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1 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-256

Development of Muvizu-Based Animation Video with Geometrical Spatial Shapes
Rahayu Kariadinata (a), Ahmad Fawaid Ridwan (a*), Juariah (a)

(a) Department of Mathematics Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan Cimincrang, Bandung 40294, Indonesia


Muvizu is software to make 3D animation videos. This study is engaged in mathematics that aims to develop a 3D animation video with Muvizu for describing geometrical spatial shapes. The used method is Borg and Gall research and development. This 3D animation video was build in Muvizu environment studio that combined with some animation maker software. Muvizu-Based animation video has been developed by following the research method and some expert^s suggestions. Thus, Muvizu-based animation video is applicable for describing geometrical spatial shapes.

Keywords: animation video- geometry- software

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2 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-257

Rahayu Kariadinata, Ayun Sri Rahmani*, Yayu Nurhayati Rahayu, Nunung Soebarningsih

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Android Geometry Pad is a dynamic Android application that helps to draw geometrical shapes. The purpose of this study is to show batik patterns with geometrical shapes using Android Geometry Pad. This study uses a simulation method. Android Geometry Pad has some features such as drawing dot, line, triangle, circle, quadrilateral, and can transform those shapes with rotation, reflection, translation, and dilatation. Thus, Android Geometri Pad can make batik patterns with geometrical shapes.

Keywords: Androi, Geometry Pad

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3 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-2

A Review of Structural Health Monitoring System and Application for Railway Bridges
Thiya Fiantika*, Wimpie A N Aspar, Dwi A Purnomo, Willy Barasa, Mulyadi S Harjono

Center of Technology for Transportation System and Infrastructure, BPPT, Jakarta, Indonesia 10340


Reliability and durability of railway bridges have regularly to be monitored. Factors such as construction defects, structural deterioration, material degradation and aging, harsh environmental conditions, changing and increasing loading, as well as extreme events such as natural disasters may contribute to the failure of an infrastructure system to various degrees. Railway bridge structural health monitoring technique is necessary rather than visual inspection alone and it may not be adequate. This study presents a critical review of indirect methods for railway bridge monitoring system. Before installing instrumentations on the bridge, a numerical simulation was performed to have overview of the critical location on the bridge due to actions on existing bridge. This paper provides discussion and recommendations on the challenges to be overcome for successful implementation in practice. This case study may be of useful to practical engineers and researchers.

Keywords: Natural frequency, Stress distribution, Loading standard, Deflection

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4 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-264

Geometric Construction using Compass and Straightedge on Geogebra
Iyon Maryono (a, b *)

(a) Department of Mathematics Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H. Nasution No. 105, Bandung, Indonesia
(b) School of Postragraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudi No. 225, Bandung, Indonesia


Geometric construction is mostly done on engineering drawings. Geometry construction is done manually using a compass and ruler. Geogebra construction can be carried out on geogebra systematically using compasses and straighteners available on geogebra. The purpose of this study is to explore the advantages and disadvantages of doing geometric construction on geogebra. The research method is carried out by adopting a geometric standard construction theory to be applied to geogebra. The experimental results show that there are advantages and disadvantages when doing geometric construction using compasses and straighteners on geogebra.

Keywords: engineering drawing, geogebra, geometric construction

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5 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-11

Virtual Human Modelling for Work Position Improvement in Cutting Process
Winnie Septiani(a*) - Novia Rahmawati (a)- Robby Sebmaldi (a)

a.Teknik Industri, Universitas Trisakti
Jln Kyai Tapa No.1 Grogol Jakarta Barat



Virtual human modeling is one of the effective options to improve work position. Human behavior that is very dynamic in carrying out its work activities can be more easily captured by using this simulation. This study aims to design a work position improvement in the cutting department by using virtual human modeling. The simulation is carried out using a software jack that is integrated with Autocad. The indicators to be evaluated are Low Back Analysis (LBA), Ovako Working Analysis System (OWAS), Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), and Posture Evaluation Index (PEI). Initial identification with Nordic Body Map identified complaints on the right shoulder, back, right upper arm, waist, left knee and right knee. Simulation of the initial conditions using 4 established posture risk indicators shows that the cutting process has a high work risk and needs immediate improvement. Proposed improvements in the form of adding a workbench for cutting operators are evaluated with a software jack simulation. The results show that the LBA, OWAS and RULA indicators are declining. In addition, PEI became smaller than the previous value of 2,726 to 1,592. The results of this evaluation can be taken into account in the company^s decision to add a workbench facility in the cutting process in order to minimize the risk of posture to the operator.

