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1 Architecture ABS-21

The Design of Surakarta Creative Hub using Contextual Architecture Method
Putri Annisa Rahmawati, M. Syaom Barliana, Riskha Mardiana

Department of Architectural Education, Architecture Program
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154


Creative economy is a new economic era which becomes an alternative resource based on science and creativity. Indonesia is a country with diverse cultures. Therefore, it has huge potential to grow in the creative economy field. It also has prioritized 5 cities with amazing creative economy potential, Surakarta is one of the prioritized because of their traditional cultural roots and community works sectors. The artists in Surakarta are varied with many diverse creative industry fields, however majority of them keep to themselves. In turn, an ideal creative economy chain that fulfil standards is hard to create and stakeholders in the creative industry are not as varied as well. Surakartas creative economy needs more creative spaces, some of which in built form, called Creative Hubs. The design of Surakarta Creative Hub will use contextual architecture as the method while focusing on the cultural aspect as well as the existing potential that is developing around the site. The study will also consider the surrounding buildings that strengthen the image of the area.

Keywords: Creative economy, Cultural, Architecture Contextual, Surakarta

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2 Architecture ABS-24

Conceptual Mass Modeling of Low-Cost Apartment Building in Responding to Tropical Climate using Simulation: Shape, Form, Size, and Relation
Aisyah Nabilah (a*), Try Ramadhan (a), Rr. Tjahyani Busono (a)

a) Department of Archictecture Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The hot-humid climate in Indonesia have a direct influence on occupants perception of thermal sensations. Thus, Building housing in a hot-humid climate is need to be adequately designed. This paper aims to find the most optimal mass model of low-cost apartment buildings responding to the tropical climate in the conceptual design phase. The method used is exploratory research using SunHour and CFD (Computational Fluid Design) simulation to assess the duration of solar radiation and wind velocity. PET (Physicological Equivalent Temperature) analysis was performed to assess the thermal quality of several mass models through RayMan Tools. The site, which located in Bekasi city, and environmental context data were used to interpret the findings. This study indicates several options for the mass models of apartment building that can be obtained from the simulation iteration process. The most optimal mass models has variations in the height and width of the building that responds to west and north sun radiation over year. In addition, the area of wind entry should not be covered by mass to optimize wind distribution on the site. In the conceptual study of mass, the placement of vegetation and building facade elements must be considered to cover the masses weaknesses.

Keywords: Mass modelling- Low-cost apartment- Tropical climate- Simulation

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3 Architecture ABS-40

Dian Perwita Sari, Dewi Ria Indriana, Deni Maulana

Department of Architectural Engineering, Pontianak State Polytechnic, West Borneo-Indonesia


At this time, learning in the Department of Architectural Engineering at the Pontianak State Polytechnic is carried out in a hybrid manner (online and offline). Practical courses such as the Design Studio are carried out offline but are not effective considering that classroom settings such as furniture still use pre-pandemic settings- this still allows the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. This study aims to prepare for the new normal and prepare for the learning process, especially the classroom setting, both for the drawing studio and the theory room, following health protocols. The research method is the descriptive qualitative research method, a form of research aimed at describing or describing existing phenomena, both natural and engineered. The results obtained are recommendations for modeling space settings based on layout, circulation, and space configuration, where these results can be applied to New Normal conditions and in the future.

Keywords: setting- layout- new-normal

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4 Architecture ABS-51

Concert Hall Design in Kelurahan Neglasari Bandung City
Hanna Putri Devita (a*), Mokhamad Syaom Barliana (a), Riskha Mardiana (a)

a) Department of Architectural Engineering Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Entertainment had become one of human^s primary needs, especially those who lived in big cities. One of the most preferred way to enjoy an entertainment is by watching performances. For that purpose, performance halls had been built in many places. But most of it combined the function of three type of performances, namely music, dance, and drama. Each of these type of performances have its own acoustic characteristics, therefore, the acoustic system in the performance hall is not ideal. Especially in classical music performances which needs special treatment for its acoustic system. However, people^s preference for classical music is relatively low. Nevertheless, classical music in Indonesia have a high potential. There are many classical music communities from various circles in society. The purpose of this paper is to design a concert hall that aims to accommodate the activities of classical music community and to create connectivity between the general public and classical music activists. Thus, it needs a place as a place to grow and develop a sense of appreciation of classical music in general public. The use of metaphor architecture is to transfer classical music concepts into architectural concepts. In this case, the sonata form is chosen as the object of metaphor because it is the most common form of music used in classical music pieces. The concept of sonata form is interpreted in the concert hall design through a process of metaphor including the massing and zoning.

