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1 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-256

Physical Literacy: the Perspective of Indonesian, Malaysian, and Japanese
Nissa Aulia Belistiana Utami (a), Takako Osada (b), Muhammad Syahiran bin Muhammad Abdullah (c)

(a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
(b) Hiroshima University,
(c) Universiti Sains Malaysia


Inactivity and sedentary behavior are increasing worldwide because people move and play less. In 2015, the inactivity rate reached 90%. Physical Literacy can be implemented in daily life to reduce inactivity and sedentary behavior. Physical Literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and takes responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life (The International Physical Literacy Association, 2014). This study used the observation and interview research method. There were 11 students as the sample of this research from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Hiroshima University. The interview result showed the differences between Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan in doing Physical Literacy, such as the habits of daily life like walking and cycling are better for health than riding a motorcycle or driving a car. Physical Literacy can be implemented as a habit to reduce inactivity and sedentary behavior.

Keywords: Physical Literacy, Inactivity, Sedentary Behavior

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2 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-268

Comparison of Command Teaching Style and Reciprocal Teaching Style towards Learning Outcomes of Empty Hand Single Tricks in Pencak Silat Learning
Sri Riziki Putri Wiguna

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The research aims to find out the difference of the effect of the application of the teaching style of command and reciprocally to increased skill martial art of Pencak Silat in SMAN 6. The method used is the method research of experimentation, this research design using a Pretest Posttest Design Group. The population in this research is the students of class X high school 6. The sample in this study is 20 students from the high school 6. The technique of sampling using Random Sampling which are divided into two groups, the 10 students into the teaching style of command and 10 students into the reciprocal teaching style. This research uses the IPSI matches form the instrument. The data was processed using the program Microsoft Office Excel 2010 using the t test of the difference of two forms of the style of teaching. From the results of the calculation obtained value t calculate of 2.53, with a value of t for table 18 dk is 1.73, so t count is in the area of the rejection of H0 t count t table (2.53 1.73). So it can be concluded that there is a difference in the skills of a single empty handed fighting style art students who were taught by a teaching style of command and taught a style of teaching the reciprocal. Based on those results indicate the reciprocal teaching style to exert influence over the results of a study of a single empty handed fighting style in study Pencak Silat style taught students from the command. Recommendation 1) Using the reciprocal learning teaching style sports martial arts 2) Publication use of the teaching style of command and the reciprocal learning martial arts to physical education teacher.

Keywords: Teaching Style, Command, Reciprocally, Art Of Motion Of Martial Arts Pencak Silat Style Single Empty Handed

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3 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-276

Sri Rizki Handayani (a*), Amung Ma^mum (b), Vanessa Gaffar (c), Mustika Fitri (d)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to provide information in the form of a detailed description of the use of a bibliometric analysis approach in developing sports tourism research publication trends. Google Scholar-indexed data is used as the basis of search data articles with the help of Publish or Perish applications. Sports tourism and Raja Ampat as title and abstract search keywords. The article search succeeded in getting 64 articles, with 10 years of publication (2013-2022). The results of the analysis show that the term ^Sport^ is in cluster 1 which has 8 links with a total ling strength of 25 and 12 events. The term ^Tourism^ is in cluster 3 which has 9 links with a total ling strength of 25 and 27 events. The term ^Raja Ampat^ is in cluster 1, and has 9 links with a total ling strength of 48 and 22 events. The development of research for 10 years is quite volatile and is in the low publication category, in 2013 there were 2 publications, increased to 4 publications in 2014, and in 2015 there were no publications. In 2016 there were 9 publications which then decreased to 4 publications (2017-2018), 10 publications (2019), 6 publications (2020), 14 publications (2021), and 10 publications (2022). Therefore, this bibliometric becomes a reference for further research

Keywords: Bibliometrics, Sport Tourism, Raja Ampat, Vosviewer

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4 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-41

Comparison and Reference: Comparison of the development patterns of Chinese fencing and Japanese Kendo in Asia
Ruan wenpian Ma LianZhen Qi Shilong

South China Normal University, School of Physical Education and Sports Science, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510006