Keywords: Cutting prosess, virtual human modelling, work position, posture risk indicator

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6 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-17

Application of Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Water-Drag of the N219 Aircarft Floater
Sigit Tri Atmaja (a), Rizqon Fajar (b*), Sayuti (b), Sutiyo (c)

a) The Centre of Technology for Thermodynamics, Engines and Propulsion (BT2MP-BPPT), Build 230 Puspiptek, South Tangerang, Banten 15314
b) Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation (PTSPT-BPPT), Build Teknologi 2 Lt 3 Puspiptek, South Tangerang, Banten 15314.
c) Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Marine Science, Hang Tuah University, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim 150, Surabaya


Indonesia is an archipelagic country that needs cheap and fast transportation facilities. One solution is a modified small aircraft with the addition of a pair of floaters for the purpose to float and glide in the waters. At the time of take-off, the aircraft encounters a water-drag that will prevent the aircraft from accelerating, thereby preventing the aircraft from taking off. The purpose of this research is to predict the water-drag of the floater using machine learning, artificial intelligence (ANN). Prediction results are used for the analysis of the thrust required for the aircraft to take off. The ANN architecture used consists of one hidden layer, the activation function used is sigmoid with Adam^s optimization method. The ANN algorithm is run using python-libraries. Water-drag calculation using the ANN model on three floaters with different dimensions shows that the predicted value is close to the target value, obtained from the CFD calculation, where the regression-coefficient is close to 1 with the error approaching 0. Prediction results on water-drag using the ANN model produce accurate values. The use of machine learning ANN in calculating water-drag has also proven to be very fast, thus saving research time and costs.

Keywords: floater, water-drag, ANN, hyperparameter, regression-coefficient

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7 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-18

Current Technology of Biodiesel Fuel Filtration for Removing Water dan Contaminant-A Review
Agus Sartomo (a), Taufik Suryantoro (a), Hari Setiapraja (a), Rizqon Fajar (a), Arie Rahmadi (a)

a) Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)
Gedung Teknologi 2, Lt. 3 Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong Tangerang 15314


The Indonesian government has implemented B-30 fuel nationally in 2020. However, the implementation for sea transportation is still limited due to the quality of biodiesel B-30 which does not meet the specifications for use in marine engines. The existence of extreme conditions during the storage of B-30 causes an increase in the content of water, sludge and other contaminant. Filtration of biodiesel is necessary to protect the engine from being damaged.
The purpose of this study is to review various biodiesel filtration technologies. The study also proposes a B30 filtration design for use in marine engines. The review was carried out on the latest literature related to the filtration system, material, and biodiesel specifications.
There are two types of filtration design for B30, namely a filtration design when B30 is used on the engine continuously and the other when B30 is not used continuously where B30 is in a storage tank for long periods. Both types of filtration systems use three stages of filtration, but in the second type, a purifier is added after the storage tank.
It is recommended to use a multi-stage filtration system to remove water and contaminants when B30 is used in marine engines

Keywords: biodiesel, filtrasi, multi-stage, water-content, marine

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8 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-21

Desinta Dewi Ramadani(a*), Mohammad Bayu Nur Akbar(a*), Putri Angelica(a*), Kushendarsyah Saptaji, PhD. CEng MIMechE. IPP(a), Dr. Cho Lik Chan(b)

(a)Sampoerna University
Lavenue Building, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.Kav. 16, RT.7/RW.9, Pancoran, Kec. Pancoran, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 12780, Indonesia

(b) University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721, United States of America


Innovative and efficient design are some important aspects needed when creating engineering products. In addition, the ease of using the product is also an essential aspect of a product design. This paper aims to fabricate a quick-release hanging hook that operates on a pegboard. The pegboard is hanging horizontally in the ceiling. The hook is expected to install and remove easily from the pegboard^s bottom and carry about 7 kg mass. The hook is initially designed and simulated using Solidworks, printed using the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printing machine, and subsequently tested with a 7 kg hanging mass. The success of the designed hook is determined by the load capacity that can carry by the hook. If the hook can withstand the load, the design will be considered as successful. However, if the hook cannot withstand the load, the design will be considered a failure. The finite element simulation conducted in SolidWorks shows that the proposed hook design can hold the 7 kg mass with slight bending. The experimental result using the 7 kg mass in line with the SolidWorks simulation, which means the proposed hook design withstands the 7 kg hanging mass.

