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Typology of Electrical Engineering Education Graduates Commitment Who Survive in the Teaching Profession
Yulda Yulda (a), Bambang Trisno (b)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jl. Dr. Setia Budi No.229, Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat. Indonesia


There are 70% of UPI^s electrical engineering education graduates in the 2015-2020 class who did not choose the profession as a teacher. Therefore, this study was made to understand the decisions of graduates who choose to stay in the teaching profession and classified student-teachers based on their levels of commitment to teaching. Then, described this type based on the motivations - social influences when choosing engineering teacher education, and their perception of the engineering teaching profession. Thirty graduates who work as teachers filled out the FIT-Choice survey which has been conditioned according to research. Three graduate types from our results were identified: (1) Fully Committed , (2) Committed Compromisers, (3) Undecided and Uncommitted. The implications of the findings are to become a reference for the curriculum and electrical engineering education program in a way that caters for the needs of students-teacher in each type to increase their commitment to teaching.

Keywords: Teacher- Electrical- Commitment- FIT-Choice

Topic: Technical and Vocational Education

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