Keywords: Concert Hall- Metaphor Architecture- Sonata Form

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5 Architecture ABS-59

Quality Improvement of Indoor Health and Comfort Based on GREENSHIP Assessment
Dede Irwan, Izazaya Binta, Ari Fitriyanto, Mochamad Hilmy

Pontianak State Polytechnic


Indoor Air Quality became high-priority after the occurrence of a pandemic COVID-19. Indoor space is used as a place for human activities. In educational areas such as campus, the activities of users are spent more indoors. A room must be able to provide good performance to maximize student learning outcomes by considering aspects of air temperature, humidity, lighting and noise. Some of these aspects are included in the criteria for indoor health and comfort. Pontianak State Polytechnic^s efforts to become a green campus can use the GREENSHIP Rating Tools assessment. GREENSHIP Rating Tools for Existing Building has 6 criteria, one of which is indoor health and comfort. This study selected 6 rooms for measuring IHC criteria in the Architectural Engineering Department Building, namely the lobby area, lecturer room, studio 1 room, multimedia room, workshop room, and computer laboratory 4 room. Based on the results of the assessment, this building received a score of 12 out of a total of 20 or a percentage of 60%. It is necessary to improve the quality of IHC in these spaces to meet the target score. Quality improvement is carried out with the following strategies: 1) air quality control based on SNI 03-6572-2001, 2) adjusting the room^s thermal conditions, 3) increasing the lighting level in the room, 4) minimizing the noise level in the room. This strategy is expected to not only improve the quality of indoor health and comfort but also suppress the spread of COVID-19.

Keywords: Indoor Health and Comfort, Air Quality, GREENSHIP, COVID-19, Thermal Condition

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6 Architecture ABS-63

Identification of Quality Factors in Architecture Student Learning Environment in Supporting Online Learning in the Pandemic Period
Yazida Nur Azzam (a*), Tutin Aryanti (b), Riskha Mardiana (c)

Architectural Engineering Education Study Programs, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
yazidazzam[at]upi.edu, tutin[at]upi.edu, riskhamardiana[at]upi.edu


The psychological condition of a person while studying is influenced by the conditions of the physical environment. The implementation of online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the implementation of learning because not all homes prepare a special room for children^s learning. This study identifies a picture of Architecture students^ perceptions of the quality of their learning environment during the pandemic. This quantitative descriptive study was conducted using a questionnaire survey to 148 respondents. The data sample is Architecture students at levels 3 and 4 with different learning experiences before and during the pandemic. This study describes the tendency of a good student perception (67.16%) about the quality of the learning environment on the factor of space elements. Perception Space components that are not fixed, namely neatness and aroma are prominent elements (87.95%). In addition, there are differences in perceptions of environmental quality aspects in supporting learning between urban respondents on the flexibility aspect (7.11%), districts on the sound stimulant aspect (5.5%) and women on the flexibility aspect (13.15%) and men on the aspects of natural elements (9.45%)

Keywords: Spatial behavior, psychology of student learning, quality of the learning environment, physical elements of space, pandemic period, demographics, gender

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7 Basic Science in Engineering Education ABS-72

Taufiq Rahmat (a*), Ito Turyadi (b), Iwan Ardiansyah (c), Tarli Supriyatna (d), Emed Taryaman (e), Mardiani Tanjung (f), Ari Muharam Karsah (g), Diah Apriliani (h), Nuhrodin (i), Ooy Siti Halimah (j)

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) Universitas Al-Ghifari, Bandung, Indonesia


During the Covid-19 pandemic, learning was carried out online by utilizing various Learning Management System (LMS)-based platforms. Not only the reason for the COVID-19 pandemic but LMS is also deemed necessary to be immediately adopted by universities to face the challenges of the industrial era 4.0. In order to continue to have an advantage in the midst of increasingly high competition, universities are required to improve and improve the quality of the LMS used. One of them is done through testing the user satisfaction response.
User satisfaction is measured using the E-ServQual variable consisting of tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. The instrument questionnaire used closed questions and was given to 100 LMS users, consisting of expectations and reality using a scale such as a scale of 1 for very satisfied, 2 for satisfied, 3 for neutral, 4 for dissatisfied, and 5 for dissatisfied. Then, the data were analyzed using descriptive analysis by calculating the average score variable and measuring the Customer Satisfaction Index.
Overall, users are satisfied with the performance of E-ServQual attributes in implementing the Learning Management System during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and in general, the use of LMS has shown good performance. However, from the data on the perception gap between expectations and reality, it shows that the Higher Education Learning Management System needs to improve the appearance of the LMS homepage which is more attractive, operators must be easily contacted by users, and are required that operators work more quickly, seriously, and politely in responding to various problems user complaints.

Keywords: University 4.0, Learning Management System, E-Servqual, Covid-19 Pandemic

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8 Computer and Communication Engineering ABS-74

Desa Digital: Menuju Masyarakat Cerdas Mitigasi Tsunami Menggunakan Arduino Berbasis Internet of Things
Indra Kristian , K Tasdik, Dina, Tom Finaldin, Asep Dadang, Ria Nirwana, M. Daud Yusuf, Ade Burhanudin, Asep Komarudin,Rima Komariah

Program Studi Administrasi Negara Universitas Al Ghifari, Kota Bandung, Indonesia
2Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen dan Informatika (STMIK) Jabar, Kota Bandung, Indonesia,
Program Studi Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Al-Ghifari, Bandung, Indonesia, Program studi sastra inggris, Universitas Al-Ghifari, Jl. Cisarenaten Kulon No 140 Kota Bandung 40293, Indonesia
,Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Samudera Indonesia Selatan (STSIP SAINS), Jl. Mekarmukti, Cijayana, Kabupaten Garut 44155, Indonesia