Keywords: Additive Manufacturing- Mechanical Design- Hook- Pegboard- Pegboard Ceiling- Quick-release- Loaded hook- SolidWorks- Finite Element Analysis

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9 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-278

Design and Verification of Cov-Trek Prototype based on Systems Modeling Language(SysML) and Modeling Framework
I Made Suartana(a*), Ricky Eka Putra(b)

a) Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jalan Ketintang Wiyata, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia
b) Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jalan Ketintang Wiyata, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia


COVID-19 is the most massive pandemic that caused the global health crisis in early 2020. The use of information technology as mitigation is one way to respond to this pandemic. In this case, the application of information technology is in Cov-trek. The Cov-trek is an application designed to track a person^s movements. Data tracking is used for initial information when a virus infects someone. Cov-trek is a cloud-based adaptive software as an adaptive application. Cov-trek needs to designed and developed to meet user needs. In software development, the design process determines the quality of the software system. The design process also communicates user requirements to the software developed. The validation process ensures the software meets user requirements. Therefore, the software design and validation process have a critical role in the software development process. SysML is used to accomplish this work, a subset of SysML, an intermediate modeling language is utilized to ensure a progressive transformation that can be understood and agreed upon by system stakeholders.

Keywords: Software design- design and verification- SysML- Modeling Framework

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10 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-279

Work Energy Modeling Link Layer Protocol On TinyOS and TinySec Based Wireless Sensor Networks With LEACH Method
Miftahur Rohman (a*), Farid Baskoro (b), Widi Aribowo (b)

a) Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya. Jalan Ketintang, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia
b) Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya. Jalan Ketintang, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia


Monitoring the activities of the surrounding area using a wireless sensor network is very important to help support human work such as bridge surveillance, agricultural supervision, and others. Wireless sensor networks work in real time requiring a large amount of power source. In order for the wireless sensor network to work optimally and last, it is necessary to minimize the working energy of communication protocols on wireless sensor networks as in this study is a link layer protocol used for savings in the use of resources in wireless sensor network transmission systems. In large-scale use, wireless sensor networks use multiple nodes. In order to use less energy for the most efficient use of wireless sensor networks with many nodes, the most appropriate way to perform a clustering system that divides nodes into groups with each cluster there is a head cluster that serves as a data aggregation in each node member on their respective clusters. In this study the clustering system used the LEACH protocol. If a wireless sensor network uses multiple nodes, it is vulnerable to attack. To provide security in the wireless sensor network used Tiny Sec protocol based Tiny OS. So in performing energy minimization wireless sensor network protocol can also consider the security aspects of the sensor network. The parameters analyzed in this study are the relationship of the use of working energy with the lifetime of the sensor network. The data found in this study is with the addition of Tiny Sec, the power consumption and data used become minimal and the working energy that is able to survive by using 100 nodes and working energy 2 J then the maximum usage time is about 500 seconds.

Keywords: Tiny Sec- LEACH- Energy Minimization- Security Protocol- Clustering

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11 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-280

Online Learning Based on the Viewpoint of Electrical Engineering Department Students
Yuli Sutoto Nugroho (a*), Faried Wadjdi (b)

a) Electrical Engineering Department
Unesa = Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia
b) Electrical Engineering Education Study Program
UNJ = Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia


Online learning has become a new trend during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is clear that these affect a lot of the students. The viewpoints of students from the Electrical Engineering Department (JTE) Unesa are important to increase the quality of online learning in the future. The purpose of this research is to find out the students^ viewpoint regarding (1) online learning that has been running- (2) Eligibility of online learning to continue after the covid-19 pandemic- (3) Student opinion for the improvement of online learning in the future. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, by distributing questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that JTE students are satisfied with the online learning that has been carried out. Therefore, they hope to continue this even though the covid-19 pandemic is over. In conclusion, online learning in JTE has been good even though there are various opinions for future improvements

Keywords: Online Learning, Student Perspective, Covid-19, JTE

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12 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-25

Self-Tunning Fuzzy Based of Exponential Control Switching in Cascade Control System for Robot With Differential Drive
Putra Wisnu Agung Sucipto, Annisa Firasanti, Seta Samsiana, Eki Ahmad Zaki Hamidi

1,2,3, ELectrical Engineering Department, Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi
4, Electrical Engineering Department, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Controlling the robot position using differential drive requires heading and distance adjustment. The robot^s heading is adjusted by maintaining the angle of the robot^s orientation so that it remains directed at the target position accompanied by the action of minimizing the robot^s distance to the stopping terminal point. Maintaining the robot^s heading while maintaining distance to the target at the same time is not an easy task. These two variables need to be controlled so that there is no dominance of the controller response signal so that the response time and transition can be achieved with good conditions. This paper presents a compensator that regulates the heading weight coefficient as a determinant of the activation conditions for the motion command signal. Fuzzy logic is used as the basis of reasoning to compensate control response delay that is channeled to the robot. The PID controller for distance adjustment is connected to this compensator before its output is summed with the heading adjustment PID controller. The simulation results show the efficiency of time and distance traveled as well as the effectiveness of handling movement in dead ends.

Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Compensator, PID, Bow, Distance

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13 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-26

Implementation of Self Balancing Robot Based on The Proportional Integral Differential (PID) Controller Parameter
Eki Ahmad Zaki Hamidi, Mufid Ridlo Effendi, Ahmad Basuni, Muamar Wildan

Electrical Engineering Department, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Self balancing robot has been widely made using several methods such as complementary filters, low pass filters, and kalman filters without using the Proportional Integral Differential (PID) control system. In this research, this robot is built using a Proportional Integral Differential (PID) control system to determine the amount of speed and direction of rotation of a DC motor as a driver, based on the angle of inclination of the robot body to a flat surface. Thus, this two-wheeled robot can maintain its position perpendicular and balance to the earth^s surface on a flat plane. Sensor used in this paper are gyroscope and accelerometer. Moreover, only Y axis is used so that the robot only rotates on that axis. After a serial of testing and experiment, it is found that the robot is balanced with value of Kp 48, Ki. 300 and Kd 2.7 which produce quite good data with small oscillations and amplitude ranges.

Keywords: Robot, Self Balancing, PID

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14 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-282

Setya Chendra Wibawa, Edy Sulistiyo, Annisa Rahmi Nareswari, Eko Handoyo, Joni Susilowibowo, Bachtiar S Bachri

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The 2020 Tokyo Olympics became a moment of athletes^ demonstration in the field of sports. An athlete^s ability is affected by balanced nutritional needs. It takes guidance on athletes and athlete managers to apply balanced nutrition to achieve. The study designed an app that then analyzed its effectiveness in applying balanced nutrition in the form of an android-based^Athlete^s Buddy^ app. The assessment method used in the application^Athlete^s Buddy^ is the ADDIE(Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate)method. The results of the discussion stated that 85% of the application^Athlete^s Buddy^ is very feasible to use. Application testing is based on UTAUT with indicators of understandability, learnability, operability, functionality, content. So it can be concluded that the application^Athlete^s Buddy^ can run well and is expected to be able to help the community and athletes to add their insight, help athletes to control and know the nutrients needed by the body. The implications of this study are the application of digital literacy for athletes in maintaining balanced nutrition.

Keywords: athletes, nutrition, apps, glideapp, android

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15 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-30

Kurnia Fajar Adhi Sukra, Hari Sumartono, Muhammad Novel Hidayat, Ramadhani Deniartio Samanhudi

Laboratorium for Thermodynamics, Engine, and Propulsion Technology, Agency for the Assesment and Application of Technology


Indonesia^s energy needs will continue to increase, especially in terms of gas fuel. To support this, the government is trying to use a converter kit to convert the engine into gas fuel. The existing converter kit uses a mechanical system, to improve the converter kit capability, an electrically based converter kit is developed. To find out the improvement in the ability of the electrically based converter kit, a test was carried out using 3 pairs of engines paired with 3 types of mechanical converter kits and an electrical converter kit. Each engine tested for 50 hours of endurance tests and also performance tests before and after the endurance test. The three engines which is use electrically controlled converter kit showed increased performance. This type of converter kit also provides additional safety, which is when the engine is off the gas will not flow out.

Keywords: gas fuel- electrically controlled converter kit- mechanical controlled converter kit- improved- endurance test- performance test

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16 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-286

Maximum Excess over SubArrays Distance to Assess Creative Thinking
Yeni Anistyasari, Ekohariadi, IGP Asto Buditjahjanto

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Torrance Test Creative Thinking (TTCT) figural form was developed to measure creativity based on Guilford^s theory. This test measures fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration scales. The state-of-the-art assessment involves human raters to judge respondent^s responses to creative thinking tests. Such a judging process is time-consuming and subjective preferences. We, therefore, propose a novel assessment of creative thinking to address the issues, partially for elaboration scales. Elaboration scale is the ability to detail and deepen initial ideas which increase their complexity and improves presentation. In image analysis, this scale is determined by estimating the number of objects in an image. The Maximum Excess over Sub Array (MESA) distance predicts image density values by estimating low-level features and sharing the advantages of general regression-based methods, while also maintaining location information. The maximum counting error performs all rectangular subregions as a learning objective function. The result statistically confirmed that the proposed method has no significant difference from human rater^s judging. In other words, the proposed method is reasonable to judge respondent^s responses to the creative thinking test.

