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Comparison and Reference: Comparison of the development patterns of Chinese fencing and Japanese Kendo in Asia
Ruan wenpian Ma LianZhen Qi Shilong

South China Normal University, School of Physical Education and Sports Science, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510006


Chinese traditional sports carry the humanistic spirit and physical practice of Chinese people, but also a kind of inheritance and revival of Chinese traditional culture. As an important part of Chinese traditional sports, the fencing is an extension of the culture of scholar and sword in Chinese history for thousands of years. Since modern times, the fencing was formally established in 1928, with a history of 100 years, but its modern development has always been in a state of stumbling. In contrast to Japan, kendo movement is deeply imprinted in Japanese bushido spirit and the way of personality. Since its revival and development in 1952, it has formed a good integration of traditional culture and modern sports in the corresponding mode, technology, cultural identity and pursuit of purpose, which is respected and loved by the world.
Purpose, this paper uses literature, expert interviews, comparative analysis and other research methods to explore the development trajectory of Chinese fencing and Japanese kendo, comparing the three aspects of guiding ideology, technical system and competition development, and then exploring the areas that Chinese fencing needs to learn from nowadays.
Results, in the process of development, from 1953 to 1957, Chinese martial arts authorities established martial arts routines as the core of development, and high, difficult, beautiful and new as the competition requirements, and the fencing were forced to turn to folk survival. From 1952 to 1957, kendo was included in the sports content of Japanese universities, middle schools and primary schools, and became an official competition item of the National Sports Congress of Japan, and the International Kendo Federation was established to promote the spread of Kendo to overseas countries. In terms of guiding ideology, fencing is the scholar culture derived from the integration of various theories, and the scholar establishes himself and governs the way through the sword. Kendo is a derivative of Japanese martial arts, which requires warriors to pursue victory, but not only victory, and its core spirit is expressed in sacrificing oneself for righteousness, bravery and patience, etc. In the technical system, fencing arose in the vast area of China, the technical characteristics of each school and the preferences of folk practitioners are different, there is no one definite style, there is more controversy. Kendo has clear rules and requirements from etiquette to posture, footwork, movement and shouting, but the most obvious feature of Kendo is the middle line attack on the opponent. In the development of the competition, Chinese fencing in recent decades to small scale competitions organized by private groups, although in 2009 began to have official sector involvement, but the actual effect is not obvious. In 1994, the All Japan Kendo Federation released the rules of kendo competition, which are highly standardized and scientific in terms of tournament system, methods, protective gear and scoring, and violations, notably the ranking system and titles of kendo, promoting the development of kendo.
Conclusion, from the process, fencing were discarded, but Kendo, which was in the same period, made a better transition, clearly taking physical education as a breakthrough and schools as a place of development. From the point of view of guiding ideology, the connotation and spirit of the fencing and kendo are generally the same, mainly through things to cultivate mind, and ultimately to achieve the purpose of unity of knowledge and action. From the point of view of the technical system, Kendo has a standardized and unified system, especially its emphasis on the Tao of etiquette and behavior, while the fencing has not established a national standardized and unified technical body. In terms of competition development, there is a special kendo federation in Japan that is coordinating the development, including the development of competition rules and the corresponding ranking system and swordsman titles.
Recommendation, the development of Japanese kendo contains both the development of karate type routines and the development of kendo combat, which shows that budo is a diversified system, but its basic tone is attack and defense fighting as the starting point, which is worthy of our reference. In sports events, the union as the driving point, establish competition rules and supporting grade system, and finally take school education as the way to achieve the real integration of physical education and teaching. The concept of education is to cultivate the martial arts skills of the practitioners through the sport of kendo, to cultivate an excellent personality and educate the whole person through the process of practice, and to integrate patriotic education to achieve the purpose of developing martial arts and education together.


Topic: Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions

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