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Coping strategies to face academic stress during covid-19 pandemic
Hesti Widayanti Yeni Rachmawati Mubiar Agustin

Educational Psychology Program
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Academic stress is a condition caused by an imbalance of the expected situation or situation with the physiological, psychological, and social systems of students. So the problem of academic stress must be addressed immediately. This study aims to determine the factors that cause academic stress accompanied by coping strategies applied by students in an effort to reduce the effects of academic stress in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. The subjects in this study were three elementary school students. The results of this study indicate that the three students have the same coping strategies in dealing with academic stress. Problem- centered coping strategies are applied through problem solving planning and seeking social support. In addition to coping strategies that focus on emotions through positive reassessment and self-control. Then, the researcher identified other forms of coping strategies in one of the subjects who applied religious coping strategies that were applied in the form of tawakal and qanaah.

Keywords: elementary school students, coping strategy, Covid-19 Pandemic, academic stress

Topic: Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (HESTI WIDAYANTI)

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