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Implementation of Dance Learning in Fostering Self-Confidence in Early Childhood
LUTFI ANSORI (a*), Juntika Nurihsan (b), Yeni Rachmawati (c).

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Self-confidence is an important psychological aspect for early childhood as a basis for actualizing self-potential and future success. One of the efforts to foster self-confidence in early childhood is through learning the art of dance. Dance learning in schools is expected not only as a performing art, but learning that can foster children^s self confidence to improve the quality of life in the future. The method used in this research is classroom action research. This study aims to describe the importance of growing self-confidence in children from an early age. The subjects of this study were 5 grade A students at Gelatik PAUD in the city of Cirebon. The Problems found in the field are that children are afraid to ask questions, have poor social attitudes, do not dare to show their abilities in front of the class, are passive, like to find excuse, are easily anxious and pessimistic. Their lack of self-confidence is one of the obstacles for teachers and parents to develop their children^s potential at school. Based on these problems, this study will examine how learning about the art of dance can help foster and grow in self-confidence in early childhood.

Keywords: Learning Dance, Self-Confidence, Early Childhood

Keywords: Learning Dance, Self-Confidence, Early Childhood

Topic: Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment

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