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The Use of LMS Schoology in Cooperative Learning to Improve Learning Activeness of Vocational High School Students
Muh. Jasrin Sarif (a*), Johar Maknun (b*), Indah Susanti (c*)

(a) Architectural Engineering Education Study Programs, Indonesian education university, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154
(b) Architectural Engineering Education Study Programs, Indonesian education university, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154
(c) Architectural Engineering Education Study Programs, Indonesian education university, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154


Indications of student learning activities when doing learning activities from home occur one-way learning communication which makes student-teacher interaction less responsive, so cooperative learning is needed so that students are more responsive assisted by interactive media to facilitate students in learning. The teacher makes a new strategy using a learning approach, namely the Learning Management System (LMS) Schoology in cooperative learning that is able to have an impact on student learning activities. The application of Miro Schoology LMS for the experimental class and the Indonesian Smart School Application (SPI) for the control class. The purpose of the study was to determine the differences in student learning activities in the use of LMS Schoology in cooperative learning. The research design used a quasi-experimental and the research location was at SMKN 5 Bandung with sampling using purposive sampling technique, namely Class XI DPIB 3 as the experimental class and Class XI DPIB 5 as the control class. The research instrument in data collection was in the form of a questionnaire to measure each indicator of student activity. Data analysis used Descriptive Analysis and Non-Parametric tests to determine the difference in the average value or percentage of learning activities between the two classes. The results of the research data using LMS Schoology in cooperative learning showed significant differences in the results of learning activities between the two research classes. The average value of the experimental class activity was 39.43, bigger than the control class 23.36, indicating that there was a significant difference in student activity. The percentage value of student learning activity indicators consists of paying attention, listening, writing, asking, arguing, and behaving. The average percentage of activeness in the experimental class was 87% (Very Active) which was greater than the control class of 72% (Active).

Keywords: LMS Schoology, Cooperative Learning, Learning Activity

Topic: Engineering Education Research

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