Chinese traditional sports carry the humanistic spirit and physical practice of Chinese people, but also a kind of inheritance and revival of Chinese traditional culture. As an important part of Chinese traditional sports, the fencing is an extension of the culture of scholar and sword in Chinese history for thousands of years. Since modern times, the fencing was formally established in 1928, with a history of 100 years, but its modern development has always been in a state of stumbling. In contrast to Japan, kendo movement is deeply imprinted in Japanese bushido spirit and the way of personality. Since its revival and development in 1952, it has formed a good integration of traditional culture and modern sports in the corresponding mode, technology, cultural identity and pursuit of purpose, which is respected and loved by the world.
Purpose, this paper uses literature, expert interviews, comparative analysis and other research methods to explore the development trajectory of Chinese fencing and Japanese kendo, comparing the three aspects of guiding ideology, technical system and competition development, and then exploring the areas that Chinese fencing needs to learn from nowadays.
Results, in the process of development, from 1953 to 1957, Chinese martial arts authorities established martial arts routines as the core of development, and high, difficult, beautiful and new as the competition requirements, and the fencing were forced to turn to folk survival. From 1952 to 1957, kendo was included in the sports content of Japanese universities, middle schools and primary schools, and became an official competition item of the National Sports Congress of Japan, and the International Kendo Federation was established to promote the spread of Kendo to overseas countries. In terms of guiding ideology, fencing is the scholar culture derived from the integration of various theories, and the scholar establishes himself and governs the way through the sword. Kendo is a derivative of Japanese martial arts, which requires warriors to pursue victory, but not only victory, and its core spirit is expressed in sacrificing oneself for righteousness, bravery and patience, etc. In the technical system, fencing arose in the vast area of China, the technical characteristics of each school and the preferences of folk practitioners are different, there is no one definite style, there is more controversy. Kendo has clear rules and requirements from etiquette to posture, footwork, movement and shouting, but the most obvious feature of Kendo is the middle line attack on the opponent. In the development of the competition, Chinese fencing in recent decades to small scale competitions organized by private groups, although in 2009 began to have official sector involvement, but the actual effect is not obvious. In 1994, the All Japan Kendo Federation released the rules of kendo competition, which are highly standardized and scientific in terms of tournament system, methods, protective gear and scoring, and violations, notably the ranking system and titles of kendo, promoting the development of kendo.
Conclusion, from the process, fencing were discarded, but Kendo, which was in the same period, made a better transition, clearly taking physical education as a breakthrough and schools as a place of development. From the point of view of guiding ideology, the connotation and spirit of the fencing and kendo are generally the same, mainly through things to cultivate mind, and ultimately to achieve the purpose of unity of knowledge and action. From the point of view of the technical system, Kendo has a standardized and unified system, especially its emphasis on the Tao of etiquette and behavior, while the fencing has not established a national standardized and unified technical body. In terms of competition development, there is a special kendo federation in Japan that is coordinating the development, including the development of competition rules and the corresponding ranking system and swordsman titles.
Recommendation, the development of Japanese kendo contains both the development of karate type routines and the development of kendo combat, which shows that budo is a diversified system, but its basic tone is attack and defense fighting as the starting point, which is worthy of our reference. In sports events, the union as the driving point, establish competition rules and supporting grade system, and finally take school education as the way to achieve the real integration of physical education and teaching. The concept of education is to cultivate the martial arts skills of the practitioners through the sport of kendo, to cultivate an excellent personality and educate the whole person through the process of practice, and to integrate patriotic education to achieve the purpose of developing martial arts and education together.


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5 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-52

Communion to Cooperation: A Study of Sports Promoting National Integration in the Northern Wei Dynasty
Yuan YuChuang Jiang JiaJun

School of Physical Education, Henan University, Kaifeng, 475000, China


Ethnic integration is a common phenomenon in the historical development of multi-ethnic countries, and is a typical feature and objective necessity of the flow, development and change of national communities. This paper uses the literature method and the case study method to discuss the role of archery, martial, Go and other sports in the ethnic integration of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and believes that these sports did not exist in isolation under the historical conditions at that time, but formed their own unique development characteristics under the influence of military, economic, political and other activities, and in the process had an impact on the ethnic psychology, religious development, living customs, political exchanges and ruler policies of the Hu and Han ethnic groups. Specifically, it is manifested in the exchange and integration of sports culture, the mutual dialogue of Confucian and other religious ideas, the baptism of sportsmanship on people^s war trauma,the ruling class^s fondness for sports fostered the integration of the two groups and the ^sports diplomacy^ of mutual exchanges between the two sides under the role of war.Thus promoting the integration of the two sides. And to lay the foundation for the formation of the Chinese nation today.

Keywords: Northern Wei Dynasty- ethnic integration- national identity- Chinese nation

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6 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-78

An East-West comparison Sports Visual Culture--The Discobolus and the Physical Exercise Chart as examples

Beijing Sport University


In early literature on entertainment, art, education, and medicine, the remains and vague appearance of sports visual culture can be visualized through painting and sculpture. This study analyzes the visual works of sports from the East and the West in the same period, and compares them horizontally, in order to serve as an entry point for comparing the similarities and differences of sports culture in the East and the West, and to reappreciate the respective charms of the origins of sports in the East and the West. As the statues placed in the ancient Greek Olympia stadium and the images engraved on silk in ancient China, these systematically represent human concepts of the universe, space-time, life and death, recreation, fitness, and wellness, with heaven, earth, and man all symbolically presented in a large symbolic system. In different regional environments and times, Eastern and Western sports visual culture works present their own characteristics.
The Discobolus from around 450 B.C. and the Physical Exercise Chart from around 168 B.C. are the representatives of ancient Greek Olympic culture and Chinese traditional health culture respectively. A comparative study of the two, which were born in different regional environments and times, can help to clarify the common and ephemeral characteristics of the development of Eastern and Western sports visual culture in the ancient Greek era and the Western Han period in China, and provide a historical basis for the current world sports visual culture to shine.

Keywords: Sports visual culture- Discobolus- Physical Exercise Chart- East-West comparison

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7 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-110

Research on the modern inheritance of village folk sports from the perspective of cultural ecology ----Field investigation based on the bamboo bridge in Fengpo village, Wuyi Mountain

AnHui normal univesity


Village folk sports is an integral part of the social life of the village, and also a form of expression of the traditional culture of the village. It can even become a sign of village identity and identification. With the acceleration of social changes in China, the village folk culture ecology has undergone drastic changes, and the inheritance is facing a crisis. Using the research methods of literature, field investigation, participation observation, in-depth interview, situation analysis and case study, this paper investigates the village folk sports cultural ecology with the activity of pulling out the candle bridge in Fengpo village of Wuyi Mountain as a case. The research shows that the origin and development of village folk sports are closely related to the village natural environment, the village social economy, the village social system and the village peripheral environment- With the acceleration of China^s reform and opening-up, the ecological natural environment layer of village folk sports culture has changed from closed to open, the social and economic layer of the village has changed from agricultural economy to diversified economy, the social system layer of the village has changed from clan autonomy to the leadership of state power organs, and the peripheral environment layer of the village has changed from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization. However, the change speed of non-material culture often lags behind the change speed of material culture, and the village folk sports cultural ecology begins to be unbalanced, such as the loss of the main body of inheritance, the lack of promotion of community autonomous organizations, ^metaphor fading^, the imbalance of cultural reciprocity, and the lack of industrial support. Put forward the cultural ecological restoration strategy of village folk sports: vigorously develop rural industry and constantly improve the income of villagers- Cultivate and strengthen community self-governing organizations for the development of village folk sports, and form a multi-dimensional and common governance pattern in which community self-governing organizations, government organizations, Community elites and residents participate in governance- Regularly organize village folk sports activities to strengthen the collective memory of villagers- Continue to promote the construction of beautiful villages and create a living environment suitable for living and working- Continue and expand the social function of village folk sports.