Abstract. The research that will be carried out is to improve the current system used for tsunami disaster mitigation where the working system is an offshore detection tool that will trigger the SMS Gateway system at BMKG and simultaneously the people around the affected area will receive a warning through SMS earlier. When there is an earthquake or other causes that may have an impact on a Tsunami, officers convey information using the manual method, namely hitting a gong to warn the surrounding community to be alert because the water level has the potential to cause a Tsunami. This article presents the results of research that aims to mitigate the Tsunami disaster by building a flood early warning system using an Arduino microcontroller based on the Internet of Things. This study uses the Zachman Framework and the AIC model with an e-government approach. The result is a model of an intelligent village information system and a fast response to the Tsunami disaster digitally. The information system developed is in the form of a mobile friendly website that can display measurement results from sensors, display water levels, store measurement results from sensors in a database, online forums as a trigger for tsunami-aware public participation, and an expert system for tsunami response rapid socialization. The website is integrated with Arduino. The water level sensor is installed on the river water gate connected to the Arduino Uno device which is equipped with an SMS Gateway SIM900A. Automatically, this system monitors the potential for a Tsunami tirelessly and sends information to the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum Team in villages located on the outskirts of South Garut Beach which are in the administrative area of Caringin District, Mekarmukti District, Cikelet District, Keamatan. Pameungpeuk, and Cibalong District and the Head of RT in the neighborhood around the South Sea Coast. The IoT technology in this study is used to store Earthquake data and turn on the sir

Keywords: IoT, Tsunami warning, Arduino, website, Zachman Framework, AIC Model

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9 Computers, Internet, Multimedia in Engineering Education ABS-34

The Effect of Interactive Multimedia on Student Behavior Against Covid-19 in Vocational High Schools
Indra Maulana Dongoran (a*), Intan Nisa Azhar (b), Anto J. Hadi (c), Dadang Lukman Hakim (d)

a) Universitas Aufa Royhan, Padangsidimpuan 22733, Indonesia
* indra.dongoran59[at]gmail.com
b) Universitas Aufa Royhan, Padangsidimpuan 22733, Indonesia
c) Universitas Aufa Royhan, Padangsidimpuan 22733, Indonesia
d) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The Corona Virus Disease 19 (Covid-19) pandemic has become a global problem. The best way to deal with covid-19 at this time is to take precautions and implement health protocols as proclaimed by WHO. But until now there are still many people, especially students who do not understand the dangers of covid-19 and how the health protocols are to avoid covid-19. Therefore we need a way that can provide proper education to students about the dangers of covid-19 and the covid-19 health protocol. One of the right ways is to provide education about the dangers of covid-19 and the covid-19 health protocol through interactive multimedia. The purpose of this research is to provide knowledge about covid-19 so that there will be changes in behavior towards covid-19. This study uses a Quasy Experiment design with pretest-post-test with control group design. The data will be tested with a validity test to get a change in student behavior towards covid-19 when a stimulus has been given in the form of interactive multimedia. The results of the data analysis are changes in student behavior to continue to follow health protocols and students^ understanding of covid-19 is increasing.

Keywords: Interactive Multimedia- Covid-19- Student Behavior

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10 Computers, Internet, Multimedia in Engineering Education ABS-35

Students^ View to The Use of Collaborative Application for Completion of Project-based Course
Didin Wahyudin, Bachtiar Hasan, Dadang Lukman Hakim, Aip Saripudin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Teaching and learning by online meetings in the pandemic era are challenging. Some students argued that learning online is boring because they felt exhaustive when involved in such a learning approach. On the Other hand, some lectures opined that examination in online learning is not fulfilling their satisfaction compared to the conventional examination, that is in classroom assessment. However, for some applied courses, there is research that project-based learning is promising to be used as the best alternative for assessing students^ performance. Project-based learning encourages the student to be active in learning processes. For example, they could find material for the project references and also encourage them to collaborative works. However, to provide maximum monitoring of collaborative task completion, some applications could be used for these purposes. Hence, we surveyed to measure the student opinion to the use of collaborative application for project coordination in project-based learning. Students were asked to try a number of collaborative applications such as Basecamp, Trello, and Asana for their project, and then they should respond to the questionnaires. The survey invited 80 students from two classes with different subjects, i.e., students taking a network application development course and research methodology. The result gave evidence that such an application is sufficient to support the student in completing project-based learning.

Keywords: Pandemic, Online Learning, Project-based Course, Performance Assesment, Collaborative Application

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11 Computers, Internet, Multimedia in Engineering Education ABS-66

A prototype of a constructivist application for online evaluation in learning music
Puput Irfansyah, Erlando Doni Sirait, Aan Risdiana

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI


A frequent problem in learning music is in its assessment and evaluation. This becomes a subjective job for mentors and students in receiving evaluation results transparently, thus requiring a more efficient, transparent, and manageable mechanism. By using a knowledge management approach, it can capture and evaluate the problem through a system so that it helps in organizing and presenting problems. The purpose of this research is to design prototypes of online evaluation applications in learning music. Then the application prototype is tested using User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to get feedback and measure user acceptance. UAT shows that the application prototype is working well. And it has provided students with ease in responding to learning assessment evaluations from mentors.

Keywords: online evaluation, learning music, prototype, constructivist application

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12 Electrical Engineering ABS-1

Aas Wasri Hasanah 1*, Tony Koerniawan 1,Rinna Hariyati 1, Muchamad Nur Qosim 1.

