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Analysis of Higher Order Thinking Skills in Business Economics Learning
Lilik Sri Hariani (1)*, Endah Andayani (2), Nurul Ain (3)

Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Business economics learning in vocational schools should be able to equip higher-order thinking skills to be able to solve problems faced in social life, so that learning is more meaningful and beneficial for students. The objective of research was to find out the implementation of HOTS-based in Business Economics learning in vocational schools. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach (case study). Sources of data came from 15 informants who came from 5 vocational schools in Malang. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and document analysis. Data validation is triangulation and method triangulation. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive analytical technique. The results showed that the implementation of Business Economics learning in the five vocational schools had not fully implemented HOTS-based learning which could be seen from the basic competencies and indicators of competency achievement were still limited to the realm of remembering and understanding. Students^ higher order thinking skills include reasoning, analytical skills, problem solving, and critical and creative thinking skills that students have are still in the medium category.

Keywords: Higher Order Thinking Skills- Business Economics- Vocational High School

Topic: Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Lilik Sri Hariani)

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