Keywords: Cultural ecology- Village folk sports- Modern inheritance- Bazhu Bridge

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8 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-112

Research on the cultural comparison between Chinese open and Wimbledon Championships based on the theory of cultural hierarchy
Zheng Yanhong

Henan University


Based on the theory of cultural hierarchy, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the match culture between the China Open and Wimbledon Championships from the outer material culture, the middle institutional culture and the inner spiritual culture, to explore the successful experience of Wimbledon Championships culture and provide reference for the construction of China Open culture. Research conclusions: Wimbledon Championships material culture shows the simplicity and tradition- Wimbledon Championships system culture reflects the British people^s strict and cautious attitude towards life- Cultural connotation of spiritual competition is deeply respected and recognized by the fans, meets the emotional needs of the audience. Research implications: 1) Combine the Chinese traditional sports culture, form the material culture of China Open with Chinese characteristics- 2) Upgrade the organization and management level of the China Open in an all-round way, mold the system culture of China Open- 3) Propagate the positive spiritual and cultural connotation of the China Open, improve the influence of the China Open.

Keywords: China Open 、Wimbledon、theory of cultural hierarchy、event culture

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9 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-135

Chinese Dream of Becoming a Sports Power: From Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping
Yang Hui Hou Jialing

School of physical education,Chongqing Technology and Business University,China


Since modern China was bullied by foreign powers, the history of the CPC since its founding 100 years ago has reflected the struggle of the Chinese Communists for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the course of the Chinese Communist Party^s struggle for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, sports, as the ^weapon^, has never been absent. The dream of sports power is one of the important contents. From the leadership collective of the Communist Party of China represented by Mao Zedong to that with Xi as the core, the five generations of leadership collective are building the dream of China^s sports power while pursuing and realizing the Chinese dream. During the revolutionary war, Mao Zedong put forward the idea of defending the country through sports, which was to ^exercise physique and fight Japan well^. After the founding of new China, Mao Zedong proposed the mass sports idea of ^developing sports and strengthening the people^s physique^, which broke away from the view of foreigners that we were the ^sick man of East Asia^. Currently, China has entered a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core attaches great importance to the development of sports. Xi Jinping clearly put forward the ^dream of sports power^ for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and further clarified that it is closely connected with the Chinese dream. Although with different goals and emphases in their dream of becoming a strong country in sports, they reflect the common characteristics of national rejuvenation, people^s health and inspiring spirit.

Keywords: Dream of Becoming a Sports Power-Mao Zedong- Xi Jinping

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10 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-142

Bicycle Culture in Korea and China: From Transportation to Sport
Jin Hyunju* , Zhuliang

ZheJiang Normal University, China


The Bicycle culture is shifting from transportation to sport in Korea and China. In the case of Korea, the 3,120 km long national bicycle road network constructed under Lee Myung Bak^s presidency served as the impetus for the population of cycling riders to rise. In Korea, purchases of adult bicycles during the first week of March 2021 totalled 6.2 billion won, approximately nearly 7% of the overall purchase of 92.3 billion won in sporting goods.

Bicycles have long occupied the status of a primary mode of transportation in China, but bicycles as a mode of transportation are gradually vanishing as a result of the proliferation of electric motorcycles. However, bicycle sales in China have skyrocketed since June 2020, the early stage of the COVID-19 outbreak, as a result of increased demand for sports bicycles: road cycles. As of 2022, orders for road cycles from well-known international companies have been delayed until 2023, making it challenging to acquire even one bicycle on the market.

The growth of the bicycle market in Korea and China is based on an increase in road cycle users who enjoy bicycles as a sport. Cycling has historically been primarily studied in terms of urban planning and transit, but through the lens of health promotion discourse, it is now expanding into leisure activities and sports. For instance, road cycling is commonly regarded as the ^new golf^ in the UK and has developed into a new culture for the middle class (falcous, 2017). Although the processes of transformation in Korea and China are different, there are commonalities in the cultures around cycling as serious leisure. By examining the current condition of bicycle culture in Korea and China, this study investigates the cultural meanings of road cycling in both nations.

Keywords: bicycle culture, road cycling, serious leisure

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11 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-153