Keywords: automated assessment, creative thinking, supervised learning framework, TTCT

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17 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-31

Crispness of Cassava Chips with Random Shape by Compression Test
Dara Ginanti(a,b), Farid Triawan(a*), Kushendarsyah Saptaji(a)

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University, Jalan Raya Pasar Minggu, 16, Jakarta, 12780, Indonesia.

b) Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 85721, USA


The texture of food is strongly related to its testiness, the most popular term that is used to represent brittleness texture in dry food is crispness. Based on the study by Vickers in 1983, crispiness becomes the most essential quality of crisps that define the enjoyment of the foods. Despite its importance, crispness is still determined qualitatively by human sensory perception in which it is very ambiguous. Thus, a measurement technique to quantitatively define the crispiness level of dry food is needed. This study introduces a measurement technique by means of compression test to quantitatively determine the crispiness of dry food with random shape. The specimen that is evaluated is cassava crisps with three different thickness which is 1 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm. The mechanical parameters that are utilized to express the crispiness level are strain energy and jaggedness of the load-displacement curve. In a strain energy based, the findings says that the thinnest specimen is found to be 29.2% crispier, and the 2 mm one is found to be 16.5% crispier than the thickest one. The errors due to measurement are discussed.

Keywords: Crispiness, Compression test, Mechanical properties

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18 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-32

Cold start ability test for diesel passenger cars using B30 and precipitation in low ambient temperatures
Ihwan Haryono1,*, Muhammad Ma^ruf1, Siti Yubaidah1, Budi Rochmanto1, Hari Setiapraja1, Rizqon Fajar2, Maharani Dewi Solikhah3

1 The Centre of Technology for Thermodynamics, Engines and Propulsion (BT2MP)
Bd. 230, Puspiptek area, Setu, South-Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, 15314
2 Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation (PTSPT)
Bd. Teknologi 2, 3rd floor, Puspiptek area, Setu, South-Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia 15314
3Laboratory for Fuel Technology and Design Engineering (BTBRD) Bd. 480, Puspitek, Setu, South-Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia 15314
Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)


Based on the Indonesian road map on achieving the use of renewable energy, the use of 30% biodiesel (B30) has been applied nationally. B30 is a mixture of 70% diesel-30% biodiesel with mono-glyceride content of 0.5%. Determination of this value was to prevent the effects of biodiesel precipitation if exposed to low temperatures which is feared to cause filter blocking so that the vehicle difficult to start. A field test have been conducted to determine the effect of low ambient temperature on B30 precipitation and the ability of diesel vehicles to start. The test used 2 sets diesel-engine passenger vehicles, each fueled by B0, B30 from a mixture of diesel (B0) and B100 with 0.4% and 0.5% mono-glyceride. Before the test, the test vehicle was soaked for 3, 7, 14 and 21 days in an ambient temperature close to the cold flow properties of biodiesel. The results show no difference in starting time between pure diesel fueled vehicles (B0) and B30, for both 0.4 and 0.5% mono-glyceride content. All vehicles can be turn on immediately of around 1 second. The precipitation test showed a difference of precipitates filtered between B0 and B30, soaking time did not affect precipitates formed.

Keywords: palm oil biodiesel- cloud point- precipitation- mono-glycerides- start ability

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19 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-46

Design Conceptual of Monitoring and Limited Access System Laboratories Based on IoT in The New Normal Conditions
Rina Mardiati, Nanang Ismail, Adam Faroqi, Mufid Ridlo Effendi

Department of Electrical Engineering
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia


Today, Indonesia must ready for the new normal condition since pandemic COVID 19. The new normal condition makes several changes in many fields of life, such as in the campus environment. In the campus environment, laboratory systems generally use conventional security. These conventional systems cannot make restricted access for the visitor automatically. This paper proposes a conceptual design of a laboratory access restriction and monitoring system based on IoT in order to optimized the usage with due observance of health protocols. This system can help the laboran to monitor and supervise the visitor who access the laboratory remotely.

Keywords: Monitoring, Access System, IoT

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20 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-50

Structural Design of Massage Chair made of Cardboard Materials
Siti Zulaikah (a), Farid Triawan (a*), Djati Wibowo (a), Yusuf Romadhon (b), Dede Sukayat (b)

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University
Jalan Raya Pasar Minggu 16, Jakarta 12780, Indonesia
b) PT. Tri-Wall Indonesia
Kawasan Industri Terpadu Indonesia-China (KITIC), West Java 17330, Indonesia


Massage is one of the oldest healthcare of scientific physical therapy practices to relieve tension by hands-on or touch sensitivity. In the 1980s, a massage chair was introduced to provide a similar massage sensation when a person sits on it. However, nowadays, a massage chair is quite expensive and categorized as a luxury device. Moreover, it has several technical problems such as tough maintenance and difficult mobility due to heavyweight. For this reason, the purpose of this work is to design a massage chair made of corrugated cardboard materials. As the first prototype, the product is designed to give a reflexology massage and reclinable. The product is expected to be environmentally friendly, lightweight (portable), low price, handy and foldable. As a result, the proposed design will consist of six main components made of corrugated cardboard materials. The reflexology massage function is given by solid rubber balls attached to the recliner and seater parts. Discussion on its design procedure is provided in this paper

Keywords: massage, chair, cardboard, structural design, reflexology

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21 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-58