Insitut Teknologi PLN
Jl. Lingkar Luar Barat, Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng, Jakarta - 17750


One of the uses of electricity that is widely used by society today is as a source of lighting. The increasing level of community mobility makes all activities that require lighting, namely roads or public roads. Public Street Lighting (PJU) in the smart solar technology system will be integrated with a security system to monitor or monitor the condition of rivers or river water in flood-prone areas, with flexible energy sources in their placement and position, flood detection tools are easy. or the water sensor is connected to the desired position. The sensor will send an SMS automatically to the cell phone number that has been set from the program to notify the news of the position of the water level. Here for the efficiency of sms and quota pulses from these tools. From the top it will provide information that a height of 500 cm means that it is dangerous to have crossed the embankment, a level below which a height of 450 cm means standby 3, and a height of 400 means standby 2 and a height of 350 cm means standby 1. From the danger level, additional information will be given in the form of lights. red on the cover of the tool box, it also gives a sign for the surrounding community to be able to see directly the condition of the water level from the light that is on.

Keywords: Sensor, led light, sms, solar panel

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13 Electrical Engineering ABS-61

Design and Implementation of Multiple Vaccine Monitor System Using IoT and Android Application
Ali Taufan (a), Dede Irawan Saputra (b*), Siska Telly Pratiwi (c), Eka Noneng Nawangsih (c)

a) Department of Forensics and Medicolegal, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia
b) Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia
c) Departement of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia


The need for safe distribution of Covid-19 vaccines is indispensable for all parties to minimize the risk of distribution. Vaccine monitoring systems has advantage that officers or supervisors can continuously monitor multiple device such as the temperature, shock and cool box position during the distribution process. When the cool box temperature is outside the specified temperature range, the system will give warnings in the form of notifications through the android smartphone application and can also be accessed via the website so that vaccine carrier can condition the cool box by increasing or decreasing ice packs so that the quality of the vaccine can be maintained. Equipped with a location tracking system using GPS, it can provide information on the presence of vaccines to supervisors in real time. This system consists of a DS18B20 temperature sensor, a shock sensor using MPU6050 and a GPS sensor using UBLOX NEO-6M GPS module. The sensors are connected to a microcontroller ATMega 2560 chip in a single printed board along with a battery power supply. The notification feature is very helpful for vaccine carrier and supervisors when an abnormal event occurs in the cool box so that it can facilitate the decision-making process.

Keywords: Android Application- GPS Tracking- IoT- Vaccine Monitor System

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14 Electrical Engineering ABS-62

Application of Temperatur Measurenment Contactless With Bidirectional Visitor Counter Using IoT As a Covid-19 Protocol
R Reni Farenia Soedjananingrat (a), Dede Irawan Saputra (b*), Atik Charisma (b), Dewi Ratih Handayani (c), Sri Quintina Indriyana (d), Siska Telly Pratiwi (e), I Wayan Agus Putra (f)

a) Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia
b) Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia
c) Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia
d) Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia
e) Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia
f) Departement of Pulmonology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia


Adaptation due to the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the order of life. When activities begin to move again, at the same time we must remain vigilant so that the spread of the virus can be suppressed. One that can realize health protocols in public places and facilities is the engineering process, such as by providing a visitor counting system accompanied by recording body temperature as screening and being able to restrict access as a form of implementing health protocols. The system is also expected to facilitate security officers in the process of optimally implementing health protocols. The system built consists of hardware temperature sensor MLX90614 with an accuracy value of 99.50%, TOF and IR sensors to count visitors in two directions, Node MCU ESP32 as the main controller and website as information media that shows the temperature of visitors, number of visitors, number of outbound visitors, and available places. This system is also equipped with an SD card facility so that it can simplify the process of screening and recording visitors every day. This system is practical because it can be implemented on a one-door system which is usually used as an entrance and exit door at the same time.

Keywords: Covid-19 Protocol- IoT- Temperatur Measurenment Contactless- Visitor Counter

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15 Electrical Engineering ABS-68

Retrofit Design Control System of Bladder Turn Up Tire Assembly Machine based on Programmable Logic Controller to improve Machine Performance
Syahril Ardi (a*) Nesti Annisa Suprianti (a)

a) Mechatronics Department, Astra Polytechnic, Jakarta, Indonesia


The manufacturing production process is constantly being developed along with industrial automation and the industrial revolution 4.0. This paper discusses research conducted at a manufacturing company that makes tires for motorbikes. The process of making a tire includes the following processes, including mixing, topping, extruding, bead wire, tire assembly, spraying, gimlet, and tire curing. In the tire assembly process, there is a machine used in the assembling process for the manufacture of the outer tires. There are 2 types of machines used, namely STU (Spring Turn Up) and BTU (Bladder Turn Up). To improve the machine performance, a BTU (Bladder Turn Up) tire assembly machine was retrofit on the shaft former drive control system using a servo motor. After retrofit the control system on the BTU tire assembly machine (Bladder Turn Up), the green tire production capacity increases. Furthermore, the cycle time has decreased by making a one-loop system during the ply cord setting process. Also, there is no variation in spare parts on the shaft former drive motor to extend the machine lifetime.

