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How Career Interventions and Digital Career Counselling Affect Students^ Career Maturity
Arismen (a*), Dadang Lukman Hakim (b)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Career maturity is a reflection of an individual^s career development process to increase capacity in making future career decisions. This study analyses how career intervention and digital career guidance can affect the development of career maturity of high school students. This study uses a systematic literature review research design, where the author tries to find relevant articles to answer research problems. The article search process uses 3 search strategies with 6 inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the end, the author got 9 articles in 8 different journals published by 3 international journal publishers. The findings in this study indicate that career intervention has a significant influence on the development of career maturity, especially in the aspect of students^ career knowledge. Meanwhile career counselling that is built in digital version is very effective in helping students to make career decisions.

Keywords: Career Maturity- Career Interventions- Digital Career Counselling

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Arismen Arismen)

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