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Designing Integrated Character Education Model Based on Tri Hita Karana with JEMOYA Cycle to Improve Junior High School Students Character
Ida Bagus Putu Arnyana, Ida Ayu Made Istri Utami, I Gede Margunayasa

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


This study aimed at designing integrated character education model based on Tri Hita Karana with JEMOYA cycle which contains of explaining, modeling, cultivating process. The model was designed to be valid, practical, and effective in improving students^ character of Junior High School. This study was Educational Research and Development by adapting development model by Dick and Carry (1990) summarized as: (1) conducting need analysis, (2) developing the draft of model, (3) expert and user validity, and (4) field test. The subjects of this study were 2 experts from Undiksha and 14 Junior High School teachers. For practical and effectivity test, the implementation of the model was conducted in 2 classes of SMP Laboratory Undiksha. The result of this study was integrated character education model based on Tri Hita Karana with JEMOYA cycle which shows: (1) validity means score was 4,56 which was classified as valid, (2) effective to improve students^ character, (3) practical as the practicality test mean score was 4.31 means that the character indicators were well cultivated.

Keywords: Character education, Jemoya

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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