Smartphone-Based Application to Control TV Using IoT Technology
Nathan Rizqi Evandi(a), Hanif Fakrurroja(b), Nanang Ismail(a*)

a) Departement of Electrical Engineering, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung,
Jl. AH Nasution No. 105 , Cibiru, Bandung 40614, Indonesia
b) Technical Implementation Unit for Instrumentation Development, Indonesian Institute of Science,
Jl. Cisitu, Sangkuriang ,Bandung 40135, Indonesia


Internet of Things (IoT) technology can connect various household devices through the internet network. This technology can help monitor and control devices in the home, so efficiency can occur. This paper discusses the design of a smartphone-based application that can control television via the internet. This system uses a NodeMCU microcontroller to control infrared-based TV remotes. In addition, NodeMCU can read real-time Firebase databases connected to smartphone applications built using the Flutter framework. The developed application has functions that resemble the function of a TV remote in general. In addition to having commands such as a TV remote, the application also has additional features such as ^go-to channel^, ^turn off timer^, and ^volume preset^. Commands given through the UI of the app are stored in Firebase. The NodeMCU executes the command and transmits it with an infrared signal. The command has the form of a Boolean variable. The test results show that the system can execute every command from HP with an average execution time of 880ms

Keywords: Smartphone application, TV Remote , IoT, NodeMCU

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22 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-59

Muhammad Penta Helios (*,a, b, c), Achmad Maswan (c), Andhy Muhammad Fathoni (c), Himawan Sutriyanto (c), Wanchai Asvapoositkul (d)4

(a) The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut^s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, 10140, Thailand

(b) Center of Excellence on Energy Technology and Environment, PERDO, King Mongkut^s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, 10140, Thailand

(c) Laboratory of Thermodynamics, Engines and Propulsion Technology, Agency for the Assesment and Application Technology (BPPT), Serpong, 15314, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: muhammd.penta[at]bppt.go.id

(d) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut^s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, 10140, Thailand


A numerical study of energy dissipation due to throat shape was carried out from entropy generation perspective. This study was aimed to analyze source of energy dissipation in term of entropy generation in the throat section of water jet pump by varying throat-entry angle, which started from throat-entry to middle throat length of original constant area of throat. The original throat shape had been varied from 1º to 4º, which represented combination of constant pressure and constant area shape of throat. The results concluded that the changes of throat-entry angle increased the entropy generation rate significantly, which corresponded to jet pump performance reduction. This occurred due to recirculation flow phenomena prior entrance to constant area of throat. Furthermore, an improvement had been applied by reducing the middle section of throat diameter about 12.3%, which known as continuous momentum rate change throat. The jet pump performance increased about 3.5% with corresponding to decreased entropy generation about 11.7%.

Keywords: Energy dissipation, entropy generation, water jet pump, throat-entry angle.

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23 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-62

Development of Autonomous Robot Using Fuzzy-logic Inference System (FIS) for Indoor Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection
Adven Simarmata*, Tiara Kusuma Dewi, Muhamad Rausyan Fikri, Kushendarsyah Saptaji

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University. South Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Information System, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University. South Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia


In the situation of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, a solution to disinfect public rooms in a faster and more effective way is needed. This paper presents a design of an autonomous robot that can avoid obstacles in an unknown environment using a Fuzzy logic controller as the initial step to develop autonomous UV disinfection robot. The advantage of using a Fuzzy logic controller for the obstacle avoidance algorithm in the robot is the more effective respond in avoiding static and dynamic obstacles. The Fuzzy logic controller enables the robot to vary the speed of the right and left wheels depending on the distance of obstacles at the front, left, and right. Therefore, the robot could vary both the degrees and speed when it turns away from the obstacles according to the rule base made. Hence, implementing Fuzzy logic in the obstacle avoidance algorithm can increase the effectiveness of the robot in avoiding obstacles, thus make the robot reach the target faster. The experimental result shows that the robot prototype can avoid the obstacles at the front, left, and right, with various turning angle and speed depending on the distance of obstacles.

Keywords: Autonomous robot- Fuzzy logic- Obstacle avoidance- UV disinfection

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24 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-74

Application of House of Quality in Assessment of Biodiesel - Diesel Fuel Blending Technologies
Maharani Dewi Solikhah, Feri Karuana, Bina Restituta Barus, Khairil Amri, Andrias Rahman Wimada, Arie Rahmadi

Laboratory for Fuel Technology and Design Engineering, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Build. 480, PUSPIPTEK, South Tangerang, Banten, 15314, Indonesia


