation coefficient of ry1 = 0.588 and emotional intelligence contributes 35% to organizational citizenship behavior (2) job satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational citizenship Behavior with correlation coefficient ry2 = 0.440 and emotional intelligence contributes 19% to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (3) emotional intelligence and job satisfaction together with Organizational Citizenship Behavior as indicated by correlation coefficient ry12 = 0.636 and emotional intelligence and job satisfaction collectively together contributed 40.4% to Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the higher the level of emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of the teacher, the higher the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the teacher.

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Job satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

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14 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-25

Designing Integrated Character Education Model Based on Tri Hita Karana with JEMOYA Cycle to Improve Junior High School Students Character
Ida Bagus Putu Arnyana, Ida Ayu Made Istri Utami, I Gede Margunayasa

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


This study aimed at designing integrated character education model based on Tri Hita Karana with JEMOYA cycle which contains of explaining, modeling, cultivating process. The model was designed to be valid, practical, and effective in improving students^ character of Junior High School. This study was Educational Research and Development by adapting development model by Dick and Carry (1990) summarized as: (1) conducting need analysis, (2) developing the draft of model, (3) expert and user validity, and (4) field test. The subjects of this study were 2 experts from Undiksha and 14 Junior High School teachers. For practical and effectivity test, the implementation of the model was conducted in 2 classes of SMP Laboratory Undiksha. The result of this study was integrated character education model based on Tri Hita Karana with JEMOYA cycle which shows: (1) validity means score was 4,56 which was classified as valid, (2) effective to improve students^ character, (3) practical as the practicality test mean score was 4.31 means that the character indicators were well cultivated.

Keywords: Character education, Jemoya

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15 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-37

Digital Competence as one of The Core Competencies for Higher Education Students Needed in The Era of The Industrial Revolution 4.0
Laksmi Dewi a)- Mohammad Ali a)- Dadi Mulyadi a)- Isniatun b)

a) Faculty of Education. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung
*) laksmi[at]

b) Faculty of Education. Yogyakarta State University.


The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 has an effect on the occurrence of disruption in various fields of human life. It also provides a very fundamental change in the demands for mastery of competencies required by the field of work. Technological changes and developments are running very fast so that it demands to master new competencies that are in accordance with the needs of digital globalization. This study aimed to analyze digital competence as one of the core competencies needed by future generations in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The method used in this study is a literature study. Literature study related to the competencies needed by future generations for higher education. The results of the study show that digital competence is one of the core competencies that need to be mastered by future generations. Digital competence is not only mastering skills to interact with digital devices but also skills related to aspects of knowledge and attitudes. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that digital competencies need to be integrated into the higher education curriculum to create future generations in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.

Keywords: digital competence- core competencies- industrial revolution 4.0.

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16 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-59

^An Analysis of the Orientation of Achievement of National Education Goals through the Merdeka Belajar Policy in Indonesia^
Kemas Imron Rosadi, Anatun Nisa Mun^amah

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


The purpose of this study was to provide the analysis about the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar policy, whether it had been running according to the achievement in the national education goals or not. This study was important as the basis for the direction of the implementation of education in Indonesia. The assessment process used library research method by collecting information in the form of journals, books, and literature according to the theme. Then, analyzed deductively and interpretively, resulting in a conclusion that the policy of Merdeka Belajar was perceived as an effort to create a learning environment that was free to express and free from various obstacles, especially psychological pressure. However, three things became obstacles in the orientation of the policy, including an understanding of the intent and implementation that was still lacking, neglected principles in education, and infrastructure inequality. Resulting in the national education goals cannot be fully achieved.

