Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions Contain Environmental Literacy to Grow Students Collaborative Skills Novi Rukhyatul Alawiyah, Asep Supriatna, dan Sumar Hendayana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
This research, entitled ^Development and Implementation of Sharing and Jumping Task Learning Designs on the Topic of Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions Contain Environmental Literacy to Grow Students^ Collaborative Skills^, aims to develop the lesson design of sharing and jumping task learning designs and grow collaborative skills of students during learning through the implementation of the learning design. This
research is motivated by the demands of 21st century learning, one of which is that students can develop collaborative skills. Based on the researcher^s field study learning in school has been students centered but has not been implemented properly, has not been able to improve collaborative skills, and the material is not yet contain environmental literacy. The method used in this research is qualitative. The instruments used are rubrics for assessing the concept of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions in textbook and ebook, interview guidelines, rubrics for studying RPP used by teachers, validation sheets learning design, LKPD, as well as data collection on learning through audio and video recordings and learning observations converted into transcripts. The results of the learning design are obtained which are composed of student situations/issues/problem, predictions of student responses, and anticipation/teacher assistance which are designed for three stages, namely introduction, core activity, and closing. The profile of collaborative skills that grow in the implementation of sharing task is indicators 1 dan 2 with a percentage of 100% each, and the jumping task is indicator 1 with a percentage of 82,35%.
Keywords: Electrolytes and nonelectrolyte solutions, collaborative skills, sharing and jumping task.