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^Stigmatization^ and ^De-stigmatization^: Dilemmas and Responses in the Development of Chinese Frisbee
Yating Yang, Bai Li (*)

School of Kinesiology and Health Promotion, Dalian University of Technology


In recent years, in the process of marketization of China^s sports industry, a large number of niche sports have gradually come into the mainstream, and with the dual role of content community promotion and the advancement of people^s lifestyles, they have begun to show the market potential of niche sports. Frisbee is one of them. In the process of the gradual rise of Frisbee, many stigmatizing discourses have come along with it. In order to clarify the sociological relationship of the phenomenon of stigmatized Frisbee in the new media era, and to cope with the stigmatized environment of the development of Frisbee sports, we draw on sociology, psychology, cultural anthropology, communication science and stigma-related theories to analyze the dilemma of Frisbee development and propose corresponding strategies for de-stigmatization. The study concludes that: stigma is a state where stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice coexist, and public stigma, self-stigma and media stigma are the main manifestations- the stigma faced by Frisbee includes the social purpose of participating in discs is much larger than the sport purpose, gender discrimination against female athletes and the contradiction of Frisbee occupying soccer fields- the strategies to solve these dilemmas include improving the rules and competitiveness of Frisbee, strengthening the positive influence of social media, and coordinating the use of fields with soccer.

Keywords: Frisbee- Stigmatization- De-stigmatization

Topic: Elite and mass sports development

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