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Development Of STREAM-Based Self-Study Module To Stimulate HOTS In Petroleum Teaching Materials
Kuncoro Hadi(a*), Ira Mahartika(b), Arif Yasthophi(c)

a.b.c)Chemistry Education, FTK UIN Suska Riau
Jl. Subrantas, KM 13 Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
* kuncoro.hadi[at]uin-suska.ac.id


This research is the development of a STREAM (Science, Technology, Religiosity, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)-based self-study module to stimulate HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) in petroleum teaching materials. This research was conducted at MAN 3 Pekanbaru City for the development of the HOTS module and STREAM-based self-study, as well as to see the effectiveness of the module. This development research uses the 4D method. This research begins with literature study and observations of class XI MIPA students to see the material used and the learning process as well as to find out the obstacles in learning. The initial conditions provide ideas for making STREAM-based self-study modules which are expected to stimulate HOTS. The module was tested on a limited basis for class XI MIPA 3 online, to see its practicality. In completing the module, an expert feasibility test is carried out. The expert test showed that the STREAM-based learning module to stimulate HOTS was in the very appropriate category with an average score of 94.55%, for the very decent quality category with a value of 93.13%, for the learning quality category it was very feasible with a score of 94, 28%. , and 96.25% (very decent category) for technical quality (media). The very feasible category is 96.67% for student readability. The activity of using STREAM-based self-study modules to stimulate ^HOTs^ in class XI MIPA 4 achieved a score of up to 90%. The use of STREAM-based self-study modules to stimulate HOTS has proven to be effective and can be used in the learning process.

Keywords: Module, self-study, STREAM, petroleum, HOTS

Topic: Chemistry Education

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