Keywords: Tire Assembly machine, retrofit, Bladder Turn Up, PLC

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16 Engineering Education Research ABS-9

NA Nadya (a*), Rohendi, Dedi. (B)

a) Master Program of Technical and Vocational Education, School of Post Graduates Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia
b) Master Program of Technical and Vocational Education, School of Post Graduates Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia


How do young professionals understand their careers. Taking into account these constraints, extending interest match theory to recommend that job satisfaction relationships are sometimes asymmetrical or professionally unsuitable, subjective fit or ^self-assessment accuracy^ and levels of personnel and environmental variables increase from low to high job satisfaction. Researchers used a systematic literature review to determine developments in job seeker trends that have occurred until 2020. The results suggest that a non-conformity asymmetry is usually present in terms of interest and job satisfaction, and that the shape of the mismatch can change between the suitability and interest comparisons. In addition, job satisfaction is sometimes adjusted for low to high human and environmental variables. This finding is very different from the constraints imposed by many interest-related studies. Literature review is that examines literature to meet research criteria by reviewing academic ideas and knowledge. The nature of this research is narrative and descriptive based on an orderly analysis of the literature so that information can be decomposed accurately. In this research, it will be limited according to the research keywords, namely job search, career, social suitability, suitability, interest, and job satisfaction with the concept of TVET (Technical and Vocational Education Training) and Vocational Behavior. In a systematic literature review, a representation of the research flow is described which consists of planning, identification, conducting a literature review and conclusions. In the exploration of the data there are links that suggest that professionals participate in a dynamic process of building their career narratives and descriptive with emerging and often complex professional self-concepts. The concept of self-efficacy makes the job seeker process more stable and cohesive as well as when they are engaged in professional work. This study finds that there

Keywords: Job Seekers, Self-Efficacy, Career, Job Satisfaction

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17 Engineering Education Research ABS-23

Development of Transmission Jack Table as an Innovation for Learning Transmission Overhaul Practices to Reduce the Risk of Cumulative Trauma Disorders (Ctds) in Students
R Adam M. Noor (a*), Ibnu Mubarak (b), Penny Maryani (c), Rika Andriani (d)

a, b) Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
c) Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Cisarua, Bandung Barat, Indonesia
4 Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 15, Bandung, Indonesia


The problem that occurs in the practice of transmission overhaul is that every time students practice they always experience complaints of pain in several parts of the body, especially the upper body. The pain causes students to take a lot of short breaks when doing transmission overhaul practices such as straightening their backs, lowering their hands or moving their necks to reduce soreness. Based on a preliminary study by distributing Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaires, many students experienced complaints of pain in the upper neck, lower neck, back, waist, right left forearm and left upper right arm. The purpose of this study was to produce a tool that serves to help hold, lower, lift the transmission and place the transmission for unloading and to determine the effect of using this practice tool on reducing ergonomic risk. The tool is called a transmission jack table which is designed to reduce the risk of ergonomic cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) suffered by student practitioners in the transmission overhaul practice of the automotive power train course. This design uses an ergonomic approach, starting with antropometric measurements of students, designing using software and making prototypes, then testing and analysis using the Quick Exposure Checklist (QEC) method. The results of this study are the acquisition of practical aids in the form of a transmission jack table and a decrease in the risk of ergonomic cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) suffered by students. So that this learning tool has a good impact in reducing musculoskeletal complaints and the impact will reduce the risk of work accidents and increase work productivity.

Keywords: CTDs, Transmission jack table, Transmission overhaul

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18 Engineering Education Research ABS-43

Assessing The Performance of Remote Laboratory
Yadi Mulyadi, Siscka Elvyanti, Erik Haritman, Didin Wahyudin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Remote laboratory facilities have been accessible from the internet for more than a decade. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, remote laboratories have become an option for technical and vocational schools and high schools to continue the laboratory learning process. The biggest challenge in implementing remote laboratories is the physical equipment and assessment of the facility. Not only technical support but also usability and support for students should be considered. On the technical side, the physical equipment must be fully controlled independently by the student. The remote laboratory performance was tested using the Web Applications Performance Test (WAPT) tool. Questionnaires for students were used to determine the ease of use and accessibility of the application of this laboratory. This research found that the software and equipment were quite good in the remote laboratory that was being developed. Likewise, the control on the student side is also well accessible. There is a significant weakness that one user can only use this remote laboratory at a time. It cannot be multi-user at a time.

Keywords: Remote laboratory, performance assessing, laboratory learning process

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19 Engineering Education Research ABS-47

Relationship Between Bornage and Social Interaction in Pandemic Period with Student Learning Outcomes at SMK Negeri 5 Bandung
Tarlia Medina*, Mokhamad Syaom Barliana, Indah Susanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research is motivated by online learning during a pandemic, many students feel bored and bored. Student boredom is reinforced by limited student social interaction, the boredom experienced by students and limited social interaction makes students^ interest in learning lessen. This study aims to describe the level of student saturation, student social interaction, and student learning outcomes, as well as to determine the relationship between the level of student social interaction and student learning saturation, the relationship between the level of student saturation and student learning outcomes, and determine the relationship between student social interaction and student learning outcomes. student learning outcomes of class X SMKN 5 Bandung. This research is a descriptive correlational quantitative research. Data were obtained from questionnaires and the final score of student learning outcomes in the Mechanical Engineering subject. The results of the descriptive analysis show that 1) the level of learning saturation in students is 66% including the medium category, 2) the level of social interaction in students is 66% including the medium category, 3) student learning outcomes are 90.5% including the competent category. The results of the correlation analysis show that 1) students social interaction is negatively and significantly correlated with student learning saturation, 2) learning saturation is negatively and significantly correlated with student learning outcomes, 3) social interaction is positively correlated with student learning outcomes. This indicates that if students^ social interaction during a pandemic is high, student learning saturation is low, if student learning saturation is high during a pandemic, the learning outcomes obtained by students will be low and if students^ social interactions during a pandemic are high, the learning outcomes obtained by students will be low. tall. Thus, social interaction must continue to be improved so t

Keywords: Burnout, Social Interaction, Learning Outcomes.

