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Flipped Classroom as an Alternative Distance Learning to Increase Student Understanding
Kamin Sumardi (a), Eka Romdhony (b)

(a) (b) Vocational Education Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154


Covid-19 pandemic had impacted the learning process of student with distance learning. Practice learning become disrupted due to student cannot attend school. Flipp classroom is a distance learning method which shift learning activity at school and home. Learning activity much more at home than learning activity at school. The aim of this research is to find an effective design process of learning in flipped classroom used for vocational school. This research use the research and development method. The subject of the research is 2 class of vocational highschool with 62 respondent. The instrument used is test and questioner. This research show that flipped classroom is preffered by the students due to the several platform of studying (website, podcast, e-book), more flexibel study time, the teaching material available with many form such as power point, video, movie, game, and be able to communicate in various way. Students understand the material easier and can practice much more flexible time between the school and home. The test show that 95% of students understand the taught material. Teachers can convey the material easier and control the level of understanding that is grasped by the student. With flipped classroom, all material can be grasped easily by the student and practiced in school in accordance of the curriculum. Flipped classroom created an effective learning process even in a distance learning. Flipped classroom suitable to apply in practice learning material.

Keywords: effective flipp classroom, distance learning, learning in pandemic

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

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