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Managing Religious Based School Culture : Experiences from Islamic Senior High School at Jambi



School culture is an importance instruments particularly in instilling values for the students. The study tried to explore how The School Management organized the process of habituation of Islamic values at School by promoting religious- based students activities. This is a qualitative research which is employed ethnographic design. The setting of the study was the Islamic High School Al-Falah Jambi, Indonesia. The study revealed that there are seven religious-based traditions that are organized regularly by the Management to foster religious character among students. Including - Reading the Qur^an at classroom program, doing Dhuha prayer every school day at 09.00AM together, doing Zhuhur and Ashar at time together, Reading the Qur^an after Zuhur prayer, guiding students to memorize part the Qur^an, mentoring female students on Islamic teaching every Friday afternoon, and supporting mabit program ( students activities by staying at school from evening to night to learn and perform Islamic ritual).The process of habituation not only supporting by the Management but also by the teachers, stuff, students^ parents as well as interested parties. However, the creative habituation process is one of the management challenges to make the program more interesting for students while reducing boredom. This study implies that managerial creativity is key factors to produce effective programs, particularly in habituation of the religious values.

Keywords: Key word: School Management, School Culture, Islamic Higher Education

Topic: Other Areas of Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Jamaluddin Jamaludidn)

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