Keywords: orientation, achievements, national education goals, Merdeka Belajar policies

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17 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-63


UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


There was a fairly heated debate among socio-cultural observers of Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) about their education efforts in Jambi. In another case, there was an effort to modernize SAD which considered backward, left behind, and isolated from the pace of global progress. SAD education needs to be carried out carefully while maintaining the original cultural roots, so that the government should do conservation effort. This paper attempts to conduct a philosophical critical research and examination of the two efforts above in the philosophical discourse of transmodernism by raising the debate at a theoretical level which was expected to be useful as a rational academic and scientific consideration in responding to SAD education. This research was qualitative in the form of a literature study which was approached in a philosophical discourse, using documentation data collection techniques. The results of this study provided an awareness that SAD education needs to be carried out specifically while maintaining the beauty of the local culture and local wisdom, opportunities for cultural enrichment, and insight (acculturation) based on ^non-coercive^ contact with modernity. This educational trend would be theorized as cross-cultural-based education (transcultural education).

Keywords: Suku Anak Dalam, Trans modernity, Tradition, Inclusivity.

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18 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-66

Darma Putra- Try Susanti- Nanda Rayani- Reny Safita

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


This Research aims to determine the application of the blended learning model in MAN 2 Jambi City and to improve student learning outcomes by implementing this model. This research is a classroom action research, the subject of this research is class X MIA 1 as many as 30 students. Student learning outcomes are measured using various instruments. Assessment of student knowledge is carried out using multiple choice test questions, assessment of student skills is measured using portfolio assessment, while assessment of attitudes is measured using observation sheets, self-assessment, and peer assessments. The results showed that student learning outcomes had increased, namely in the initial / pre-cycle activities the average student learning outcomes were 71 with a 50% percentage of completeness increased in cycle 1 with an average learning outcomes of 74 but the percentage of completeness was still at 50%. Then in cycle 2 the average student learning outcomes increased to 80 with a percentage of 90% completeness and student activity increased from 41% in cycle 1 to 83% in cycle 2.In conclusion, students can meet the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) of 75 using the model blended learning

Keywords: Blended Learning, Learning Outcomes.

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19 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-69

Duski Ibrahim

UIN Raden Fatah Palembang


This study aims to analyze the management of the doctoral study program at the Postgraduate State Islamic University (UIN) Raden Fatah Palembang. There are two doctoral study programs at this institution, namely: Islamic Religious Education (PAI) and Islamic Civilization (PI). This research was conducted using a SWOT analysis, based on the National Higher Education Standards (SNPT). The research question is: how is the management of the PAI and PI doctoral studies at the Postgraduate Program at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang? This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods: documentation, in-depth interviews and observation. This research resulted in the following: First, the strength of the study program lies in the vision and mission, lecturers, infrastructure and quality assurance. Second, the weakness of the study program that is the target of research is the work of lecturers which is still minimal, the collaboration between lecturers and lecturers with students is weak. Third, opportunities for quality improvement can occur, related to accreditation, and better financing. Fourth, the challenge of the study program is student input, considering that they are not only from academics, but also most of them have careers in the bureaucracy. Fifth, the lecturers in the doctoral study program, both professors and doctorates, have not shown research performance so that the productivity of writing scientific papers is not visible.

Keywords: I slamic Religious Education (PAI), Islamic Civilization (PI), Scientific Papers, SWOT.

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20 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-79

Design Thinking Model to Describe The Productivity of Community Service Programs
Ida Hamidah (a*), Leni Anggraeni (a), Roer Eka Pawinanto (b), Pipin Firdaus(a)

a) Institute of Research and Community Service
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung Indonesia 40154
* idahamidah[at]
b) Department of Electrical Engineering Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung Indonesia 40154


Community Service is one of the obligations of lecturers in the tri dharma of higher education. With the community service program, lecturers can apply their knowledge to help solve problems in society. As mandated by the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2015 concerning National Higher Education Standards, every university must be able to meet the National Standard of Community Service. To meet these standards, the research team has analyzed various factors (including the quality of proposals, collaboration with other parties, funding, community service implementing standards, and theories that build community service performance) that can describe community service productivity. The method used in this study is an interpretive method with a design thinking model and an inductive approach that starts with the data and tries to derive theories about exciting phenomena from the observed data. The results of the analysis show that: (1) community service outputs, which consist of publications in journals, proceedings, mass media, and intellectual property rights, have met the expected results, (2) the focus areas/targets of community service activities are more focused on teachers, training, education, learning, schools, villages, models, and development, (3) the standard of community service implementation has not shown ideal conditions, where the percentage of community service implementer still shows a small number, and (4) the standard of funding and financing is adequate, but still needs additional budget for increase the number of community service implementer. With the results of this analysis, it is necessary to determine the direction of policies related to outputs, focus areas of activity or targets, implementer, and funding to improve community service programs.

