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Sri Rizki Handayani (a*), Amung Ma^mum (b), Vanessa Gaffar (c), Mustika Fitri (d)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to provide information in the form of a detailed description of the use of a bibliometric analysis approach in developing sports tourism research publication trends. Google Scholar-indexed data is used as the basis of search data articles with the help of Publish or Perish applications. Sports tourism and Raja Ampat as title and abstract search keywords. The article search succeeded in getting 64 articles, with 10 years of publication (2013-2022). The results of the analysis show that the term ^Sport^ is in cluster 1 which has 8 links with a total ling strength of 25 and 12 events. The term ^Tourism^ is in cluster 3 which has 9 links with a total ling strength of 25 and 27 events. The term ^Raja Ampat^ is in cluster 1, and has 9 links with a total ling strength of 48 and 22 events. The development of research for 10 years is quite volatile and is in the low publication category, in 2013 there were 2 publications, increased to 4 publications in 2014, and in 2015 there were no publications. In 2016 there were 9 publications which then decreased to 4 publications (2017-2018), 10 publications (2019), 6 publications (2020), 14 publications (2021), and 10 publications (2022). Therefore, this bibliometric becomes a reference for further research

Keywords: Bibliometrics, Sport Tourism, Raja Ampat, Vosviewer

Topic: Comparative analysis of sport in Asian societies and other sports cultures and traditions

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