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20 Engineering Education Research ABS-48

Using computer tools to improve the teaching-learning process in vocational education: the field of pharmacology
Nuphanudin (a*), Aan Komariah (b), Dedy Achmad Kurniady (c), Assyfa Zahra (d), Asih Sabila (e), Muhammad Jari Badri (f), Fildjah Apriliani Mayendri (g), Tika Kramelia (h)

a, b, c) Educational Administration, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154
*) nuphanudiniljas[at]upi.edu
d, e, f, h) Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Tampusu, Remboken, Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara 95681
g) Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Jl. Gajah Mada No.1, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83522


This article discusses the integration of computer-assisted education (CAE) with traditional classroom instruction. It describes an educational approach to bringing real-world industrial work into the classroom that emphasizes the need to learn the fundamentals while adding excitement and relevance to the experience. This article presents the results of a case study conducted to understand the impact of computer-assisted teaching on the effectiveness of learning in a classroom environment. The effect of computer-assisted instruction on the different cognitive levels of individual students was also evaluated. Computer Assisted Drawing (CAD), Computer Assisted Manufacturing (CAM), and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) courses at SMK 7 Bandung are an integral part of the effort. These courses focus on the development of a 3D geometric computer model and the application of this digital database to all stages of the design process. Students perform freehand sketches, build computer models, assemble parts, perform various analyzes, create dynamic simulations, create final design drawings, import engineering drawings, and more engineering as DXF files, generate NC files to build rapid prototypes.

Keywords: Computer Technology, AutoCad Software, Virtual Laboratory

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21 Engineering Education Research ABS-54

The Use of LMS Schoology in Cooperative Learning to Improve Learning Activeness of Vocational High School Students
Muh. Jasrin Sarif (a*), Johar Maknun (b*), Indah Susanti (c*)

(a) Architectural Engineering Education Study Programs, Indonesian education university, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154
(b) Architectural Engineering Education Study Programs, Indonesian education university, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154
(c) Architectural Engineering Education Study Programs, Indonesian education university, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154


Indications of student learning activities when doing learning activities from home occur one-way learning communication which makes student-teacher interaction less responsive, so cooperative learning is needed so that students are more responsive assisted by interactive media to facilitate students in learning. The teacher makes a new strategy using a learning approach, namely the Learning Management System (LMS) Schoology in cooperative learning that is able to have an impact on student learning activities. The application of Miro Schoology LMS for the experimental class and the Indonesian Smart School Application (SPI) for the control class. The purpose of the study was to determine the differences in student learning activities in the use of LMS Schoology in cooperative learning. The research design used a quasi-experimental and the research location was at SMKN 5 Bandung with sampling using purposive sampling technique, namely Class XI DPIB 3 as the experimental class and Class XI DPIB 5 as the control class. The research instrument in data collection was in the form of a questionnaire to measure each indicator of student activity. Data analysis used Descriptive Analysis and Non-Parametric tests to determine the difference in the average value or percentage of learning activities between the two classes. The results of the research data using LMS Schoology in cooperative learning showed significant differences in the results of learning activities between the two research classes. The average value of the experimental class activity was 39.43, bigger than the control class 23.36, indicating that there was a significant difference in student activity. The percentage value of student learning activity indicators consists of paying attention, listening, writing, asking, arguing, and behaving. The average percentage of activeness in the experimental class was 87% (Very Active) which was greater than the control class of 72% (Active).

Keywords: LMS Schoology, Cooperative Learning, Learning Activity

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22 Environmental Engineering ABS-19

Application of Zeolite for Treatment a Electroplating Wastewater
Agus Solehudin, Enda Permana , Ida Hamidah and Purnawan

Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, FPTK UPI


The number of electroplating industries in West Java in Indonesia has increased rapidly which affects the amount of pickling and degreasing solutions used in the washing process. Generally, the electroplating industry disposes of its wastewater directly into the environment without treatment. The metal ions contained in the pickling and degreasing solution will accumulate in the environment which will eventually cause the washing water to become rich in dissolved metal ions. One of the wastewater treatment methods is adsorption. Zeolite from the adsorbent was applied in this study with variations in grain size and processing time. Electroplating wastewater is used to control nickel metal ion concentration. This study aims to study the effect of zeolite on the concentration of nickel metal ions, which are filled with the adsorption column using the circulation method. The column has a diameter of 3 inches, a height of 120 cm, and a discharge of 120 ml/min. The results showed that the nickel metal ion concentration decreased from 26.75 g/l to 12.93 g/l, decreased pH from 8.2 to 7.6, and decreased water conductivity from 1250 ohm-1 to 815 ohm-1.