Analysis and reconstruction: the concept of sports peace
Yuan Yuchuang

Henan University


Research purposes: the vitality of the concept is not only highlighted in the depth of thought, but also in the strength of accepting the test of practice- It can not only highlight the characteristics of the times, but also contain the tension of the historical dimension. ^Sports peace^ is such a concept. As Engels said, ^every era has its own theoretical thinking, so the theoretical thinking of our era is a product of history. It has completely different forms and contents in different times.^ Sports peace is not only an analysis and experience summary of the past issues of sports promoting peace, but also an in-depth analysis and Reflection on the current mechanism of sports promoting peace.
Research methods: literature method and interview method
Research results:
1. The research process of sports promoting peace needs the theoretical support of social change, while the practical mechanism and concept of sports peace theory have a great gap, and the theoretical research is too single.
2. Sports have both internal and external foundations. The peaceful nature of sports and the involvement of actors can promote peace on a large scale. For example, the ^alliance^ with the International Olympic Committee as the main body has established an exchange channel connecting countries through sports, and has formed two-way interaction through promoting the peace actions of the two countries to achieve the establishment and maintenance of peace- For example, mass movement is not only a way for individuals to understand the world, but also a means to change the world and expand communication, which reflects the coexistence of instrumental rationality and value rationality.
3. The occurrence of sports bears the ^mission^ of historical development, shoulders the ^mission^ of world peace, and has a legitimate purpose and interest. The appearance of sports peace theory has continued the development of human spiritual civilization, and it is also the value purpose of building a community with a shared future for mankind from the symbolic representation of sports itself to the practice of sports promoting peace.
Research conclusion: the concept of sports peace is defined as: through contact, communication and identification, sports awakens the inner peace consciousness of human beings, promotes individual participation in peace construction, and then realizes the prevention and rational transformation of conflicts, so as to gradually achieve harmonious coexistence, peace and stability between people and the world. The concept symbolizes the precipitation of the historical development stage. The interpretation of the concept is the basic element of judgment and reasoning, and is the mode of thinking that reflects the essential attribute of the object. Under the grand narrative of the community with a shared future for mankind, exploring the mechanism of sports peace is not only the cognition and understanding of modern peace, but also the touchstone of the bright future of human development. Following the laws of human historical development, giving full play to the strength of Chinese theory and the international concept of uniting global consensus are the needs of China^s sustainable development and the driving force of international sustainable development- It is a feasible example for developing countries to develop and advance peacefully, and it is also a parallel practice of building a community with a shared future for mankind with developed countries.
Keywords: analysis- Remodeling- Sports peace

Keywords: analysis- Remodeling- Sports peace

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12 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-166

The globalization of match-fixing studies? The emerging Eastern scholarship in sport corruption
Ping-Chao Lee

Department of Physical Education, National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan
140, Min-Shen Road, Taichung City (403), Taiwan


This study seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge in sports social science and to serve as a basis of refining current Asian scholarship related to sports in general and the worldwide match-fixing studies in particular. Regarding the research method, a major goal of this study was to synthesize evidence by reviewing academic materials of Asian-related match-fixing references. The study begins with the discussion of emerging theoretical/conceptual frameworks of Asian match-fixing studies. Second, it further reflects on actors within their embedded match-fixing structure from various perspectives. Finally, by proposing a set of sociological constructs to examine the social fabrics of match-fixing, this study also articulates how Asian match-fixing cases can elucidate while conceptual implications and practical applications are also identified.

Keywords: Asia- Eastern- knowledge- match-fixing- scholarship

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13 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-177

Deri Putra,Darni

STKIP Rokania,UNiversitas negeri Padang


This study aims to determine the Impact Analysis of Massage and Physiotherapy on the Confidence of Cycling Athletes. This research design uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The informants in this study were 10 athletes who had been given massage and physiotherapy. The findings of this study are that the provision of massage and physiotherapy to athletes can give athletes confidence before and after competing. Athletes feel very comfortable body comfort when given a sports massage in the prone position after exercise. The existence of massage will accelerate blood flow, relax muscles, and stimulate the body^s work system, so that body tension will be reduced, the work of organs will return to normal, and the muscles will return to normal. The physiotherapy action given succeeded in increasing functional activity with interpretation in athletes, decreased self-confidence in athletes due to pain, decreased joint range of motion, and decreased muscle strength. Therefore, with the success of decreasing the degree of pain, increasing the range of motion of the joints, and increasing muscle strength, functional activity can also increase. So giving massage and physiotherapy that researchers have done can increase the athlete^s confidence and feel more primed and excited to compete.

Keywords: Giving Massage, Physiotherapy, Athlete Confidence, Bicycle Racing

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14 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-178

Practical Characteristics And Local Enlightenment Of WHO Guidelines For Physical Activities And Sedentary Behavior Of Children and Adolescents
Liu Song(a,b),Liu Ming-yi(a,b),Jing Yan(b,c)

a)Sports training college of Wuhan institute of physical education, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan 430079, Hubei, China
b)Youth Sport Training Center, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan 430079, Hubei, China
c)Wuhan institute of physical education, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan 430079


Abstract: The practice characteristics of the WHO Guidelines for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Children and Adolescents were studied by using the literature method, and the interpretation and analysis were carried out from three aspects: formulation basis, content interpretation and goal orientation. The study found that the ^WHO Guidelines for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors of Children and Adolescents^ has the function of providing opportunities for disabled persons to participate in physical activities and promoting the integration of ^home, school and community^. Physical activity for children and adolescents, integrating physical activity into daily life, creating a safe physical activity environment, and highlighting the scientific nature of physical activity are practical features. Implications for the formulation of relevant guidelines in my country in the future: attention should be paid to disabled groups and opportunities to participate in activities together- school, society and family co-promotion and integration into the daily life of children and adolescents- based on ^Chinese evidence^, formulate ^China Guidelines^- and combine with the latest research evidence , to develop scientific guidelines.

Keywords: World Health Organization- Children and Adolescents- Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Guidelines- Practical Characteristics

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15 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-210

Review of researches on Chinese traditional Sports Culture: from the perspective of cultural sociology
Shixuan NIE, Zehndong Zhang, Shipeng ZHAO,

Shixuan NIE, Zhengzhou University
Zehndong Zhang, Zhengzhou University
Shipeng ZHAO, Zhengzhou University Of Science And Technology


The Revival Of Traditional Culture has risen to China^s national strategy, sports social phenomenon and cultural step into center of social development gradually. According to the definition of cultural sociology by Zhou Yi and Amy Tsang, the current researches of chinese traditional sports culture from the perspective of cultural sociology are screened, and it is found that the systematic thinking focusing on the protection and value of cultural inheritance, the sociological analysis of individual ethnic minorities and traditional projects, and the empirical or theoretical research based on the perspectives of ritual, memory, cultural gap, intergenerational transmission, ethnic boundaries are the main fields of traditional sports culture research. Problems: attach too much importance to macro theory and lack of experience, as well as not familiar enough to the knowledges of cultural sociology and a half understanding of the theoretical landscape.

