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Identification of Gender Concepts in Work-Family Conflict: A Systematic Literature Review
Dwi Tendi Apriyawan* and Dedi Rohendi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Gender inequality that affects work-family conflict has always been the focus of studies around the world. This happens because gender is one of many independent variables which are directly related to work-family conflict. There is frequent disharmony of roles in the demands of work and demands in the family that eventually lead to work-family conflict. Great life pressure accompanied by moral responsibility which is carried out as a mother and worker, often results in mental stress on women. In addition to experiencing mental pressure, conflict of roles experienced by working women also leads to reduced involvement in the family. The method used is a systematic literature review using a number of relevant articles from various journals. After the sorting process is carried out, the articles obtained were studied further. The results of the study show that someone who adheres to the concept of gender inequality produces a negative effect on work-family conflict. Although men and women experience the same effect, but women tend to shoulder a much heavier burden on work-family conflict. Working women who already have families will have a higher tendency to experience work stress, mental pressure, and psychological disorders.

Keywords: gender inequality, work-family conflict, work stress

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

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