Keywords: absorbent column- electroplating- wastewater- zeolite- resistivity

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23 Industrial Engineering ABS-69

Digitalization System Design for Monitoring and Control of Spare Parts Inventory Based on Android
Agus Ponco (a*), Ibrohim (a), Syahril Ardi (a)

a) Mechatronics Department, Astra Polytechnic, Jakarta, Indonesia


This research was conducted at an automotive component manufacturing company. Production machines sometimes experience damage or abnormality, so they need repair. When repairing the engine, if a part is damaged, the part must be replaced. The machine cannot be used to produce the required spare parts are not available. Furthermore, we conducted research related to the digitalization design of the monitoring and controlling inventory stock spare parts maintenance system based on an android studio. This system is to overcome the absence of spare parts during breakdown maintenance and to support companies towards industry 4.0. This system will monitor the amount of spare part stock, record transactions that have been carried out, and reduce paper usage in inventory maintenance.

Keywords: Digitalization system, spare parts inventory, monitoring and control systems, android studio

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24 New Technologies in Education ABS-3

Exploration of Factors Technology Acceptance of LMS Google Classroom: a Systematic Literature Review
Muhamad Iqbal Rizki Permana, S.Pd., Gr. (a*), Iwan Kustiawan, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D (b)

Study Program of Technological and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to look at the methods and factors that influence the acceptance of Google Classroom technology. This study uses a Systematic Literature Review. Articles are retrieved via the application publish or perish 7 issue of 2010-2021. Then the article is made into a logbook for easy analysis. The result is that the TAM and UTAUT models are the most widely used. Meanwhile, the most influential factors in the acceptance of Google Classroom are Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. In addition, the factors of Learning Content Quality, Self Efficacy, User Interface, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facility Condition, Habit, Hedonic Motivation, Effort Expectancy. and Facility Condition influences the acceptance of Google Classroom.

Keywords: Google Classroom, LMS, TAM

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25 New Technologies in Education ABS-50

Alvina Fadila Maulida(a*), Ida Hamidah (b)

a) Postgraduate School, UPI Bandung
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Postgraduate School, UPI Bandung
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The industrial revolution led to changes, including food production. There are several industries that use tools in the manufacturing process, in recent years there is one tool that is still in the test phase, but is now becoming increasingly popular and becoming a new breakthrough that 3D because food printers can show the potential for precision, customization, and innovation in the structure (shape) and texture of varied and interesting foods. This method used in the writing of this article is systematic literature review. Conducted through 3 stages consisting of searching and retrieving articles, filtering and sorting and analysis. In the early stages of searching for journal articles related to ^3D^ ^food^,^printing^ obtained 38 articles from January 2015 to 2021. Articles included in the realm of 3D Food Printing technology, the last article was released in 2015 (n=5), 2016(n=3), 2017 (n=5), 2018(n=12), 2019 (n=6), 2020(n=5), 2021(n=2). Include with the application of raw materials used in 3D food printer technology include: sugar, chocolate (the most perfect ingredient), cheese, cereals, fruits, cookie dough, and meat. Some examples of foodstuffs that have been successfully printed using this method are fruit and vegetables as well as dough-based food formula pectin and meat and gel-based ingredients Selective Laser Sintering/Hot Air. 3D food printing technology was created to introduce artistic capabilities as a way to consume food in luxury as well as expand mass customization capabilities to the idustrial culinary sector. The technology is still in the development stage. Implications for its use such as improved food design and nutrition can be adjusted to consumer order.

Keywords: 3D Food Printing, Food Printer Technology

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26 Research and Development in Engineering Education ABS-45

The Development of Android-Based Interactive Learning Application as an Online Learning Media in Vocational School
Karina Aprilyani, Mokhamad Syaom Barliana, Fauzi Rahmanullah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The limitations of space, time, and individual movement due to the COVID-19 require students to study online by using digital technology independently. Research on the development of Android-based interactive learning applications aims to develop learning media that have never been used before at SMK Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya, especially in DPIB study program. The development of Android-based interactive learning applications has become an independent learning media innovation to increase student interest in learning which has begun to decline in online learning. The research uses the Research and Development method of the Sugiyono model with 10 stages of research. Data collection techniques used an expert validation sheets, student response questionnaires and student learning interests both before and after using the media. The development of this interactive learning application uses PowerPoint, iSpring, and Website2APK Builder that can make learning media operate as applications on Android smartphones. The development of the media obtained the results of ^Very Eligible^ used by experts both in terms of media feasibility with a percentage of 95% and in terms of matter feasibility with a percentage of 91%. Students^ responses to the media is the ^Very Good^ category with the results of 86% of media presentation and 89% of matter presentation.

Keywords: Android-Based Interactive Learning Applications, Research and Development Methods, Student Response

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27 Research and Development in Engineering Education ABS-49

Ripki Septiantoro, Dr. Lilis WIdaningsih, S.Pd., M.T, Suhandy Siswoyo, S.T., M.T.

Department of Architectural Engineering Education, Faculty of Technology & Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung.


