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Application of Effective Citizen Model Through Blended Learning To Improve Students^ Critical Thinking Skills in Civic Education Courses
Abih Gumelar, Bunyamin Maftuh, Kama Abdul Hakam, Dasim Budimansyah

General and Character Education, Indonesia University of Education.


Lack of interest in Civic Education courses has an impact on students^ critical thinking skills in these courses. The purpose of this study is to know the critical thinking skills of students in Civic Education courses by applying the effective citizen model through blended learning. This research uses action class research methods. The subjects in this study amounted to forty-six students majoring in economics education in the second semester at one of the universities in Indonesia. The results of this study showed an increase in students^ critical thinking skills seen from six indicators, namely reasoning, finding information, interpreting- argumentation, assessing inference and making decisions. The six indicators have doubled from cycle one to cycle two. Thus the effective citizen model is said to be able to improve student^s critical thinking skills even through blended learning, in addition to the application of the effective citizen model through blended learning has implications for learning civic education courses that can be used by other educators as a model that can improve critical thinking skills.

Keywords: effective citizen model, blended learning, critical thinking, civic education

Topic: Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment

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