Keywords: Chinese traditional Sports Culture, cultural sociology, Cultural Studies,

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16 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-214

The Inner Logic and Practical Paradigm of the Development of Mass Ice and Snow Sports in China under the Perspective of Strong Sports Nation
Tian tian

Henan University


With the successful conclusion of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, China has successfully become an ^ice and snow power^ in the name of the Winter Olympics, contributing once again to the building of a community of human destiny, and at the same time advancing the strategic goal of a ^strong sports nation^ one step further. Based on this, this study uses literature, hierarchical analysis and logical reasoning to explore the internal logic and practical paradigm of ice and snow sports development in the new era of China^s ^strong sporting nation^ from the perspective of mass sports. The study shows that the national system has driven the development of competitive sports and the realization of ^300 million people on ice and snow^, and the sports industry and people from all walks of life have pushed the development of ice and snow sports to a new peak. The internal logic of the development of mass ice and snow sports in China is summarized as follows: strive to meet the diversified needs of people for sports- accelerate the promotion of a strong sports country- and strengthen the international discourse of ice and snow sports. The practical paradigm of mass ice and snow sports development is then rooted in the coordinated development of top-level design and grassroots implementation, and the synergistic promotion of various aspects such as ice and snow industry, ice and snow culture, and ice and snow technology.

Keywords: Mass ice and snow sports- Sports power- Mass sports- Internal logic- Practice paradigm

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17 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-220

The Relationship between Internal motivation, Institutional motivation, Obedience motivation and College Students^ Exercise Behavior: The Mediating role of Exercise behavioral intention
Zhenhao YANG1, Deguo LI1, Xiaodan ZHANG2

1. School of Physical Education ,Tianjin University of Sport,Tianjin 301617,China-
2. School of Sports Training, Tianjin University of Sport, Tianjin 301617,China


Abstract:Objective: To explore the influence of the external motor motivation and internal motor motivation of college students on motor behavior intention and motor behavior. Methods: Questionnaires were administered to 1128 college students to measure exercise internal motivation, obedience motivation, institutional motivation, exercise behavior intention, and exercise behavior, AMOS 24.0 was used to construct structural equation models to analyze the relationship between the variables. Results: (1)There was a significant positive correlation between exercise internal motivation and exercise behavioral intention and exercise behavior- There is a significant negative correlation between institutional motivation and exercise behavior intention and exercise behavior.There was significant positive correlation between obedience motivation and exercise behavior intention. (2)The internal motivation of exercise can have a direct impact on exercise behavior (0.14) and an indirect impact through the mediating effect of exercise behavior intention (0.17). Both the direct (-0.18) and indirect (-0.11) influences of institutional motivation on exercise behavior were negatively affected. Obedience motivation can indirectly significantly predict exercise behavior through exercise behavioral intention (0.10). Conclusions: The total effect of the internal exercise motivation was the highest among the factors influencing college students^ physical exercise behavior.Exercise behavioral intention plays a mediating role in the relationship between exercise motivation and exercise behavior.

Keywords: College students- Exercise motivation- Exercise behavior intention- Exercise behavior- Structural equation model

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18 Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions ABS-234

World Anthropologies of Martial Arts Beyond and Within National Boundaries: Asiatic Disciplinary Subjectivities in the Making
Yuxiao (Jason) Long

Fudan University


This article shall present an appraisal of emergent Asiatic subjectivities in the global landscape of sport anthropology as an academic discipline, with a special focus on the anthropology of martial arts. Along with recent development of anthropological studies of sport and physical culture in more and more nation-states, the anthropology of sport has become much more plural than ever before, in terms of variance in research topic preferences, theoretical orientations, methodological choices, and some more other aspects. Differentiating from the singular form of Anglo-Saxon originated anthropology of sport, the anthropologies of sport in non-Western countries have developed their own genres, whether Asiatic or Hispanic or otherwise alike. Drawing on the conceptions of ^world anthropologies^ refined in World Anthropologies: Disciplinary Transformations within Systems of Power (2006) edited by Ribeiro and Escobar, this article examines the anthropological texts of martial arts produced by scholars of China, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, in comparison with those from Western scholars, primarily based on textual analysis and discourse analysis. The research findings illustrate that criticism of the ^hidden^ Orientalism, decolonization of research methodology, locating natively pertinent research problems, reinterpretation and reevaluation of national heritages of martial arts, and construction of disciplinary subjectivities are some of the main concerns among scholars of these nations, who have been insistently interrogating the (im)possibilities of the Asianness in sport practice and sport science, albeit most of them have been deeply afflicted with predicaments between the disciplinary cosmopolitan ideals and the disciplinary subjectivities in the making.