Biodiesel has gained attention for the substitution of diesel fuel due to its advantages as a renewable and low emission fuel. Currently, biodiesel is used as a mixture with diesel fuel to obtain a certain volume percentage. However, some biodiesel characteristics are different from diesel fuel and should be considered to get a homogeneous and accurate blending, such as density and viscosity. The essential aspect of biodiesel - diesel fuel blending is the mixing method. Several mixing methods include inline blending with a static mixer, in-tank blending, in-truck blending, and in-vessel blending, which have advantages and disadvantages according to capacity, time consumption, and homogeneity. This work aims to conduct a technology assessment by applying a house of quality (HOQ) matrix developed in a case study of biodiesel - diesel fuel blending system, especially to produce B30. The HOQ provides a comparative analysis and identification of specific characteristics in the blending system to meet the customer expectations, supported by a simulation using computational fluid dynamics software at favourable blending methods. The analysis shows that inline blending with a static mixer is recommended as the best method to obtain a homogeneous mixture of biodiesel and diesel fuel.

Keywords: Biodiesel, blending technology, homogeneity, house of quality

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25 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-75

Strength Investigation of Petroleum Storage Tank Structure Under Hydrostatic Load Using Finite Element Method
Ilham Akbar Adi Satriya (*), Raden Wibawa Purabaya (**), Fadilah Hasim (***)

National Laboratory for Aerodynamics, Aeroelastics, and Aeroacoustics Technology, Agency for The Assessment and Application of Technology
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK, Gd. 240, Tangerang Selatan 15314, Indonesia


This paper reports the strength investigation of a petroleum storage tank structure under hydrostatic load using the finite element method.
A premium storage tank has been built in an oil refinery complex. The tank diameter is 40730 mm with a wall height of 16460 mm. The tank is designed to keep the petroleum liquid until a level of 14503 mm. The wall of the tank is consists of several ring-shaped course plates made of steel plates that are formed by a welding process. The first course plate or course 1 is attached to the base. Course 2 then is welded above course 1, continued by course 3, 4, and so on until there were 7 ring-shaped course plates formed the wall of the tank.
Once the tank is completed then water is pumped into it and tested by loading it with water until the level of HHLL (High-High-Liquid Level). The tank kept the water for a couple of days as a functional test. Measurement and observation then were carried out after having pumped out the water and the tank become empty. The measurement was focused on the diameter and observation was to the foundation of the tank. The tank was found to be deformed and showed deviation from a perfect circle. On the other hand, there were also some settlements of foundation detected near the tank^s bottom edges.
Due to this fact, this paper presents the results of the finite element analysis of the storage tank structure using the finite element method after deformed by a functional test. The analysis was carried out to see the effect of stress and deformation on changes in tank shape and settlement of the foundation (tank base). Furthermore, the factor of safety will be calculated by comparing the properties of the material with the maximum stress that occurs in the structure. The structure will be said to be safe if the value of the factor of safety is more than one.

Keywords: Storage load- Petroleum tank- Hydrostatic- Finite element method.

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26 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-82

Machine Learning for Insulator: A Systematic Literature Review
Nike Sartika- Yuda Sukmana- Lia Kamelia

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Insulator is an important part of the power transmission and distribution systems because its running conditions will directly affect the whole power grid^s normal operation. Monitoring the condition of electrical insulators is critical for ensuring reliable power transmission and distribution. In conventional methods, transmission systems inspection heavily relies on human operations. Nowadays, image processing and Machine Learning (ML) have applied for a wide number of outdoor insulator inspection applications to further enhance vision-based inspection techniques. This study uses a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to further understand machine learning applications for insulators including its used data/metrics and used models/algorithms. Several steps are taken to produce related articles. There are twenty-six research articles that related to research questions, then reviewed. It can be concluded that machine learning is applied in the insulator to monitor its conditions of the physical and electrical characteristics like surface condition, insulator recognition, fault diagnosis, defect detection, and so on. Image data is the most used data/metrics in the application of machine learning for insulators obtained by capturing or recording or modeling. The common models/algorithms that are used are Deep Learning (DL) such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Faster R-CNN and Supervised Learning (SL) such as Support Vector Machine (SVM).

Keywords: machine learning, insulator, systematic literature review

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27 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-88

Bounce, Pitch, and Roll Modal Analyses of Electric Trike
Robby Dwianto Widyantara (a), Djati Wibowo Djamari (b), Farid Triawan (b), Bentang Arief Budiman (a,c*)

(a) Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No. 16, Jakarta 12780, Indonesia
(c) National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


To provide comfort and ease of control for its passengers and driver, a ride and handling analysis of a three-wheeled electric vehicle called E-Trike is required. This work aimed to improve E-Trike ride and handling by analyzing the bounce, pitch, and roll frequencies which eminently represent E-Trike dynamical performance. We developed a simplified mathematical model of E-Trike consisted of front suspension, body, and rear suspension. Modal analysis was performed on the model to find the bounce and pitch frequencies of E-Trike at empty and fully loaded conditions. A finite element model of the swingarm assembly was developed to analyze its torsional stiffness and determined the E-Trike roll frequency. The results showed that the bounce and pitch natural frequencies were too far from each other, which increase the risk of resonance. Meanwhile, the roll frequency was too high, causing a low roll-damping ratio which makes the E-Trike oscillates a lot during a turn. Setting the total stiffness of 54 N/mm and 60 N/mm for the front and rear suspensions, respectively, and changing the bushing material of the swingarm from nylon to rubber were suggested to improve E-Trike stability and lower the roll frequency.

