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A prototype of a constructivist application for online evaluation in learning music
Puput Irfansyah, Erlando Doni Sirait, Aan Risdiana

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI


A frequent problem in learning music is in its assessment and evaluation. This becomes a subjective job for mentors and students in receiving evaluation results transparently, thus requiring a more efficient, transparent, and manageable mechanism. By using a knowledge management approach, it can capture and evaluate the problem through a system so that it helps in organizing and presenting problems. The purpose of this research is to design prototypes of online evaluation applications in learning music. Then the application prototype is tested using User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to get feedback and measure user acceptance. UAT shows that the application prototype is working well. And it has provided students with ease in responding to learning assessment evaluations from mentors.

Keywords: online evaluation, learning music, prototype, constructivist application

Topic: Computers, Internet, Multimedia in Engineering Education

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