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Model Development for CoE TVET in Engineering and Creative Industries (Case Study for Home Industry Development in Automotive Accessories Engineering)
Agus Solehudin, Ridwan Adam M Noor, Dedi Rohendi, Bambang Darmawan, Hasbullah, Budi Kudwadi and Johar Maknun

Faculty of Vocational Technology Education - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


In recent years, the national automotive industry has shown a fairly attractive development. This is part of the positive impact of the growth in the number of Indonesia^s middle class over the past decade. Considering the enormous potential of the creative industry and the potential to continue to increase its role and contribution to the country^s economy.. While several studies that have been reported by the media have stated that this sub-sector of the automotive industry is the sub-sector with the highest contribution to the creative industry, it is necessary to have a model for the development of the home industry in the automotive accessories sector so that it can continue to develop the automotive industry. The model offered consists of four components that can be implemented into four sustainable phases, namely education, financing, mentoring, and automotive industry networking. The education and mentoring phases for the automotive industry have the same discussion, but differ in the method and emphasis of the material. The research method used is to conduct a survey with questionnaires given to the SMK and Industry. Data analysis and discussion related to the competence of production, operations, and business management. Production competence consists of the ability to produce automotive accessories. Operational competence includes all matters related to producing a quality service. Meanwhile, business management competence is the ability of business actors to manage their business which consists of basic skills, innovation, productivity, simplification, multiplication, and creativity. The results obtained indicate that the variables of creativity, innovation and business success from industry and vocational schools are very significant and belong to the good category.

Keywords: automotive- accessories- home industry- education- model

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

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