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Dilemmas and Responses of Women^s Sports in Asia
Hong Xinying(a).Gao Shiyue(a)

(a)Beijing Sport University,Beijing China


Since the 21st century, with the idea of equal rights for men and women, the status of women in society has been promoted, and the emancipation of women^s thinking has led more and more women to participate in sports activities.However, there are still a series of factors that restrict the development of women^s sports, including the following: 1. Religious constraints:women are prohibited from participating in some sports activities in Asian countries such as Afghanistan and Iran- 2. Decision-making constraints:women lack decision-making status in various sports associations- 3. Traditional constraints:most Asian countries are traditionally male-dominated societies, and women are only a role for the family- 4. National economic allocation constraints:relatively little funding is devoted to women^s sports and to sports for women.5. National socio-economic constraints:most Asian countries are economically backward, and the lack of national construction of sports facilities and education for women has led to low participation of women in sports. The following recommendations are made for the development of female sports in Asian countries: 1. Increase economic investment in women^s sports- 2. Introduce policies related to women^s sports- 3. Increase women^s participation in different levels of sports, such as competitive sports and mass sports- 4. Learn from the beneficial experience of European women^s sports.

Keywords: Asian Women-Women^s Sports-Dilemma-Countermeasures

Topic: Gender and sports in Asian societies

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