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Needs Analysis of Metacognitive Strategy Integration in Cell and Tissue Module to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills for First Year Students
Evi Suryawati (a)- Syafrinal (b)- Zara Faraniza (c)

a) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Riau, 28293 Simpang Baru, Riau, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau, 28293 Simpang Baru, Riau, Indonesia
c) Post Graduate Student, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Riau, 28293 Simpang Baru, Riau, Indonesia


This study aims to identify and explore metacognitive strategies that can be integrated into cell and tissue modules to improve Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for First year students. The initial study was conducted on 49 respondents from students majoring in Biology Education. The data collection instrument uses a metacognitive test with 5 indicators: 1) Designing what will be learned- 2) Knowing the elaboration strategy- 3) Identify sources of errors- 4) Applying experiences to new situations- 5) Selecting important information in problem solving. The results of the metacognitive ability test showed that in indicator 1 there were 26 people (53.06%) and 5 as many as 29 people (40.81%) who had metacognitive abilities. The results of the needs analysis are used as the basis for developing electronic modules by integrating metacognitive strategies in this case in the form of analogies, mnemonics, and discrepant events. In addition, the module is also equipped with features to improve HOTS in the form of a concept map, let^s thing, let^s remember. The module that will be produced can be used as a means of independent study for undergraduate biology education students, especially in Basic Biology courses.

Keywords: Module. HOTS, Metacognitif

Topic: Biology Education

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