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Green Technology Awareness on Food Processing Among Students of Prospective Agricultural Vocational Teachers
Muhammad Oka Ramadhan (a*), Mustika Nuramalia Handayani (a)

a) Agro-industrial Technology Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Current trend in food sector is the adoption of green technologies to realize towards a sustainable society and greener economy. Agricultural vocational teachers who prepare students to work in food industry need to master green technology in food processing. This study aimed to identify student^s awareness as prospective teacher of agricultural vocational school regarding green technology in food processing. A total of 107 students of prospective agricultural vocational teacher participated in the survey. Students fill out a questionnaire of green technology in food processing with 8 items measuring awareness of green technology terms. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. The results showed that most students lack awareness of the terms and central issues, such as life cycle assessment, carbon footprint, non-thermal food processing, waste management hierarchy as well as green technology itself. Students stated that they were most familiar with the term green packaging. As many as 79% of respondents stated the need for prospective agricultural vocational teachers to learn green technology in food processing. This finding implies the importance of green technology in food processing to be integrated into the curriculum of vocational high school teachers education.

Keywords: Student Awareness- Green Technology in Food Processing- Prospective Agricultural Vocational Teachers

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

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