Keywords: Anthropologies of Martial Arts, World Anthropologies, Nation-States, Asianness in Sport, Disciplinary Subjectivities

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19 Elite and mass sports development ABS-263

Impact of Exercise and Diet on the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
Reshandi Nugraha, Adang Suherman, Hamidie Ronald Daniel Ray, Amung Ma^mun

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


A metabolic syndrome is a group of health disorders that coincide, including three of the five components: triglycerides, HDL, Blood Sugar, Waist Circumference, and Blood Pressure exceeding average limit values. The risk of metabolic syndrome can unconsciously occur in someone who experiences weight gain dominated by fat. This study aims to determine the impact of exercise and diet on the risk of metabolic syndrome. The research method used in this study is an experimental study with a 3x2 factorial design, the exercise model as an independent variable consisting of 3 classifications, namely aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise, and combined exercise, while diet as a moderating variable consists of two classifications, namely calorie restriction, and exercise. Non-calorie restriction. The dependent variable in this study is metabolic syndrome, including HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, waist circumference, and blood sugar levels. There were six experimental groups which included aerobic exercise and calorie restriction (A1B1), anaerobic exercise and calorie restriction (A2B1), combined exercise and calorie restriction (A3B1), aerobic exercise and non-diet (A1B2), anaerobic and non-dietary exercise ( A2B2), combined exercise and non-diet (A3B2). Data analysis in this study used two-way ANOVA statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the effect of exercise on reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome, there are differences in the effect of diet on reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome, and there is an interaction between exercise and diet that affects reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome. Combined exercise has the most significant effect on reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome compared to aerobic exercise and weight training, calorie restriction diet is more influential in reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome than non-diet, and there is an interaction between exercise and diet that affects reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome. To prevent or treat metabolic syndrome, one can apply exercise combined with diet, but to get optimal results in reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome can apply combined exercise and calorie restriction.

Keywords: Exercise, Diet, Metabolic Syndrome

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20 Elite and mass sports development ABS-15

The Selection and Training of Sport Cadres in China, 1949-1952
LI Zhaoxu

Shenzhen University


When People^s Republic of China (PRC) was founded in 1949, its sport sector, nearly ruined in the civil war, faced severe deficiency in material and financial resources, personnel, expertise and experience. As people^s poor health condition posed a formidable challenge to social development and people^s well-being, sport was regarded as one of the urgent solutions. In such context, the Communist Party of China (CPC) learned from the sport sector of Soviet Union, placing the selection and training of sport cadres (both full-time and amateur) at high priority. As early as in the year 1949, the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) represented the CPC to rally sport experts and re-organized the previous China National Amateur Athletic Federation into the All-China Sports Federation (ACSF), whose committee covered delegates from all regions and people^s organizations from all walks of life. Meanwhile, a number of cadres from other sectors were re-positioned to ACSF^s branches at all levels to mitigate sport personnel deficiency. That meant the CPC assured its political leadership in sport sector while promoting mass sports to the broadest extent. Besides giving full play to sport experts and full-time cadres, short-term sport training programs were carried out in full swing to cultivate a large number of amateur sport cadres from the grassroot. Therefore, by the inauguration of the General Administration of Sport in 1952, the basic organizational framework of sport sector was in place, and mass sport in China had witnessed rapid progress. All that laid a solid foundation for the later advancement in both competitive and mass sport.

Keywords: Communist Party of China- Chinese mass sport- sport cadre- training of professionals- All-China Sports Federation

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21 Elite and mass sports development ABS-26

The Effect of Visual Imagery with 3D Virtual Reality on Heart Rate Reduction
Pramita Nainggolan, Surdiniaty Ugelta

University of Education Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of visual imagery with 3D virtual reality on reducing heart rate. In maintaining homeostasis, coaches must understand to use recovery techniques according to the needs of athletes so that athletes have good performance quality. The sample in this study were athletes of UKM Futsal UPI with a total sample of 10 people. This research method uses pretest posttest control group design. The instruments used are Polar Heart Rate Monitor and Cunningham and Faulkner Test. The results obtained from the statistical analysis of Paired Sample T Test in the experimental group sig. p = 0.000 <0.05 then Ho is rejected, meaning there is a difference in average pulse rate after and before recovery visual imagery, in the control group sig. p = 0.000 <0.05 then Ho is rejected, meaning there is a difference in average pulse rate pretest and posttest in the control group. The results obtained from the Independent Sample T Test Statistical analysis sig. p = 0.441 or 0.441> 0.05 then Ho is accepted, meaning that there is no difference in the average pulse rate after and before recovery with visual imagery and passive recovery (control), so the result of this study is that there is no effect of visual imagery treatment with 3D virtual reality on reducing heart rate.

Keywords: visual imagery, heart rate, fatigue

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22 Elite and mass sports development ABS-121

Validity and Reliability of Anaerobic Capacity in Women Futsal Players
Asep Sumpena, Yunyun Yudiana, Dikdik Zafar Sidik, Amung Mamun

Postgraduate School, Sports Education Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan indonesia, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the validity and Reliability of the Running Based Anaerobic Sprint Test to measure the anaerobic ability of female futsal players. Data collection using Delphi technique with five experts and also test-retest. Twenty futsal players aged 17 to 19 years who had undergone training for 3.3 or 2.9 years were used in this study to find validity and reliability tests. Analysis of validity data using the Aiken V formula, empirical validity using Pearson Product Moment, and Reliability using Cronbachs Alpha. The results showed that the anaerobic ability test showed high validity and reliability values. The Aiken value on the anaerobic energy system indicator according to the characteristics of the futsal sport got a high correlation, and the difficulty level indicator in the futsal branch got a high correlation. The implementation duration indicator according to the characteristics of the futsal sport got a high correlation, and the running distance indicator followed the characteristics of the futsal sport with a high correlation, indicators of equipment used have a high correlation, and needles used are following a high correlation tall. The results of the Aiken value show all hands of high correlation. The results of the Pearson Product Moment data analysis obtained a high correlation. Therefore, it can be said that the Running Based Anaerobic Sprint Test can be used to measure the anaerobic ability of female futsal players.

