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Me vs Smartphone: Students self-regulated learning behavior during covid-19 pandemic
Aulia Febliana Chaniago (a*), Hani Yulindrasari (a)

a) Educational Psychology, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi 229, Isola, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154


Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for one year and requires Indonesian schools to organize online learning. The new condition requires students to adapt and alter their learning behaviors. Online learning presents a different learning environment which could affect students^ learning behaviors. This article describes how the Covid-19 pandemic changes students^ learning behavior especially on self-regulated learning behavior. This research used qualitative approach and interviewed 11 students from five cities in Indonesia. The research shows that the online learning system makes students^ schedule messed up, chooses to play social media, and more worries on academic grades target. Students still cannot control their behavior in online learning, so the objectives have not been appropriately achieved.

Keywords: self regulated learning- covid-19- online learning

Topic: Global Issues in Education and Research

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