Keywords: interpretive methods- design thinking models- community service- result standard, content standard- implementing standards- funding and financing standards

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21 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-85

Eco-literacy-based science curriculum: Science learning facing the society 5.0 era
Anna Permanasari1)- Ida hamidah2)- Vina Andriyani2), Hiroyuki Miyake3), Indriyani1,3)



The rapid development of the industrial revolution 4.0 led to the emerging of the Society 5.0 paradigm, which forced humans to be able to adapt and move faster in an effort to protect the world from the impacts of the development. Education for sustainability development (ESD) is a solution that the world of education relies on, one of which aims to build eco-literacy. Research with survey method has been conducted to determine the students^ eco-literacy in elementary education. A total of 100 elementary school students in higher level were used as the target of a survey conducted by filling out a questionnaire sent via google form. The results showed that more than 80% of students had a good perception of eco-literacy, such as the importance of healthy living by saving electricity, saving water, and environmental-friendly behaviour. However, based on interviews with 20% of students who filled out the questionnaire, it turned out that 91% of students stated that their perception of environmentally friendly living was more due to instructions from parents for economic reasons, and not because of habits formed from the education processes. Therefore, the teachers (20 respondents of science teachers) suggested the development of an appropriate curriculum to train students^ eco-literacy. All teachers agreed that the curriculum components consisted of material in the fields of science including biodiversity and ecosystems, climate change, disaster mitigation, health and water. Lesson plans should give priority to practicum activities, environmental surveys, and student discussions. Skills trained should include practicing critical thinking, collaboration skills, communication skills and argumentation skills.

Keywords: eco-literacy, Education for Sustainability Development, basic science curriculum

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22 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-96

ESD-Based Global Warming E-Module: Feasibility Study to Develop Critical Thinking Skills and Sustainability Awareness
Ekamilasari (a, b), Indarini Dwi Pursitasari (a*), Anna Permanasari (a)

a. Science Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Pakuan Jl. Pakuan Kota Bogor. Jawa Barat 16143. Indonesia
* indarini.dp[at]

b. SMPIT Al Bunyan, Bogor
Jl. Ama Sandi RT. 05 RW.09 Bogor, Jawa Barat 16132, Indonesia


This research aims to develop e-module on global warming based on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and make a feasibility study to improve students^ critical thinking skills and sustainability awareness. The method that is used in this research is descriptive by collecting expert and teacher judgment and also advises to e-module on global warming based ESD design. The e-module validation was carried out by expert lecturers by calculating the percentage of e-module eligibility and by science teachers by calculating the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI). Validation of the feasibility of the e-module (content, presentation, and language) was carried out by four expert lecturers and 20 science teachers. Validation of the suitability of the main components of ESD was carried out by four Expert Lecturers. The validation of the media aspect was carried out by three expert lecturers. The results showed that the ESD-based global warming e-module was valid/feasible to use in terms of feasibility (content, presentation and language), in terms of suitability of the main components of ESD and in terms of media with percentages sequentially 91%, 91%, and 97%. The CVI result regarding the feasibility of the e-module is 0.99 (valid).