Keywords: Electric vehicle, Modal analysis, Vehicle ride and handling, Suspension system

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28 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-95

Measurement of CFRP Electric Conductivities by Four-Wire Probe and Two-Wire Probe
Henokh Budijanto, Bentang Arief Budiman, Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio

Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia


This paper introduces four-wire probe and two-wire probe methods to find the CFRP electric conductivity value. The conductivity of CFRP has orthotropic properties. Therefore, it is interesting to find the conductivity of CFRP in weft, warp, and thickness directions. To determine the conductivity value of CFRP, experiments were carried out using a two-wire probe and four-wire probe method. The difference between these two methods is the number of electrodes used in the measurement. The four-wire probe method, which uses four electrodes, has different resistance networks, thus yielding different characteristics compared to the two-wire probe method. Data processing was carried out, and the conductivity value was then obtained using the developed equations. The conductivity values obtained from the four-wire and two-wire probes were then compared. The results showed that the conductivity value by using a two-wire probe might not be accurate compared to the four-wire probe method. In the two-wire probe, there is contact resistance that can affect the measurement results. However, two-wire probe method has a simple experimental setup compared to four-wire probe method. Furthermore, the advantages of each method were comprehensively discussed.

Keywords: CFRP, conductivity, resistance, four-wire probe, two-wire probe

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29 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-103

Autonomous Mobile Robot Localization using Markov Decision Algorithm
Glenn Hanaya Sitompul (a*), Muhamad Rausyan Fikri (b), Ignatius Budi Susanto Hadisujoto (c), Iwan Setiawan (d)

a.) Mechanical engineering, Sampoerna University
b.) Information systems, Sampoerna University
c.) Mechanical engineering, Sampoerna University
d.) Information systems, Sampoerna University


Localization is one of the fundamental problems of autonomous robot. This problem is basically related with determining the position of a mobile robot from sensor data. However, mostly solution to localization problems is passive, meaning, they do not manage the opportunity of controlling robot^s effectors during localization. This paper proposes an active localization approach, which is Markov localization. Markov localization provides rational criteria for setting the robot^s motion direction (exploration) and determining the pointing direction of the sensors to localize the robot most efficiently. Furthermore, it can deal with noisy sensors and approximative world models, which is far more beneficial. The data of our approach demonstration is taken using a mobile robot in a structured environment- therefore, it is assured.

Keywords: Localization, Autonomous solution, Task Scheduling

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30 Symposium on Advance of Sustainable Engineering ABS-106

Combination of Polyaniline and Graphene Oxide as Counter Electrode Composite in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Risa Rahmawati Sunarya(a*)- Alvian Ikhsanu Fatya(b)- Veinardi Suendo(b)- and Rahmat Hidayat(c)

(a)Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
(b)Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Research Division, FMIPA, Institut Teknologi Bandung
(c)Magnetic and Photonic Physics Research Division, FMIPA, Institut Teknologi Bandung
*Email: risarahmawatis[at]uinsgd.ac.id


The usage of polyaniline (PANI) and graphene oxide (GO) composites film as a counter electrode in DSSC was demonstrated. PANI was prepared using a rapid mixing method at 0 C for 24 hours. While GO was synthesized using sonication-assisted oxidation of graphite. PANI and GO were blended to produce PANI/GO composites. PANI/GO composites were deposited on synthetic graphite substrate laminated onto glass and applied as the counter electrode of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). PANI and GO have electrostatic interaction, phi phi stacking interaction and hydrogen bonding that accelerate charge transfer in the counter electrode. The optimum performance was obtained for PANI/GO of 3:1 w/w. Here, fill factor (FF), open circuit current (Voc), optimum short circuit current density (Jsc) and overall conversion efficiency (PCE) under AM 1.5 100 mW cm-2 illumination are 43,2%, 0.64 Volt, 7.308 mA.cm-2, and 2.25%, respectively. PANI GO composites were characterized using Raman spectrometer, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and solar simulator.

Keywords: Dye-sensitized solar cells, emeraldine salt polyaniline, chemically-exfoliated graphene oxide, PANI/GO composite, Platinum-free counter electrode.

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