Keywords: Validity, Reliability, RAST, Futsal, Instrument

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23 Elite and mass sports development ABS-129

^Stigmatization^ and ^De-stigmatization^: Dilemmas and Responses in the Development of Chinese Frisbee
Yating Yang, Bai Li (*)

School of Kinesiology and Health Promotion, Dalian University of Technology


In recent years, in the process of marketization of China^s sports industry, a large number of niche sports have gradually come into the mainstream, and with the dual role of content community promotion and the advancement of people^s lifestyles, they have begun to show the market potential of niche sports. Frisbee is one of them. In the process of the gradual rise of Frisbee, many stigmatizing discourses have come along with it. In order to clarify the sociological relationship of the phenomenon of stigmatized Frisbee in the new media era, and to cope with the stigmatized environment of the development of Frisbee sports, we draw on sociology, psychology, cultural anthropology, communication science and stigma-related theories to analyze the dilemma of Frisbee development and propose corresponding strategies for de-stigmatization. The study concludes that: stigma is a state where stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice coexist, and public stigma, self-stigma and media stigma are the main manifestations- the stigma faced by Frisbee includes the social purpose of participating in discs is much larger than the sport purpose, gender discrimination against female athletes and the contradiction of Frisbee occupying soccer fields- the strategies to solve these dilemmas include improving the rules and competitiveness of Frisbee, strengthening the positive influence of social media, and coordinating the use of fields with soccer.

Keywords: Frisbee- Stigmatization- De-stigmatization

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24 Elite and mass sports development ABS-132

Decision Mechanism, Evolution and Promotion Strategy of Urban residents^ Viewing Sports Consumption Behavior:Based on the Inspection of Social Layering, Social Flow
Haijie LI

School of Physical Education,Shandong University


Identify decision-making mechanisms for residents^ viewing sports consumption behavior to promote the transformation and sustained rapid development of sports industries. Based on the idea of iceberg theory and combined with CET@I methodology, the paper constructed a model of urban residents^ viewing sports consumption behavior decision mechanisms, including 7 variables such as economic capital, cultural capital, social capital dimension, and social flow. Using fuzzy-set Comparison Analysis Method (fsQCA) and data of China Comprehensive Social Survey (CGSS) 2013 and 2017, the paper analyzed the asymmetry and multiple concrete effects of urban residents^ viewing sports consumption behavior. The study found that sports activities are not necessary to participate in urban residents ^high-view sports consumption behavior, and the different configurations of the former conditions can produce a variety of decision-making mechanisms for driving urban residents^ viewing sports consumption. The decision mechanism of sports consumption behavior of urban residents is evolved from 14 into 9, and the class has inconsistent combined features. The research puts forward the promotion strategy of improving the quality of cultural education, broad promoting consumption education, and creates social sports culture.

Keywords: viewing sports consumption- social layering- social flow- decision-making mechanism- trajectory evolution- strategy

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25 Elite and mass sports development ABS-222

Research on the Mutual Integration and Promotion Mechanism of Elite Sports and Mass Sports from the Perspective of Integration of Sports and Education
Jingyan Xie

Inner Mongolia University


From the ^integration of sports and education^ in the 1980s to today^s ^integration of sports and education^, from the initial small-scale for the elite sports field to now for a wider group of people, the ^integration of sports and education^ aims to play a more comprehensive and wider range. role at all levels. Utilize the higher professionalism and pertinence of elite sports to guide mass sports more efficiently- at the same time, the universality of mass sports can expand the population and base of sports, so that there are more opportunities to discover talented athletes and offer them to elites. Sports input more talent. This paper uses literature, logical analysis, expert interviews and other research methods to analyze the development history, current situation and trend of the integration of sports and education. They are two separate individuals, fully combining the two can maximize their power, while avoiding the shortage of talents, waste of resources and other shortcomings, giving full play to the professional characteristics of elite sports and the advantages of mass sports with a large crowd base, the two are integrated with each other to try to promote each other more scientifically and efficiently.

Keywords: integration of sports and education- mass sports- elite sports

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26 Gender and sports in Asian societies ABS-5

Physical Training and Sports in British Malaya and Its Impact on Malay Elementary Boys^ and Girls^ Schools, 1923-41
Lim Peng Han

Independent Researcher and editorial board member of the Asian Journal of Sport History and Culture


The Department of Education was established in 1872 to improve Malay education. Malay schooling is a four-year course, teaching children to read and write Malay fluently. The first Director of PE, J.F. Jefferson, was appointed in 1923. This research studies the comparative impact of Malay boys- and girls^ schools after the introduction of Physical Training and sports in the schools.
This study refers to official documents like the Department of Education annual reports (1885-1939), Reports of commission of enquiries into education, Proceedings of the Department of Education conferences, books on PT and syllabus on teacher training. English language newspapers were also used to verify that the various education policies were put in practice.
Results and conclusion
In 1931 49 per cent of Malay boys age 5 to 14 in the Straits Settlements and Malay States went to Malay boys^ schools. While only 7 per cent of Malay girls of the same age went to Malay girls^ schools. Compulsory PE lessons were held in Malay schools, including in teacher training institutes of Malay boys^ and girls^ schools. Since the mid-1920s annual athletic meetings, sepak raga and football tournaments were organized in Malay boys^ schools. The indigenous game of kicking the rattan ball, sepak raga, an event in the athletic meetings. Jefferson published two volumes Kitab Latehan Tuboh (1926, 1930), a Malay language book about Physical Training and drills for the Malay schools and trainee teachers.
The first Malay Women^s Training College was established in 1934. The first athletic meeting organised by the College^s graduates in the Malay girls^ school occurred in 1938. The Eurasian and Chinese girls in English schools started their athletic meetings during the 1920s. The findings suggest there were significant disparity in schooling and Physical Training between Malay boys^ and girls^ schools.

