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Syarifah Millatunnisa

Technology and Vocational Education, University of Pendidikan Indonesia


The fashion industry as one industrial parts creative already very open and ready to face Industrial Revolution4.0. The presence of Industry 4.0 is considered moreprofitable because it givesopportunities for companies to grow and develop. draft^smart factory^ seems to be here for answer the challenge this. As sector other industries, fashion industry too did not escape the influence of the Industrial Revolution4.0. Digital transformation strategy implemented withcombine technology as Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Additive manufacturing (3D-Printing) with digital connectivity has been revolutionized most of the manufacturing processes in the fashion industry 4.0 today. This paper aims to examine the impact of the 4.0 industrial revolution in the fashion industry today. The method used in this paper is a literature review that is delivered descriptively, by reviewing certain journals as many as 15 journals, based on the years 2011-2021. The results that can be concluded from this paper are 4.0 . technologiesthese are just a few method industry fashion cancreate personalized clothing for consumers. And process production enables efficient production. In the near future, an increase in the number and efficiency of smart factories expected to make marketing in industry more fashion easy and general.

Keywords: Industry Revolution 4.0, Fashion Industry, Smart Factory

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (syarifah millatunnisa)

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