Online Learning Regulation which held by The Indonesian Government during Covid-19 Pandemic caused several transformation in Education sector in Indonesia. One of the transformation is using Social Media as a Learning Media. This kind of transformation makes Educational participants which teacher, students, and educational workers in Indonesia need to be adapt to using the new Learning Media.
This study aims to verify about the Development Of AutoCAD Tutorial Video by Using TikTok Social Media As A Learning Media in Vocational Highschool 2 Pekanbaru. This type of research is Research & Development (R&D) and using 4-D Method (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) by S.Thiagarajan. The data collection method uses a questionnaire method which were validation testing to Learning Expert, Media Expert, and AutoCAD Teacher in SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru.
The result of this research are: (1) Procedure that shows how to make AutoCAD Tutorial Video by Using TikTok Social Media through 4-D Method which are define, design, develop, and disseminate- (2) AutoCAD Tutorial Video by Using TikTok Social Media- (3) The result of the development by expert appraisals, which get 2,85 out of 4,00 (Worth Categorized) from Learning Expert, 3,87 out of 4,00 (Very Worth Categorized) from Media Expert, and 3,48 out of 4,00 (Very Worth Categorized) from AutoCAD Teacher in SMK Negeri 2 Pekanbaru. The result of Student Responsibility Test informs that AutoCAD Tutorial Video by Using TikTok Social Media get 52% of Very Worth Categorized, 44% of Worth Categorized, and 4% Not Worth Categorized. The average of Student Responsibility Test is get 3,312 out of 4,00 which ^Very Worth Categorized^.

Keywords: AutoCAD Tutorials Video- Learning Media- TikTok Social Media

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28 Research and Development in Engineering Education ABS-70

Local Wisdom Education in the coastal area (Case study of the community in dealing with the tidal disaster of sea level rise in Ramayadi Backwoods, Jawai Laut Village, South Javai District)
Nunik Hasriyanti, Ismail Ruslan, Andi Zulestari, Lestari Agustrihardaning

Urban Design Faculty, State Polytechnic Pontianak, Ahmad Yani Street Pontianak, Indonesia
IAIN Pontianak, Soeprapto Street Pontianak, Indonesia
Architecture Faculty, State Polytechnic Pontianak, Ahmad Yani Street Pontianak, Indonesia
BPBD West Kalimantan, Indonesia


Ramayadi Backwoods, Jawai Village, South Jawai District, is a coastal area that experiences tidal disasters every year due to sea level rise. This event occurs in November and December is called the north wind season. The impact of the disaster has changed the function of residential space in the coastal area of Jawai, disrupted community social relations and the communities economy plummeted. This insident was caused firstly, by the lack of public knowledge about disaster local wisdom in the Jawai coastal area. Second, the absence of local wisdom education, both formal and non formal institutions for the community, and third, the lack of community responsivenesss regarding disaster mitigation in the Jawai coastal area. The purpose of this study is to describe the communities knowledge about local wisdom, efforts to provide local knowledge education for the people of Ramayadi Hamlet and disaster mitigation in the coastal area of Jawai. To answer the research problem, a qualitative descriptive method was used with interview, observation, and documentation technique in the Ramayadi Hamlet, Jawai Village. The field findings in this study are first, the community in the Ramayadi Hamlet, lacks local knowledge about the tidal disaster of sea level rise. Second, there is no local knowledge education for the coastal communities of Java and third, the community has not been responsive to mitigation sea level rise tidal disaster.

Keywords: Citizenship- Local Wisdom- Character Education- urban mitigation-

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29 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-4

S. Aji and Y Mulyadi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



The development of information technology and computers has an impact on the development of e-learning. Learning Management System (LMS) as one of the software used to manage e-learning in the last decade has been used in schools. The implementation of LMS in Vocational High Schools has consequences for SMK teachers to be able to use LMS in the learning process. To be able to use the LMS, the teacher must have adequate ICT competence so that the learning process can run efficiently and effectively. This study aims to determine the implementation of LMS in the self-development of productive vocational teachers. This research was carried out at a State Vocational School located in Bandung City and has a program of expertise in Electrical Power Installation Engineering and Electronic Engineering, namely SMK N 4, SMK N 6, SMK N 8 and SMK N PU. The research method uses a survey method with a qualitative approach and data collection uses semi-structured interviews and documents. The results of the study show that the implementation of LMS is very helpful in the self-development of productive vocational teachers although in practice it still faces several problems according to the circumstances and abilities of each school.

Keywords: LMS, self development, productive teacher

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30 Technical and Vocational Education ABS-5

Challenges of vocational teachers in student-teacher interaction in synchronous online learning in Indonesia
Maulana Noor Fajri Al Hajar*, Ade Gafar Abdullah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia


The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world, and it has made learning to switch to distance learning. One type of distance learning is online learning. Indeed, when students and teachers conduct learning connected via the internet, it becomes difficult to interact, especially synchronously. The interaction of students and teachers is inevitable in learning. Therefore, this paper investigates the challenges confronted by vocational high school teachers when interacting with students through synchronous online learning. A qualitative approach and In-depth interview techniques were used on five teachers in the Agribusiness Processing Agricultural Products program. One of the challenges confronted by teachers in interacting synchronously is when students close their video cameras. There are various arguments and attitudes of teachers regarding this phenomenon. Teachers were astonished, concerned, and resentful. in fact, it is a form of disrespect for the teachers. Generally, teachers tolerate this phenomenon because of technical problems encountered by students, for example, weak signals. Finally, one alternative to deal with this phenomenon is to implement varied platforms outside synchronous.

Keywords: student-teacher interaction- synchronous online learning- vocational teacher- challenges- covid-19-

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