Keywords: Gender and sports, Physical Training, Malay Boys^ Schools, Malay Girls^ Schools, teacher education

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27 Gender and sports in Asian societies ABS-27

Dilemmas and Responses of Women^s Sports in Asia
Hong Xinying(a).Gao Shiyue(a)

(a)Beijing Sport University,Beijing China


Since the 21st century, with the idea of equal rights for men and women, the status of women in society has been promoted, and the emancipation of women^s thinking has led more and more women to participate in sports activities.However, there are still a series of factors that restrict the development of women^s sports, including the following: 1. Religious constraints:women are prohibited from participating in some sports activities in Asian countries such as Afghanistan and Iran- 2. Decision-making constraints:women lack decision-making status in various sports associations- 3. Traditional constraints:most Asian countries are traditionally male-dominated societies, and women are only a role for the family- 4. National economic allocation constraints:relatively little funding is devoted to women^s sports and to sports for women.5. National socio-economic constraints:most Asian countries are economically backward, and the lack of national construction of sports facilities and education for women has led to low participation of women in sports. The following recommendations are made for the development of female sports in Asian countries: 1. Increase economic investment in women^s sports- 2. Introduce policies related to women^s sports- 3. Increase women^s participation in different levels of sports, such as competitive sports and mass sports- 4. Learn from the beneficial experience of European women^s sports.

Keywords: Asian Women-Women^s Sports-Dilemma-Countermeasures

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28 Gender and sports in Asian societies ABS-43

What is Man Knowledge in Artistic Swimming: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Gender in Sports
Yue Yang Xiaoqian Hu

the Division of Sports Science and Physical Education, Tsinghua University


Introduction: Men were a part of the artistic swimming events when the sport was initially introduced to the public, but were subsequently been barred from competing at the highest level until the 2015 FINA World Championships. This is recognized as a turning point in artistic swimming, empowering male^s side of the female dominated sport through embracing mixed duets. Nevertheless, there has been limited attention from the academic society paid to this watershed event in the history of artistic swimming, the significance of which is considerably under explored and thus, to a great degree, downplayed.
Objectives: Inspired by Feminist Critical Theory, the study is sought to explore the reason for which the experiences of male swimmer in artistic swimming differs from that of female, the knowledge concerning male artistic swimmer and the relationship between men and artistic swimming, more importantly, the way in which the new knowledge as to the relationship between men and artistic swimming influences the traditional knowledge of artistic swimming by which female and feminine feature is favored and prioritized?
Methods: Data was collected through 35 of interviewee semi-structured interviews with Chinese artistic swimmers.
Results: The introduction of mixed event and the male participants has generated three kinds of experiential knowledge concerning the swimmers per se and artistic swimming in general. The first refers to male swimmer^s understanding of artistic swimming, the second is male swimmers^ experiential knowledge of themselves and the last and the one is changes in the traditional artistic swimming knowledge.
Conclusions: Through interpreting the interaction of the new knowledge concerning the relationship between male and artistic swimming and traditional knowledge of artistic swimming, the study uncovers a discourse system resulting in an unequal power constructed among sexes, bodies, history, and gender stereotypes of sport.

Keywords: Artistic swimming- Foucauldian Analysis- Gender Stigmatization- Male

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29 Gender and sports in Asian societies ABS-56

The Femininization of Sports Fandom in Contemporary China
Xuefei Han (a*), Zhongxia Zhang (b)

a) College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
b) Culture and Technology Convergence Major, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea


Previous research has argued that the feminization of sports fandom has been influenced primarily by two key factors, namely major transformations that occurred in women^s lives and the trend towards the civilization of professional sport in the Western. Since the reform and the opening-up in the 1980s, Chinese sport has also undergone an extraordinary transformation. Visualization data shows that sports fandom has become an important option for women^s participation in sport and leisure with increasing demands for physical activities in their lives. The purpose of this paper is to use the transnational feminist to explore what factors influence the feminization of sports fandom in contemporary China, which means that women have increased opportunities to become involved in sport as active fans. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 women who identified themselves as sports fans. Documentary research was also applied as a complementary method to the interview. The results of the data analysis on the basis of social historiography indicate that the feminization of sports fandom in contemporary China can be attributed to five main factors: (i) more disposable income from education and employment- (ii) a cultural shift in values of sport and leisure- (iii) the national promotion of sports events and successful/unsuccessful national teams- (iv) the decline in the family size- and (v) the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and digital platforms. Generally speaking, this was promoted from bottom to top by the urban middle-class women, a new generation that emerged during the great social transition. Although there are still limitations within intersectional social structures, including nationalism, neoliberalism and patriarchy during the transformation, Chinese female sports fans attempt to make themselves more visible by changing the cultural discourse of traditional sports fandom and resisting the gender system hidden within it.

Keywords: China- feminization- sports fandom- transnational feminist- women^s sport

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30 Gender and sports in Asian societies ABS-61

Sport Participation Under Double Edge Pressure--Qualitative Research Based on College Girls^ Sports Participation Experience

Nanning Normal University


Improving the degree of female students^ participation in sports is one of the important measures to curb the declining trend of female students^ physical quality. This paper aims to explore the obstacles to female students^ participation in sports in colleges and universities, and analyzes the specific path for some female students to become the marginal group of sports participation. Then the data are analyzed and interpreted using the three-level coding program of grounded theory. The results show that the axis category of the obstacles of college girls^ participation in sports is ^individual obstacles^ and ^environmental obstacles^, which includes five subcategories: ^psychological factors^, ^physical quality^, ^natural environment^, ^participation environment^, ^living environment^ and so on. Then through the theoretical dialogue, it is believed that ^psychological factors^ are the biggest obstacle to female students^ participation in sports, while the other four factors mainly weaken their willingness to participate in sports indirectly through the influence of ^psychological factors^. In addition, the study found that the marginalization of female students in the process of sports participation is mainly influenced by the dual edge pressure of structure and psychology.


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