Keywords: Education for Sustainable Development, Sustainability awareness, Critical Thinking Skills

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23 Curriculum, Research and Development ABS-107

Improving Students^ Ability in Mastery of Concepts and Critical Thinking Skills Through the Development of Electric Genetic Board Learning Aids
Dadang Jaenudin(a*), Prasetyorini(a), Dian Rosdiana Dahlan(b)

aProgram Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pakuan, Jl. Pakuan No. 01 Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
bSMA Negeri 1, Cigombong, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


The aim of this research is to develop an electric genetic board teaching aid to improve the mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of high school students. This research is conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Cigombong, Bogor Regency. Research and Development with analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation technique and treatment class is one class with 36 students was used. Collecting data using pre-test and post-test with multiple choice questions and descriptions and student response questionnaires. The analysis technique uses N Gain. The results showed the N Gain value of concept mastery was 0.57 (medium) and the N Gain value for critical thinking skills was 0.48 (medium), the results of the student response questionnaire were 0.90 with the category very good. In conclusion, the development of electric genetic board teaching aids on Mendel^s legal inheritance pattern material is able to improve the development of concepts and critical thinking skills of high school students.

Keywords: learning aids, mastery of concepts, critical thinking skills

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24 Educational Foundations ABS-32

The Impact of Online-Based Learning in the Pandemic Era in Developing Countries: In Perceptions of Students, Parents, and Teachers
Auliana Farabbanie A. (a*) Udik Yudiono (a) Waspodo T. (b) Jun Surjanti (b)

(a) Faculty Economic & Bisnis, University of Kanjuruhan
Jl. S. Supriadi No.48, Malang City, East Java. auliana[at]
b) Faculty Economic & Bisnis, University of Surabaya


Digital-based learning has received full attention ineducation in the pandemic era. Students, parents, and teachersmay have different perceptions and attitudes towards online learning,which has a major impact on the learning process and its dissemination. This study examines the relationship between the educational ecosystem created in the pandemic era through the perceptions of parents, students and teachers. The study was conducted with 120 participants in a developing country, a country who have a tension between maintaining health and learning in their traditional values. Results
revealed that most students, parents and teachers have tension in overcoming the pandemic, but student psychological factors have a positive influence in the online learning process with greater expectations of the traditional learning process

Keywords: student, parent, and teacher, online learning

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25 Educational Foundations ABS-40

I Gusti Putu Suharta1) and Ni Nyoman Parwati2)

1) Master of Mathematics Education Study Program, Postgraduate Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
2) Master of Learning Technology Study Program, Postgraduate Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


Collecting and presenting data is statistics and mathematics sub-materials for fifth grade elementary school students. The use of appropriate learning resources has the potential to increase students^ understanding. This study aims to describe an innovative statistical learning resource oriented to Tri Hita Karana. This type of research is exploratory with the research subject of the teacher who teaches the fifth grade students of fifth grade elementary school No. 1 Bhaktiseraga Singaraja. Data on statistical learning sources oriented to Tri Hita Karana were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that the sources of innovative statistics learning oriented to Tri Hita Karana were the mecaru, tumpek wariga, odalan, ngayah/gotong royong. These learning resources can be used for material integration or statistics problem.

Keywords: Tri Hita Karana, local culture, learning resources, understanding

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26 Educational Foundations ABS-55


UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


Management education in a superior performance, can be applied when all lines of organization want and can be managed properly, as well as on education management on the marketing performance of an integrated Islamic elementary school (SDIT) Ash-Shiddiq and Al Azhar, which is the foundation of the school relatively new and everything starts from zero, but this time through superior management in terms of educational marketing applied. SDIT or integrated Islamic elementary school very in demand by the community and become a favorite school with students enrolling very much. this is all due to education marketing management which has a superior performance that has been done, SDIT promotion strategy autonomously by SDIT As-shiddiqi and AlAzhar in the form of banner installation in strategic places, making pamphlets that are distributed to various kindergartens, as well as news delivered by the mouth of the parents of students and society, by conveying the successes and achievements of SDIT As-shiddiqi ad Al Azhar, which is done in autonomous schools.

Keywords: Autonomy management, Marketing education, integrated Islamic elementary school

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27 Educational Foundations ABS-92

Miarti, Aan Listiana

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


One of the modalities of a family is the establishment of a positive culture or habit. One of them is how children get used to being introduced to and brought close to stories. As for Muslim families, there are many values that can be passed on to children that can build cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities, one of which is through the introduction of sirah nabawiyah.

