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Local Wisdom Education in the coastal area (Case study of the community in dealing with the tidal disaster of sea level rise in Ramayadi Backwoods, Jawai Laut Village, South Javai District)
Nunik Hasriyanti, Ismail Ruslan, Andi Zulestari, Lestari Agustrihardaning

Urban Design Faculty, State Polytechnic Pontianak, Ahmad Yani Street Pontianak, Indonesia
IAIN Pontianak, Soeprapto Street Pontianak, Indonesia
Architecture Faculty, State Polytechnic Pontianak, Ahmad Yani Street Pontianak, Indonesia
BPBD West Kalimantan, Indonesia


Ramayadi Backwoods, Jawai Village, South Jawai District, is a coastal area that experiences tidal disasters every year due to sea level rise. This event occurs in November and December is called the north wind season. The impact of the disaster has changed the function of residential space in the coastal area of Jawai, disrupted community social relations and the communities economy plummeted. This insident was caused firstly, by the lack of public knowledge about disaster local wisdom in the Jawai coastal area. Second, the absence of local wisdom education, both formal and non formal institutions for the community, and third, the lack of community responsivenesss regarding disaster mitigation in the Jawai coastal area. The purpose of this study is to describe the communities knowledge about local wisdom, efforts to provide local knowledge education for the people of Ramayadi Hamlet and disaster mitigation in the coastal area of Jawai. To answer the research problem, a qualitative descriptive method was used with interview, observation, and documentation technique in the Ramayadi Hamlet, Jawai Village. The field findings in this study are first, the community in the Ramayadi Hamlet, lacks local knowledge about the tidal disaster of sea level rise. Second, there is no local knowledge education for the coastal communities of Java and third, the community has not been responsive to mitigation sea level rise tidal disaster.

Keywords: Citizenship- Local Wisdom- Character Education- urban mitigation-

Topic: Research and Development in Engineering Education

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