This study aims to optimize the introduction of sirah nabawiyah in the family, as an early literacy modality for children. This optimization is focused on scheduling methods and activity design.

Keywords: early literacy, sirah nabawiyah, family literacy

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28 Educational Foundations ABS-116

The Influence of Tolerance Content on Teaching Materials and Kyai^s Tolerant Example on the Growth of Student Tolerance Attitudes at Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia
Badarussyamsi Badarussyamsi, Ermawati Ermawati, Nurlina Nurlina, Latif Latif

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


This article explores the influence of the tolerant nature of subjects and the example of tolerance of Kyai and Kyais on the understanding and attitude of tolerant and inclusive students. Discussion of the existence of this influence is very important to reveal one of the secrets of why the paradigm of tolerance and inclusiveness is an attribute that cannot be separated from Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren). The research was conducted at four major pesantren in Indonesia, including- pesantren al-Amin in Madura, pesantren an-Nuqayah in Madura, pesantren Lirboyo Kediri, and pesantren Sumatra Thawalib Bukit Tinggi. As a quantitative research, this article distributes questionnaires to 100 students. The quantitative analysis used in this study is Path Analysis assisted by the SPSS program. This analysis was chosen to determine the effect gradually, namely the influence of subject matter, Kyai examples on students^ understanding and their impact on students^ attitudes. This article finds that the subject matter variable has a positive and significant effect on the understanding of tolerant students. Likewise, the Kyai exemplary variable has a positive and significant influence on the understanding of tolerant students. Thus, both the subject matter and the Kyai^s role model have a significant influence on the tolerant and inclusive attitude of the students.

Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Tolerant Education, Religious Moderation, Inclusive Ethics

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29 Educational Foundations ABS-121

Yuyun Elizabeth Patras, Hilda Ditrah Pebrianti, Rini Sri Indriani

Universitas Pakuan


The Effect of Social Interaction on Students^ Confidence. Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pakuan University, Bogor 2021. This research was a quantitative study with a causal approach. This research aimed to determine the effect of social interaction on self-confidence of fifth grade students at Neglasari 05 State Elementary School, Bogor Regency. The population of this study had 73 students where 42 students were the total sample. This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2020/2021 school year. The results showed that the effect of social interaction on students^ self-confidence shown by statistical analysis which resulted in a correlation coefficient (rxy) of 0.410. It indicated that there was an influence between social interaction on students^ self-confidence, while the coefficient of determination (r²) is 0.1681 or 16.81%. The remaining 83.19% was determined by other factors. The average self-confidence in students was 16.81% determined by social interaction through the regression equation = 34.28 + 0.67X. It indicated that each unit increased in the value of social interaction. It made an increase in student self-confidence by 0.67 units. Based on the results of this study, it strongly concluded that there was a positive influence between social interaction on students^ self-confidence in fifth grade students of Neglasari 05 State Elementary School, Bogor Regency, Even Semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year.

Keywords: Social Interaction, Student Confidence

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30 Global Issues in Education and Research ABS-17

Effectiveness of Implementation of Online Learning in Elementary Schools
Ni Nyoman Parwati, I Gusti Putu Suharta, I Gde Wawan Sudatha

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of learning at all levels of education from elementary to university has been carried out online. In its operation there are still many obstacles experienced. The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the planning, implementation, and student learning outcomes through online learning in elementary schools and (2) to describe the obstacles experienced in the implementation of online learning. This research belongs to the type of evaluation research. The subjects of this study were all teachers of SDN 1 Baktiseraga Singaraja. Data was collected through documentation studies, distributing questionnaires, observations, interviews, and tests. Data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results showed that online learning planning was in the Good category- the implementation of online learning is in a fairly good category- the average student learning outcomes above the minimum completeness criteria. From this, it can be concluded that the implementation of online learning in elementary schools is quite effective. Some of the obstacles experienced in the implementation of online learning, namely: not having an implementation guide, the ability and skills of teachers in preparing learning media are still lacking

Keywords: Online learning- lesson plan- learning media- learning implementation

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